
ロックンロール備忘録 @Applepopz

クリントン元大統領(ヒラリーの夫)が今もアラブ人とイスラエル人の紛争が続くパレスチナ訪問時に アラブの子供40人とイスラエルの子供40人と ジョンレノンのImagineを歌ってるんだけど 1アーティストが作った曲でこんな政治的に意味を持つ曲ないよなあ ちゃんと歌詞覚えてればもっと意味あったかもな pic.twitter.com/Bw5x1GDCfz

2020-11-02 20:55:00
ロックンロール備忘録 @Applepopz

■ロックンロールの最高なシーン⑫ 忌野清志郎が中学生の頃からずっとリスペクトしてた ジョンレノンのImagineを日本語カバーしてるんだけど ジョンの元の歌詞 「You may say I'm a dreamer(君は僕を夢想家だと思うかい)」 に対しアドリブの最後で 「違う、君はひとりじゃない」 と清志郎が叫ぶシーン pic.twitter.com/lXPjJbsEv3

2020-09-27 20:55:00
John Lennon @johnlennon

Happy Birthday @EricClapton Seen here playing 'Yer Blues' as part of the #PlasticOnoBand with John & Yoko, Klaus Voormann and Alan White at the 'Rock and Roll Revival Concert' at Varsity Stadium, Toronto in 1969. pic.twitter.com/hR5ZC63CYL

2020-03-31 01:26:29
John Lennon @johnlennon

JOHN LENNON. INSTANT KARMA! (WE ALL SHINE ON) GIMME SOME TRUTH. THE ULTIMATE MIXES. AVAILABLE NOW: bit.ly/JL-GST Listen to John Lennon like you never heard him before. #GIMMESOMETRUTH #LENNON80 pic.twitter.com/hfxjOPB08P

2020-10-12 20:40:06
John Lennon @johnlennon

‘I think our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think that’s what I sussed when I was 16 and 12 way down the line but I expressed it differently all through my life. It’s the same thing I’m expressing all the time' → johnlennon.com #GIMMESOMETRUTH pic.twitter.com/KwFHfsNOz0

2020-10-06 23:38:26
BBC Archive @BBCArchive

#OnThisDay 1940: John Lennon was born. Here's a rare clip from 1968 after his National Theatre play opened. He spoke to 'Release' about his writing process and his lack of faith in all governments. pic.twitter.com/3ILs9DtqJv

2020-10-09 16:30:00
マチルダ @BkdrXMoAFkbdU6c

音楽寅さん[IMAGINE] 第三弾!寅さんやってほしいなぁ pic.twitter.com/T9kCGN1zvY

2016-08-07 22:21:35
U2 @U2

‘India taught us this song….’ Giving peace a chance in Mumbai, on the final night of The Joshua Tree Tour. #u2 #thejoshuatreetour2019 #mumbai #givepeaceachance pic.twitter.com/zwA6P00eqU

2019-12-21 01:06:21

Watch an exclusive archived interview of John Lennon talking about his childhood and relationship with his parents. #ClassicAlbums pic.twitter.com/dapOc67b6A

2017-05-29 06:00:03

If you haven't seen this documentary yet, you NEED to set your DVR for TUES 10/9c! #DocsThatRock pic.twitter.com/ES9jJ59QMs

2017-11-30 05:00:02
John Lennon @johnlennon

JOHN LENNON. GIMME SOME TRUTH. THE ULTIMATE MIXES. The Very Best of John Lennon. 36 tracks completely remixed from the original multitracks. Listen to JOHN LENNON like you never heard him before. OUT NOW ON SPOTIFY → johnlennon.lnk.to/GSTStreaming pic.twitter.com/0AADuaMopq

2020-10-16 00:57:23
Paul McCartney @PaulMcCartney

A sad sad day but remembering my friend John with the great joy he brought to the world. I will always be proud and happy to have known and worked with this incredible Scouser! X love Paul #JohnLennon 📷 by Linda McCartney pic.twitter.com/oNL0ihzhvl

2020-12-08 22:03:40
二十世紀少女 @20ct_sohjo

「イマジン」 歌:ジョン・レノン  作詞曲:John Lennon・Ono Yoko ※ ジョンは完成当時 "やっとイエスタデイ(ポール作)みたいな良い曲ができた" と喜んだそうです。 @retoro_mode pic.twitter.com/CGSFBMpUBK

2020-12-08 20:43:37
Jason King @PVKingz

Goodnight from me 💫🌙 / Good morning to you 🌼☀️ Remembering John Lennon... in 1983 Bowie performed “Imagine” on the anniversary of his death, December 8th, 1980. “Imagine” (live 1983) #BowieForever #JohnLennon pic.twitter.com/C1Xkcx9wKV

2020-12-08 15:12:50
Rolling Stone @RollingStone

Three days before he died, John Lennon talked with ‘Rolling Stone’ for nine hours. Read the extraordinary interview here rol.st/3mYg6cT pic.twitter.com/4rQNOdDWFF

2020-12-08 23:01:39
UltimateClassicRock @UltClassicRock

In addition to Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr, family members shared tributes to the fallen legend: ultimateclassicrock.com/john-lennon-de…

2020-12-09 07:16:38
Rolling Stone @RollingStone

John Lennon: A Special Tribute 40 Years After His Death on Dec 8, 1980 rol.st/36Tia07

2020-12-09 08:17:27
uDiscoverJP:音楽サイト @uDiscoverJP

12月8日はジョン・レノンの命日 享年40。今日で亡くなって40年です ━━━ 【特集】ジョン・レノンのソロ楽曲ベスト20:どんなアーティスト達よりも、自伝的だった名曲達 udiscovermusic.jp/playlists/john… ━━━ #ジョンレノン #JohnLennon

2020-12-08 00:00:03
BBC Archive @BBCArchive

#OnThisDay 1980: John Lennon was shot dead in New York. That night, Stevie Wonder stunned a concert audience with the news that shocked the world. pic.twitter.com/lU5zoHypP1

2020-12-08 18:44:00
ニューズウィーク日本版 @Newsweek_JAPAN

1980年12月8日、ジョン・レノンが「神」になった日【没後40周年特集より】……80歳まで生きようと語っていたヨーコとジョン。その願いを断ち切った悪夢――衝撃の事件を報じた当時の記事を再録(本誌「ジョンのレガシー」特集より) newsweekjapan.jp/stories/cultur… #ジョン・レノン命日

2020-12-09 11:20:01