
@James05440357 1-10-2021

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Powerisknowledge can play. @James05440357

The amount of planning that has gone into this is insane but he truly is a 5D chess player and no situation has come up ever that was not already planned for.

2021-01-09 16:52:44
Powerisknowledge can play. @James05440357

The amount of planning that has gone into this is insane but he truly is a 5D chess player and no situation has come up ever that was not already planned for.

2021-01-09 16:52:44
Powerisknowledge can play. @James05440357

Most of the power grid has been heavily insulated to the point the bigger cities should be safe from EMP. Trump has had this prep going 24/7 since the first day in office. There will be hick ups but nothing major or for long periods.

2021-01-09 16:49:34
Powerisknowledge can play. @James05440357

Most of the power grid has been heavily insulated to the point the bigger cities should be safe from EMP. Trump has had this prep going 24/7 since the first day in office. There will be hick ups but nothing major or for long periods.

2021-01-09 16:49:34
Powerisknowledge can play. @James05440357

Very stupid to take them. We also have 3 carrier groups in the Gulf , China sea regions. These are to stop any would be invaders. You should also know this is why the wall was important and was rushed.

2021-01-09 16:45:52
Powerisknowledge can play. @James05440357

Very stupid to take them. We also have 3 carrier groups in the Gulf , China sea regions. These are to stop any would be invaders. You should also know this is why the wall was important and was rushed.

2021-01-09 16:45:52
Powerisknowledge can play. @James05440357

There is no set timeline but it has started. The boss is being censored. He has info that will end all those who are looking to take over the country. If you still have net you will see we have navy fleets on both coasts. Nancy has been offered 250k UN troops.She would be

2021-01-09 16:45:52
Powerisknowledge can play. @James05440357

There is no set timeline but it has started. The boss is being censored. He has info that will end all those who are looking to take over the country. If you still have net you will see we have navy fleets on both coasts. Nancy has been offered 250k UN troops.She would be

2021-01-09 16:45:52
Powerisknowledge can play. @James05440357

If you were in DC on the 6th you are well aware they have jammers that will stop phone signal flat. EBS goes right through that so dont worry.

2021-01-09 16:38:51
Powerisknowledge can play. @James05440357

If you were in DC on the 6th you are well aware they have jammers that will stop phone signal flat. EBS goes right through that so dont worry.

2021-01-09 16:38:51
Powerisknowledge can play. @James05440357

I understand that people are date shy but I don't and never have done booms or said tomorrow. Things are always in flux so no one should have a clue until event starts. Freewill is awesome but it can suck at times. Do what you can. Stay calm and have faith.

2021-01-09 16:35:39
Powerisknowledge can play. @James05440357

I understand that people are date shy but I don't and never have done booms or said tomorrow. Things are always in flux so no one should have a clue until event starts. Freewill is awesome but it can suck at times. Do what you can. Stay calm and have faith.

2021-01-09 16:35:39
Powerisknowledge can play. @James05440357

As I said this is still pregame. When everything goes down or EBS comes on then its game on.

2021-01-09 16:31:01
Powerisknowledge can play. @James05440357

As I said this is still pregame. When everything goes down or EBS comes on then its game on.

2021-01-09 16:31:01
Powerisknowledge can play. @James05440357

The broadcast will be on radio, tv, phone, watches etc. Anything that can recieve a signal. Make sure you enable civ2(amber alerts) if you have disabled it.

2021-01-09 16:29:39
Powerisknowledge can play. @James05440357

Expect the best outcome plan for the worst.

2021-01-09 16:27:38
Powerisknowledge can play. @James05440357

President and family are fine. No one will get anywhere near him. He literally has a small army of Marines guarding them.

2021-01-09 16:26:52
Powerisknowledge can play. @James05440357

If you've been following me a bit you should have a 3 day headstart so please use that to help others.

2021-01-09 16:25:07
Powerisknowledge can play. @James05440357

I have 450 notifications so I may be awhile getting to you. I have a a thread pinned to my page if you haven't seen it yet.

2021-01-09 16:24:16
Powerisknowledge can play. @James05440357

There will be a huge amount of power and phone crews out so hopefully if you go down you won't be for long.

2021-01-09 16:21:53
Powerisknowledge can play. @James05440357

@robnker All comms will work until the President gets on to talk. At that point it should all drop pretty quick. He will then use EBS to address everyone.

2021-01-09 16:21:03
Powerisknowledge can play. @James05440357

@RoyalcoachPeg I wish I had something bigger to type on so I could answer faster. Please pass the info forward.

2021-01-09 16:18:47
Powerisknowledge can play. @James05440357

@PatriotTamTam No one is invisible unfortunately. No matter if you have a VPN or not everyone has enough tech to be easily located if they wanted. That is what we are stopping. Tech firms will be ours, as in all Americans.

2021-01-09 16:17:20
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