@James05440357 1-10-2021

Powerisknowledge can play. @James05440357

Things have been redirected. Event has been delayed. Please be on guard and ready if the events from today start to happen once again. Pay attention to troop movements in your area. If troops are near you please let ppl know.

2021-01-09 23:52:36
Powerisknowledge can play. @James05440357

Soon (today or tomorrow) if you speak out against election results or against the left you will be labeled a terrorist looking to incite violence. Soon the left will show their true nature. In the next few days they will go full communist turning on their base.

2021-01-09 18:00:53
Powerisknowledge can play. @James05440357

And on and on. You have been lied to all your life. That ends here.

2021-01-09 17:33:24
Powerisknowledge can play. @James05440357

How it has worked for 30 years is DS funds terrorist, we fight terrorist, we die they make money. They increase their control over you by fear. Fear and guilt are their two biggest weapons. Why do you think the PC movement started? Control through guilt. Dont agree? Your sexist..

2021-01-09 17:30:22
Powerisknowledge can play. @James05440357

Iran, not so much. This is the reason we have not had a war. Trump will not sell his people. He wants everyone home. He does not want one American to die in a war for money. He is the only president in my lifetime that feels that way.

2021-01-09 17:26:42
Powerisknowledge can play. @James05440357

Obama and Clinton along with others sold state secrets and nuclear materials to Iran and NK advancing their ability to make bombs by 10 years min. Trump knew this and talked with Kim and Trump pulled the deep state off Kim and in response Kim blew up their lab and nukes.

2021-01-09 17:24:14
Powerisknowledge can play. @James05440357

This has been planned for almost 30 years but this was the one and only time that an advantage was found that gave us the upper hand. If this had not have happened and Hillary took the office we would be in the middle of a nuclear war with NK. That is the honest truth.

2021-01-09 17:18:42
Powerisknowledge can play. @James05440357

It is not the whole country against us but rouge elements of them but with enough intell to stop counters in their tracks. They all spy on us that our CIA buys that intell and uses it against us.

2021-01-09 17:15:23
Powerisknowledge can play. @James05440357

It is not the whole country against us but rouge elements of them but with enough intell to stop counters in their tracks. They all spy on us that our CIA buys that intell and uses it against us.

2021-01-09 17:15:23
Powerisknowledge can play. @James05440357

There have been attempts to stop the corruption before but we have 5 countries special services working against us. UK, AUS, Israel, Germany and Canada. It is called the 5eyes.

2021-01-09 17:13:05
Powerisknowledge can play. @James05440357

There have been attempts to stop the corruption before but we have 5 countries special services working against us. UK, AUS, Israel, Germany and Canada. It is called the 5eyes.

2021-01-09 17:13:05
Powerisknowledge can play. @James05440357

This has went on for years. They made drugs that make you sick, and cures that make you sick with something else. Big Pharma calls a lot of the shots. We as Americans are lucky to see 10% of what our country makes per year. It lines the pockets of the government on both sides

2021-01-09 17:09:25
Powerisknowledge can play. @James05440357

This has went on for years. They made drugs that make you sick, and cures that make you sick with something else. Big Pharma calls a lot of the shots. We as Americans are lucky to see 10% of what our country makes per year. It lines the pockets of the government on both sides

2021-01-09 17:09:25
Powerisknowledge can play. @James05440357

I know some may not want to hear this and may not believe it but starting in 2000 if not earlier our president's and most of our government have been selling America to the highest bidder. They sold our military for wars, our best food and clothing and worse our land.

2021-01-09 17:06:36
Powerisknowledge can play. @James05440357

I know some may not want to hear this and may not believe it but starting in 2000 if not earlier our president's and most of our government have been selling America to the highest bidder. They sold our military for wars, our best food and clothing and worse our land.

2021-01-09 17:06:36
Powerisknowledge can play. @James05440357


2021-01-09 16:58:14
Powerisknowledge can play. @James05440357


2021-01-09 16:58:14
Powerisknowledge can play. @James05440357

Salty is down but he is looking into gear where he will have perm station up. Once he returns I will pass forward. If you know of a station that is up pass that forward also please.

2021-01-09 16:56:16
Powerisknowledge can play. @James05440357

Salty is down but he is looking into gear where he will have perm station up. Once he returns I will pass forward. If you know of a station that is up pass that forward also please.

2021-01-09 16:56:16
Powerisknowledge can play. @James05440357

Know God and be at peace. I do not know the plans of God but I wouldn't want anyone else but him and Trump guiding me right now.

2021-01-09 16:54:17
Powerisknowledge can play. @James05440357

Know God and be at peace. I do not know the plans of God but I wouldn't want anyone else but him and Trump guiding me right now.

2021-01-09 16:54:17
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