
S-o-n-y-a🦋🌹✝️ @cranberrybalsam

@ericginter @MelissaManns16 @DustinGCollins @christina_bobb Exactly! Pelosi called for “recess” and right after that when this took place.. most Democrats were running around while the Republicans were still SEATED wondering what’s going on!! They knew it or at least some did.

2021-01-10 21:01:02

ここまでくると大人による子供「いじめ」だな(苦笑) twitter.com/tarteauxpeche/…

2021-01-10 17:59:36
有本 香 Kaori Arimoto @arimoto_kaori

トランプ大統領に近い政治家やキャスターらのツイッターアカウントにも異変が起きている。フロリダ選出のマット・ギーツ下院議員や、FOXのアンカーでベストセラーの著者でもあるブライアン・キルミードのアカウントは、半日で数万単位のフォロワー減。自然減と見るには明らかに無理のある減り方。 twitter.com/mattgaetz/stat…

2021-01-10 17:30:00
Matt Gaetz @mattgaetz

Started the day at 892k. Currently 856k and dropping. twitter.com/kilmeade/statu…

2021-01-09 14:57:37
🇯🇵紅葉🗣🗣 @kureha6296

なんでだよ💢 バロン君何もしてないだろ! Twitter社いい加減にしろ😤 pic.twitter.com/gyrsjBG0Ub

2021-01-10 15:42:37
Sean Parnell @SeanParnellUSA

Every Democrat should be joining with Republicans to say that this absolute monopoly on the dissemination of political speech controlled by colluding tech giants is a threat to our republic. Censoring law abiding individuals & businesses for ‘wrong think’ is anti-American. twitter.com/claytravis/sta…

2021-01-10 12:14:46
Clay Travis @ClayTravis

Big tech companies all simultaneously reaching exact same decisions when it comes to banning individuals & businesses demands antitrust action. It’s monopolistic collusion, yes, but it also destroys marketplace of ideas & is a far bigger threat to the country than any individual.

2021-01-10 12:04:54
Tim Young @TimRunsHisMouth

Amazon will no longer host Parler on its servers... this is absolutely antitrust collusion based on politics...

2021-01-10 11:39:23
Grace Lidia Suárez @gracels

@christina_bobb @EdwardARowe1 I watched the whole video. I think they were leading them *through* the building. Plan failed when they closed the back doors too soon.

2021-01-10 09:13:58
Liridon K @liridon_k

@christina_bobb @DuconPelot regarde ici, la police a eu pour ordre de les laisser entrer.. pendant ce temps là, une équipe prends les pc.. pendant qu’ils évacuent la salle

2021-01-10 07:48:22
Secretary Pompeo @SecPompeo

Today, I am lifting all self-imposed restrictions on executive branch agencies’ interactions with their counterparts from Taiwan. This action will benefit both of our great democracies. go.usa.gov/xAQbn

2021-01-10 06:10:05
Alison 🇺🇸 @lubin_alison

@christina_bobb @JackPosobiec Heck I woulda walked in too thinking how cool to be in there. Politicians don’t mention they were invited in?

2021-01-10 03:27:47
jess @jess67715842

@chilid19 @christina_bobb @JesseBWatters @DanaPerino I’m praying that some of the capital police come forward with the truth.

2021-01-10 01:36:50
Eric G @ericginter

@MelissaManns16 @DustinGCollins @christina_bobb Pelosi was out before this too. Seemed like one group rushed out from the left and another group stayed behind as if some were in the know and some weren’t.

2021-01-09 21:44:08
Elle Ralston @Elle68401613

@christina_bobb Several off duty police officers were there and flashed badges to get inside. Once the doors were open they all filed in. Other videos show extreme attacks, massive crowds breaking windows, attacking police, one officer got crushed by 100’s trying to break down doors.

2021-01-09 18:55:12
FBI Washington Field @FBIWFO

The FBI joins our partners in expressing our heartfelt & sincere condolences to the U.S. Capitol Police regarding the loss Officer Brian Sicknick. Our thoughts are with his family & colleagues during this time. twitter.com/TheJusticeDept… pic.twitter.com/WZIXOThwhI

2021-01-09 14:30:53
Justice Department @TheJusticeDept

Statement of Acting Attorney General Jeffrey A. Rosen on the Death of U.S. Capitol Police Officer Brian D. Sicknick justice.gov/opa/pr/stateme…

2021-01-09 01:23:05
Ellie Mae @MelissaManns16

@DustinGCollins @christina_bobb Yes! I was watching and VP Pence was gone BEFORE this happened!

2021-01-09 12:51:50
Tom Fitton @TomFitton

Coup. But corrupt left media doesn't care about leftists destroying our constitutional structure and literally encouraging military opposition to a sitting president. Will any House member call on Pelosi to step down or be impeached? twitter.com/ABC/status/134…

2021-01-09 12:17:50

In extraordinary move, Speaker Pelosi says she reached out to Chairman of the Joint Chiefs to discuss "available precautions" for preventing what she called "an unstable president" from accessing nuclear launch codes or initiating military hostilities. abcn.ws/2JXtDmJ

2021-01-09 03:06:23
有本 香 Kaori Arimoto @arimoto_kaori

昨晩、トランプ大統領の最後のツイートを、最後になるとは知らずに引用リプライしていた。そのスクリーンショットを残しておこう。北朝鮮に浚われた私たちの同胞を、中国に蹂躙されるウイグル人を、いずれも助けようと奮闘してくださった、偉大なるアメリカ大統領への感謝と敬意の表現として。 pic.twitter.com/8mjMjXoHuj

2021-01-09 12:16:29
Millie Weaver 🇺🇸 @Millie__Weaver

Notice he organized BLM/Antifa to storm the Capitol on the 6th later then "catch and released" pic.twitter.com/0MvK8AdIiY

2021-01-09 11:05:20
mei @mei98862477

ペロシの机でくつろいだ男 リチャードバーネットはペロシの私立議会事務所の椅子に座っている写真の人物 彼は金曜日の朝、アーカンソー州ベントン郡保安官事務所に出頭してます 米国のビル・ロング議員(共和党)宛てのペロシの事務所からの手紙を盗んだとされている lawofficer.com/man-who-lounge…

2021-01-09 11:05:12
Donald Trump Jr. @DonaldJTrumpJr

Free Speech Is Under Attack! Censorship is happening like NEVER before! Don’t let them silence us. Sign up at DONJR.COM to stay connected! If I get thrown off my social platforms I’ll let you know my thoughts and where I end up. pic.twitter.com/bO7wbfWWVr

2021-01-09 10:57:56
Sara A. Carter @SaraCarterDC

Twitter just removed @POTUS statement as @TuckerCarlson was reading the tweet

2021-01-09 10:33:35
生貝直人 / Naoto Ikegai @ikegai

ついにプラットフォームは母国政府の権力をオーバーライドした?/Twitter、トランプ米大統領のアカウントを永久停止: 日本経済新聞 nikkei.com/article/DGXZQO…

2021-01-09 09:50:43
Ricky_Elwood @David_R_Stanton

マーク・レビンのアカウントは生きていたが… 「私はツイッターのファシズムに抗議するため自分のツイッターアカウントを停止しました。フォロワーの皆さんはパーラーとランブルで私に合流してください」 ツイッターではこれ以上の更新は行わないそうです。 twitter.com/marklevinshow/…

2021-01-09 09:16:06
Mark R. Levin @marklevinshow

I have suspended my own Twitter account in protest against Twitter’s fascism. I ask all my followers to join me now on Parler and Rumble. parler.com/profile/Markle… rumble.com/MarkLevinShow

2021-01-09 08:50:13
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