
まとめ 【センス - 不吉な予感】ポリコレ西洋ゲーム記者達はフェミ達の脅迫を捏造呼ばわりするが、製作者達は証拠を見せる。 ゲーム関連のニュースサイトの大多数は完全にアカヒ状態。 29327 pv 194 11 users 7
<レイフォース> @rayforcegame

ポリコレの理不尽な要求は拒絶しなくちゃダメという動きが出始めたということでしょうか? サイバーパンクゴーストストーリー、「過度に性的」「違法」だの殺害予告まであったそうですが、明確に 【ゲーム内容は規制しない。クリエイターには表現の自由がある】と宣言。1月7日、スイッチにて発売予定 twitter.com/nichegamer/sta… pic.twitter.com/u1PHwdAefk

2021-01-02 05:21:15
Niche Gamer @nichegamer

Top Hat Studios state they "categorically refuse" to censor Sense: A Cyberpunk Ghost Story, after the spread of false information about the game and death threats against the developer. Read more: nichegamer.com/2021/01/01/top… pic.twitter.com/0A2Fh60TcS

2021-01-02 04:50:15
<レイフォース> @rayforcegame

the-game.glitter-cube.jp/rpg/sense-%E4%… 少し追伸。日本語版は『センス – 不吉な予感』という名前で、既にWindows版がsteamで買えるみたいですね。 「ロックタワーと零シリーズより着想を得て制作された2.5Dホラーゲーム」なのだとか。

2021-01-02 05:29:24
Top Hat Studios, Inc. @TopHatStudiosEN

OFFICIAL STATEMENT REGARDING CALLS DEMANDING CENSORSHIP OF SENSE - 不祥的预感: A CYBERPUNK GHOST STORY Our commitment to our audience and to developers is we will never infringe on creative freedom or expression. pic.twitter.com/VV5IcGbJ7P

2021-01-02 03:15:43



⚡Game*Spark⚡ @gamespark

サイバーパンク+中国伝承ホラー『Sense - A Cyberpunk Ghost Story』幽霊マンションに囚われた美少女除霊ADV【爆速プレイレポ】 gamespark.jp/article/2020/0…

2020-08-29 19:05:04


andiwilllookup @susannarose99

@nintendolife The world of gaming exists for men’s fantasies.

2020-12-31 18:27:52


Julie Ann Richards همبستگی با زنان 🌻 @sapphofem

@nintendolife what misogynist hell is this - these hyper sexualised images are not appropriate and can lead to different forms of sexual violence. Please sort this out.

2020-12-31 19:15:06


Julie Ann Richards همبستگی با زنان 🌻 @sapphofem

@NoriyukiWorks83 @2_face0 @nintendolife It is creating a hyper sexualised image of women which distorts reality, and some men cannot distinguish between fantasy and reality; also we all know that children can access such content. My point is these hyper sexualised images are harmful to society in general.

2021-01-01 20:04:56


The Cat From Mars #FBPE #Rejoin Answers to Puss. @TheCatFromMars

@nintendolife Probably easier to animate a female character if you've actually spoken to a human woman before.

2020-12-31 10:00:56


Miriam @BruerMorris

@nintendolife What a travesty to represent women with these cartoons. A young man's fantasy. Horrible

2020-12-31 18:44:38



🌿🐸 sherbsville 🌻🐝 @sherbsvilletv

@nintendolife oh yay, another game where women gave massive breasts for the sake of it. how awesome

2020-12-30 23:35:26


Jayvir @JVir66

@nintendolife That lady on the left must have some severe back issues

2020-12-30 23:32:22


DarrellRivers @NiceBeaver48

@nintendolife So glad my sons don't use Nintendos - and never will, now. Truly pathetic.

2020-12-31 21:10:55


Mostly Sunny @Mostly__Sunny

@nintendolife This is just unbelievable- what is WRONG with you Nintendo???

2020-12-31 18:30:16
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