
U.S. Department of Justice @TheJusticeDept

Ph.D. Chemist Convicted of Conspiracy to Steal Trade Secrets, Economic Espionage, Theft of Trade Secrets and Wire Fraud justice.gov/opa/pr/phd-che…

2021-04-23 03:55:00
Charles R. Smith🔹 @softwarnet

#china justice.gov/opa/pr/phd-che… Ph.D. Chemist Convicted of Conspiracy to Steal Trade Secrets, Economic Espionage, Theft of Trade Secrets and Wire Fraud Stole secret formula details from... (wait for it)... THE COCA COLA COMPANY

2021-04-23 04:00:00
mei @mei98862477

盗んだ、腐食を防ぐBPAフリーコーティング技術を使い、中国でパートナーの威海金泓高分子有限公司とビジネスを立ち上げ稼ぐ予定でしたが御用に 報告書によると威海金泓グループは犯人が2018年に「千人計画」への参加申請をした際にスポンサーとなっています 🇺🇸司法省の声明☟ justice.gov/opa/pr/phd-che…

2021-04-24 11:28:40
艦長(日本大丈夫か!?) @excelsior2479

アメリカテネシー州で、中国系アメリカ国籍の女性シャノン・ユーことシャオロン・ユー博士がコカ・コーラ社、イーストマン・ケミカル社勤務時に缶飲料の内側に塗布されるコーティング剤の企業秘密を盗んだ罪で有罪となった。 justice.gov/opa/pr/phd-che… こんなのが日本にはごろごろ居るんだよ!

2021-04-23 09:45:24
marumaru7492 @marumaru7492

NASAの上級科学者は、中国の千人計画への参加と教授職に関連する虚偽の陳述を行ったことに対して有罪を認めます Senior NASA Scientist Pleads Guilty To Making False Statements Related To Chinese Thousand Talents Program Participation And Professorship justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/s…

2021-01-15 20:17:44
Eimi1003 @Eimi1003

米テネシー州にて。 企業秘密を盗んだ経済スパイの女性が陪審員により有罪判決に。 女性は中国系米国籍のXiaorong You(通名Shannon You)。 コカ・コーラ社とイーストマン社勤務時に、飲料の缶に使われている科学物質に関する企業秘密を盗んでいました。 justice.gov/opa/pr/phd-che…

2021-04-23 09:33:50
360MediaX @360mediaX

Ph.D. Chemist Convicted of Conspiracy to Steal Trade Secrets, Economic Espionage, Theft of Trade Secrets and Wire Fraud dlvr.it/RyDq9c

2021-04-23 04:25:34
The Alex Nowrasteh @AlexNowrasteh

This is obviously a serious crime, but can anybody make the case that this economic espionage or trade secret is a national security threat? justice.gov/opa/pr/phd-che… pic.twitter.com/LWi7Ta2vSR

2021-04-23 04:43:36
Virgil Bierschwale @VBierschwale

How is importing the best and brightest benefiting Americans in America? justice.gov/opa/pr/phd-che…

2021-04-23 05:05:25
Massah D @klonokid

Ph.D. Chemist Convicted of Conspiracy to Steal Trade Secrets, Economic Espionage, Theft of Trade Secrets and Wire Fraud | OPA | Department of Justice justice.gov/opa/pr/phd-che…

2021-04-23 05:10:00

Ph.D. Chemist Convicted of Conspiracy to Steal Trade Secrets, Economic Espionage, Theft of Trade Secrets, and Wire Fraud ow.ly/ZGi950EvwhQ

2021-04-23 05:30:04
Global Awareness 101 @Mononoke__Hime

Following a 12-day trial, Dr. Xiaorong You, aka Shannon You, 59, of Lansing, Michigan, was convicted of conspiracy to commit trade secret theft, conspiracy to commit economic espionage, possession of stolen trade secrets, economic espionage, and wire fraud justice.gov/opa/pr/phd-che…

2021-04-23 05:32:12
Commander JusticeSeeker @CommanderBliss

“[Shannon] You stole valuable trade secrets related to formulations for... (BPA-free) coatings for the inside of beverage cans. ...granted access to the trade secrets while working at The Coca-Cola Company ...and Eastman Chemical Company in Kingsport, TN. justice.gov/opa/pr/phd-che…

2021-04-23 05:32:36
Wendy 🐾 ♥️🇺🇸 🇺🇦✌ @wlfbfly

Ph.D. Chemist Convicted of Conspiracy to Steal Trade Secrets, Economic Espionage, Theft of Trade Secrets and Wire Fraud. R&D Cost to develop products estimated $120,000,000. justice.gov/opa/pr/phd-che…

2021-04-23 05:33:09
Bill Bishop @niubi

"You and her Chinese corporate partner, Weihai Jinhong Group, received millions of dollars in Chinese government grants (including a Thousand Talents Plan award)" - Ph.D. Chemist Convicted justice.gov/opa/pr/phd-che…

2021-04-23 05:36:00
CIS UGANDA @cisuganda

Ph.D. Chemist Convicted of Conspiracy to Steal Trade Secrets, Economic Espionage, Theft of Trade Secrets, and Wire Fraud ow.ly/ZGi950EvwhQ

2021-04-23 05:36:44
CIS OPS @cis_ops_

Ph.D. Chemist Convicted of Conspiracy to Steal Trade Secrets, Economic Espionage, Theft of Trade Secrets, and Wire Fraud ow.ly/ZGi950EvwhQ

2021-04-23 05:37:00

PhD chemist stole trade secrets to set up a company in China and received millions of dollars in Chinese government grants to support the new company, including a Thousand Talents Plan award. justice.gov/opa/pr/phd-che…

2021-04-23 05:45:33
Trishie @wpatricia910

Ph.D. Chemist Convicted of Conspiracy to Steal Trade Secrets, Economic Espionage. Worked for the Coca Cola CO. In GA. justice.gov/opa/pr/phd-che…

2021-04-23 05:47:19
Barndoor Strategy @Barndoor_Strat

If this is happening the US - which other countries are experiencing state-sponsored Chinese espionage @ChinaResearchGp ? justice.gov/opa/pr/phd-che…

2021-04-23 05:50:01
Christopher Peacock @SecurePeacock

Ph.D. Chemist Convicted of Conspiracy to Steal Trade Secrets, Economic Espionage, Theft of Trade Secrets and Wire Fraud | OPA | Department of Justice justice.gov/opa/pr/phd-che…

2021-04-23 07:15:57
🇺🇸JenniferCatherine🇺🇸 @Decertify__2020

Ph.D. Chemist Convicted of Conspiracy to Steal Trade Secrets, Economic Espionage, Theft of Trade Secrets justice.gov/opa/pr/phd-che…

2021-04-23 07:43:49