2020/11/10 アルメニアとアゼルバイジャンが完全停戦合意(アルメニア-アゼルバイジャン戦争)

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Eurasia Watcher @eurasia_watcher

謝罪声明を出したのはアゼルバイジャンの外相らしい。RT mobile.twitter.com/ELINTNews/stat…

2020-11-10 02:42:49

#BREAKING: Azerbaijan Foreign Ministry announces Azerbaijan “accidentally” shot down Russian Mi-24 military helicopter

2020-11-10 02:26:59
Eurasia Watcher @eurasia_watcher

念のため補足ですが、一連の報道を見る限り、ロシア軍ヘリが撃墜されたのはアルメニアのYeraskhの上空。なのでロシア機のアゼルバイジャン側への領空侵犯というわけではない。ロシアが発表してアゼルが謝罪ということで事実なのだろうけど、アゼル側は何故こんな愚かなことを。 pic.twitter.com/fnfsVdViP0

2020-11-10 02:47:28
Eurasia Watcher @eurasia_watcher

アゼルバイジャン側の謝罪声明の続き。 ・低空飛行で防空レーダーで分からなかった(?) ・ロシア軍機はこの辺を普段飛ばない ・戦争の緊張状態もあって、現場が撃つことを判断 mobile.twitter.com/Caucasuswar/st…

2020-11-10 02:51:33
CaucasusWarReport @Caucasuswar

“Why did the Azerbaijani soldier fire? -The helicopter was flying low, the air defense radars were outside the detection area. -The Russian Air Force usually doesn’t fly in this region. - With the rising tension, the soldier decided to shoot .” Azerbaijan Foreign Ministry twitter.com/kamerknc/statu…

2020-11-10 02:47:54
Eurasia Watcher @eurasia_watcher

ひとまずまとめると、 ・アルメニア西部(ナヒチェヴァン側)でロシア軍ヘリが撃墜されて二人死亡 ・ロシア国防省がこれを認める ・アゼルバイジャン外相が誤射を認め、謝罪 ・ロシアは参戦するよりこれを外交カードに使って、南カフカスでの影響力の確認しそう 以下を参照 RT mobile.twitter.com/eoas_info/stat…

2020-11-10 03:02:22
JSF @rockfish31


2020-11-10 03:08:01
カタールの猫 @Qatar_Cat


2020-11-10 03:23:12
Eurasia Watcher @eurasia_watcher


2020-11-10 03:26:33
リンク 時事ドットコム ロシア軍ヘリ撃墜を謝罪 アルメニア領でアゼルバイジャン:時事ドットコム 【モスクワ時事】ロシア国防省によると、ロシア軍のMi24ヘリコプターが9日、アルメニア領内で撃墜され、2人が死亡した。アルメニアと軍事衝突するアゼルバイジャンが誤って撃墜したと認め、ロシアに謝罪した。 1 user 8
Eurasia Watcher @eurasia_watcher

ここ半日ほどで、ロシア空軍がカスピ海周辺で随分増強されているという情報。事実確認も含め、続報待ち。事実だとすればどういうつもりなのか。RT mobile.twitter.com/ASBMilitary/st…

2020-11-10 03:48:26
Eurasia Watcher @eurasia_watcher

アゼルバイジャン外相の公式謝罪声明やっと見つけた。内容はほぼ先ほどつぶやいた通り。RT mfa.gov.az/en/news/7025/v…

2020-11-10 04:03:22
Rob Lee @RALee85

Azerbaijan's Haqqin reports that a joint statement by Putin, Aliyev, and Pashinyan is being prepared that will call for a truce. They report that Armenia will withdraw from Kelbajar, Lachin, and Aghdam and Baku will keep the terrain it has seized. 1953/ haqqin.az/news/193491

2020-11-10 06:44:07
Rob Lee @RALee85

1954/ twitter.com/atanessi/statu…

2020-11-10 06:50:39
Grigor Atanesian @atanessi

Spotted by @barabanch: vice speaker of the Ulianovsk Oblast legislature claims the 31st Air Assault Brigade of the Russian Airborne Troops "is heading to Nagorno-Karabakh." IMPORTANT: no official confirmation of this so far, just one regional legislator's Instagram Story. pic.twitter.com/pRhtkGXeNn

2020-11-10 00:40:47
Rob Lee @RALee85

That same vice speaker later clarified that he didn't have any information that they were actually going to Karabakh, but heard some of the soldiers talking about Karabakh. 1955/ kommersant.ru/doc/4565475#id…

2020-11-10 06:54:06
CaucasusWarReport @Caucasuswar

President of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan: Dear compatriots, sisters and brothers. I personally made a very hard decision for me and all of us. I have signed a statement on the termination of the Karabakh war with Russian and Azerbaijani presidents from 01.00 pm.

2020-11-10 06:56:25
ASB News / MILITARY〽️ @ASBMilitary

BREAKING: Armenian Prime Minister Pashinyan declares that he signed a statement with the presidents of Azerbaijan and Russia to end the war in Karabakh.

2020-11-10 06:56:36
CaucasusWarReport @Caucasuswar

The text of the statement that has already been published is unbelievably painful for me and our people. I made that decision as a result of a deep analysis of the military situation and appreciation of the people who have the best possession of the situation.

2020-11-10 06:57:16

#UPDATE: Initial unconfirmed video of Armenian forces launching an Iskander short-range ballistic missile at Azerbaijani targets. A significant escalation of the conflict if confirmed. pic.twitter.com/k9QplVhrOO

2020-11-10 06:57:56
CaucasusWarReport @Caucasuswar

Also based on the belief that this is the best solution in the situation created. I'll write a message about it in the coming days. It's not a victory, but there's no defeat until you know yourself. We will never know ourselves and this should be the start of our national unity

2020-11-10 06:58:46
Rob Lee @RALee85

Statement from Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan on signing a truce with Azerbaijan (English is from Google Translate). 1956/ facebook.com/nikol.pashinya… pic.twitter.com/Z0PjpDpkfR

2020-11-10 06:59:27
CaucasusWarReport @Caucasuswar

rebirth era. We need to analyze our years of independence to plan our future and not repeat the mistakes of the past. I kneel down to all our victims. I bow down to all our soldiers, killers, generals, volunteers who protected and protected their homeland with their lives.

2020-11-10 06:59:30
Rob Lee @RALee85

So now the report that the Russian VDV's 31st Air Assault Brigade could be on its way to Karabakh makes some sense. They may be headed there as peacekeepers. 1957/ pic.twitter.com/e0guZI6ZXO

2020-11-10 07:07:38
JSF @rockfish31


2020-11-10 07:07:55

#UPDATE: Explosion reported in Azerbaijani capital of Baku minutes ago

2020-11-10 07:09:00
JSF @rockfish31


2020-11-10 07:10:08
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