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地球にVote! @vote_4_earth

あなたのまちをゼロカーボンシティに--2050年までにCO2排出実質ゼロをめざすまちを増やそう via @GreenpeaceJP greenpeace.org/japan/sustaina…

2020-10-16 22:17:56
Kimiko Hirata 平田仁子 @kimihirata

市川市が環境基本計画・地球温暖化対策実行計画を改定作業中でこれから5-10年の方向性を決める予定(パブコメ中:〜10/19)。これは気候変動対策の時間軸を考えるととっても重要。本件について明日17日のオンラインイベントはこちら。 ichikawapower.com/2020/10/09/eve… 市の意見募集 city.ichikawa.lg.jp/env01/11110002…

2020-10-16 12:46:37
地球にVote! @vote_4_earth

2050年までに温室効果ガス(CO2)排出量実質ゼロを目指す「ゼロカーボンシティ」に取り組むことを表明します/加賀市 👏 city.kaga.ishikawa.jp/shisei_gikai/s…

2020-10-15 23:04:59
地球にVote! @vote_4_earth

政治家の会派や派閥の争いで、気候変動対策が遅れているのであれば、これは本当に許されないことだと思います! www2.jcp-tokyo.net/e-suzuki/archi…

2020-10-15 22:52:15
リンク www2.jcp-tokyo.net 狛江市気候非常事態宣言の採択をー498名の市民が市議会に陳情 | 鈴木えつお 日本共産党 狛江市議会議員 10月8日の本会議で「狛江市非常事態宣言の採択を求める陳情」(増田善信氏他497名)の討論採決が行われ、日本共産党4人、立憲民主党2人、平井里美議員、松崎淑子議員が賛成しましたが、自民5人、公明4人、吉野芳子議員、三宅眞議員が反対し否決されました。
地球にVote! @vote_4_earth

岩手県宮古市 宮古市気候非常事態宣言を行いました 👏 city.miyako.iwate.jp/kankyo/kikouhi… #ハッシュタグ

2020-10-15 22:47:17


XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

ケビン・アンダーソン ”英国CCCの第6次炭素予算報告書が出たばかりだが、ここに英国をパリ公約から脱輪させ今日の排出削減をサボらせそうな、「実質ゼロ」遅延がどう行われるかを説明する要約がある。” twitter.com/KevinClimate/s…

2020-12-13 13:27:20
Kevin Anderson @KevinClimate

Hot on the heels of the @theCCCuk 6th carbon budget report, here's a summary of how 'net-zero' delays action to cut emissions today, putting the UK on a pathway to fail on its Paris commitments. climatechangenews.com/2020/12/11/10-… @BBCJustinR @MattMcGrathBBC @adamvaughan_uk @fionaharvey

2020-12-11 22:57:50
Kevin Anderson @KevinClimate

Hot on the heels of the @theCCCuk 6th carbon budget report, here's a summary of how 'net-zero' delays action to cut emissions today, putting the UK on a pathway to fail on its Paris commitments. climatechangenews.com/2020/12/11/10-… @BBCJustinR @MattMcGrathBBC @adamvaughan_uk @fionaharvey

2020-12-11 22:57:50
Dan Calverley @dancalverley

I must admit, I'm stumped how @theCCCuk can claim to link its pathway with a temperature target. "We do not attempt to use...global budgets to derive the UK’s emissions pathway in this advice", on p.371 of theccc.org.uk/wp-content/upl… Without using a budget, what's the link to 2°C? twitter.com/KevinClimate/s…

2020-12-10 04:06:53
Kevin Anderson @KevinClimate

1/ The Govt's committee on climate change has added its 6th budget period on the pathway to ‘net-zero’ by 2050. But @theCCCuk suggests it's not possible to convert Paris 1.5-2°C into UK mitigation, as the minister asked for: assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/upl… & planb.earth/wp-content/upl…

2020-12-10 03:42:00
Kevin Anderson @KevinClimate

5/The huge difference between @theCCCuk &our analysis arises from their: 1) being guided by politically expediency, 2) deep reliance on future generations deploying negative emission technologies, 3)assuming a disproportionately large slice of the global carbon budget for the UK.

2020-12-10 03:42:02
Kevin Anderson @KevinClimate

4/ If all nations were similarly to exceed their fair Paris-compliant carbon budget, total global emissions would align with warming closer to 3°C than 2°C. theecologist.org/2020/jun/08/be…

2020-12-10 03:42:02
Kevin Anderson @KevinClimate

3/ In a recent paper we estimated the cumulative emissions implied by @theCCCuk ‘net-zero’ pathway as being around 9GtCO2 (not GHGs). This is 2 to 3 times larger than our estimate of the UK’s fair Paris-compliant carbon budget (2.7-3.8GtCO2 from 2020). tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.108…

2020-12-10 03:42:01
Kevin Anderson @KevinClimate

2/I find it disturbing @theCCCuk has adopted the climate sceptic ruse of "it’s too uncertain" (Ch8/3/c) as an excuse for not aligning its advice with the Paris 1.5-2°C commitments. Another “discourse of delay” – i.e. “push non-transformative solutions”? cambridge.org/core/journals/…

2020-12-10 03:42:01
Kevin Anderson @KevinClimate

1/ The Govt's committee on climate change has added its 6th budget period on the pathway to ‘net-zero’ by 2050. But @theCCCuk suggests it's not possible to convert Paris 1.5-2°C into UK mitigation, as the minister asked for: assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/upl… & planb.earth/wp-content/upl…

2020-12-10 03:42:00
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