Voiceflow #VFV2 まとめ

Voiceflowの新機能発表イベント #VFV2 のまとめです。
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kun432@VFJUG🇯🇵 @kun432

4つのキーエリア。Documentation&Design / Protyping&User Testing/ Designer&Developer handoff。最後聞きとれなかった #VFV2_JP #VFJUG

2021-02-23 04:11:51
Patrick Doyle @Deccopainting

#VFV2 nice to see that you are working on going across various platforms. Future looks bright.

2021-02-23 04:12:37
Alex English @alexenglishsays

The #VFV2 starting now. Over 1000 followers have joined. Learn more about the #voicefirst revolution and what @VoiceflowHQ is bringing to the party. #voiceflowHQ pic.twitter.com/ci319zcH1K

2021-02-23 04:12:37
Sean McManus | Tech Writer @musicandwords

Attending the online launch of #vfv2 by @VoiceflowHQ. Particularly interested to hear it is going beyond voice apps into channels such as web chat. #NoCode #LowCode

2021-02-23 04:13:00
Voiceflow @VoiceflowHQ

"Every conversation is different, but every conversation needs structure." @whatsupanna starts things off in the design & documentation section. #VFV2 pic.twitter.com/L2S8uyG3RB

2021-02-23 04:13:31
VoiceInformer @VoiceInformer

#VFV2 I have been waiting for this for a year and half!

2021-02-23 04:14:21
Audiobrain @audiobrain_ny

Watching @VoiceflowHQ's V2 event- very exciting! Great announcements and it's only been 12 minutes so far! Just started so not too late to join in! #VFV2.

2021-02-23 04:14:50
Voiceflow @VoiceflowHQ

💻 What do conversation designers need? @whatsupanna shares our thinking. #VFV2 pic.twitter.com/DKWz3Axcqc

2021-02-23 04:17:01
kun432@VFJUG🇯🇵 @kun432

線がまっすぐにひけるようになってる! #VFV2_JP #VFJUG pic.twitter.com/HjrYvXNb8l

2021-02-23 04:17:04
kun432@VFJUG🇯🇵 @kun432

コンテキストを扱えるのはVoiceflowの強いところだな #VFV2_JP #VFJUG

2021-02-23 04:20:34
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