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 若者運動 Young Movements

Greta Thunberg @GretaThunberg

School strike week 144. We are asking the EU commission to #WithdrawTheCAP . We cannot afford 7 more years of environmental- and climate destruction. #MindTheGap #climatestrikeonline #fridaysforfuture #FaceTheClimateEmergency pic.twitter.com/Iv5j541Fj1

2021-05-21 20:42:00
Greta Thunberg @GretaThunberg

Tomorrow @Ahl_Alexander_ @AldeFermskog @AntonFoley4 and I will have a meeting with Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven to discuss the climate- and ecological emergency.

2021-05-03 17:17:10
Greta Thunberg @GretaThunberg

"Instead of acting, many governments are choosing to shoot the messenger, by criminalising nonviolent protest. As scientists, we have a duty to stand with the activists who are paying attention to the science, rather than these governments" theguardian.com/environment/20…

2021-05-01 16:19:33
Greta Thunberg @GretaThunberg

Older people need to make sacrifices to protect the future, says @TimmermansEU vice-president of the EU commission. It's hopeful when politicians are slowly starting to speak more realistic about the climate crisis. theguardian.com/environment/20…

2021-05-01 02:45:47
Greta Thunberg @GretaThunberg

School strike week 141. On a clearcut in central Sweden that belongs to the Church of Sweden. #ArborDay #MindTheGap #climatestrikeonline #fridaysforfuture #FaceTheClimateEmergency pic.twitter.com/vNhonMWQz0

2021-04-30 23:41:49
Greta Thunberg @GretaThunberg

”Germany's Constitutional Court ruled Thursday that the country's 2019 climate protection act is in part unconstitutional.” Everywhere around the world we see layer upon layer of incomplete targets and insufficient action. Little by little it’s starting to become exposed. twitter.com/dwnews/status/…

2021-04-30 02:04:24
DW News @dwnews

Germany's Constitutional Court has ruled that the country's 2019 climate protection act is in part unconstitutional following a complaint by a coalition of climate activists, including Fridays for Future. dw.com/en/german-clim…

2021-04-29 16:55:04
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

グレタ・トゥーンベリ ”私たちが地球の生命の将来を護るために社会システムと思考様式を変えることができると考えることが「ナイーブ」なのだとすれば、「気候リーダー」たちが提唱する「実質ゼロ」が私たちを救ってくれると期待するのはなんて呼べばいいのでしょう?” #目的とのギャップに注意 twitter.com/GretaThunberg/…

2021-04-27 13:06:18
Greta Thunberg @GretaThunberg

If believing that we can change our system and our way of thinking in order to safeguard future living conditions for life on earth as we know it is considered “naive”, then what do you call believing that “net zero” from these “climate leaders” will save us? #MindTheGap twitter.com/ENERGY/status/…

2021-04-24 04:38:57
Greta Thunberg @GretaThunberg

If believing that we can change our system and our way of thinking in order to safeguard future living conditions for life on earth as we know it is considered “naive”, then what do you call believing that “net zero” from these “climate leaders” will save us? #MindTheGap twitter.com/ENERGY/status/…

2021-04-24 04:38:57
U.S. Department of Energy @ENERGY

Together with Canada, Norway, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, we're announcing a new international coalition - the Net Zero Producers Forum - dedicated to developing long-term strategies to reach global net-zero emissions.

2021-04-23 22:01:37
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

グレタ・トゥーンベリ ”そう、大胆で意味のある気候アクションにつながる機会は無数にある。 けれど私たちがそれを生存に関わる危機ではなく、「ひとつの機会」としか捉えないうちは、この苦境から抜け出すことはできないでしょう。 危機を危機として扱わなければ危機は解決できません。” twitter.com/GretaThunberg/…

2021-04-27 13:20:47
Greta Thunberg @GretaThunberg

Yes, there are countless opportunities connected to taking real, bold climate action. But as long as we only treat it as “an opportunity” rather than the existential crisis it is we won’t get out of this mess. We can’t solve a crisis without treating it like a crisis. #MindTheGap pic.twitter.com/gKey016ndz

2021-04-24 03:06:15
Greta Thunberg @GretaThunberg

Yes, there are countless opportunities connected to taking real, bold climate action. But as long as we only treat it as “an opportunity” rather than the existential crisis it is we won’t get out of this mess. We can’t solve a crisis without treating it like a crisis. #MindTheGap pic.twitter.com/gKey016ndz

2021-04-24 03:06:15
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

気候変動から「目をそらすな」 グレタさん、米議会で証言:時事ドットコム jiji.com/jc/article?k=2… @jijicomより

2021-04-24 00:35:04
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

グレタ・トゥーンベリ ”今ある最良の科学と、不十分で仮想的な「気候目標」を比べてみれば、ギャップがあり失われた何十年もの時間があることがわかります。 このギャップを見据えない限り、本当の解決策は見えないでしょう。みんなで「クソッタレ」と叫ぼう。” #目的とのギャップに注意 twitter.com/GretaThunberg/…

2021-04-27 13:26:56
Greta Thunberg @GretaThunberg

When you compare the overall current best available science to their insufficient, hypothetical "climate targets" you clearly see that there’s a gap, there are decades missing. Until we adress this gap, no real solutions will be found. Let's call out the bullsh*t. #MindTheGap pic.twitter.com/USlPII68Zs

2021-04-23 03:42:30
Greta Thunberg @GretaThunberg

When you compare the overall current best available science to their insufficient, hypothetical "climate targets" you clearly see that there’s a gap, there are decades missing. Until we adress this gap, no real solutions will be found. Let's call out the bullsh*t. #MindTheGap pic.twitter.com/USlPII68Zs

2021-04-23 03:42:30
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

米連邦行政監視委員会 ”「今は2021年です。私たちがまだこんな議論を続けていること、そして私たちがまだ国民の税金を使って化石燃料を直接間接に支えていることが恥さらしです。」グレタ・トゥーンベリ” twitter.com/OversightDems/…

2021-04-23 03:39:59
Oversight Committee Democrats @OversightDems

"It is the year 2021. The fact we are still having this discussion and, even more, that we are still supporting fossil fuels directly or indirectly using taxpayer money is a disgrace." —@GretaThunberg pic.twitter.com/273JYbDCB1

2021-04-23 00:30:36
Oversight Committee Democrats @OversightDems

"It is the year 2021. The fact we are still having this discussion and, even more, that we are still supporting fossil fuels directly or indirectly using taxpayer money is a disgrace." —@GretaThunberg pic.twitter.com/273JYbDCB1

2021-04-23 00:30:36
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

グレタ・トゥーンベリ ”「いつまで、あなた方のような権力者が逃げおおせるとまともに信じているのですか? いつまで、気候危機や世界的な公平性の問題、歴史的な排出の責任を問われずに無視し続けることができると思っているのですか?」 米国議会での私の今日の証言。” twitter.com/GretaThunberg/…

2021-04-23 03:33:15
Greta Thunberg @GretaThunberg

"How long do you honestly believe people in power like you will get away with it? How long do you think you can continue ignoring the climate crisis, the global aspect of equity and historic emissions without being held accountable?" My testimony to the US Congress today. twitter.com/OversightDems/…

2021-04-23 02:45:49
Greta Thunberg @GretaThunberg

"How long do you honestly believe people in power like you will get away with it? How long do you think you can continue ignoring the climate crisis, the global aspect of equity and historic emissions without being held accountable?" My testimony to the US Congress today. twitter.com/OversightDems/…

2021-04-23 02:45:49
ピーター・シンガー語録 @Peter_Singer_JP


2021-04-22 09:12:36
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

…グローバルサウスへの環境略奪を止める。 3. 正義と公平性を考慮した、拘束力のある毎年の炭素予算、具体的な計画、行程表、評価期間を作り、現実のネット・ゼロに行き着くーことです。

2021-04-20 01:22:27
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

FFFデジタル ”準備はいいかい 今週金曜にはバイデンの気候サミットへの反応としてFFFコミュニティは、#もう口約束のサミットはいらない と要求します。SNSをチェックするかこのURLへお越しください。 ” 私たちFFFの要求は、 1. 化石燃料への投資と補助金を直ちに廃止する。 2. 特に最も影響を受ける… twitter.com/fff_digital/st…

2021-04-20 01:19:31
Fridays For Future Digital is ACTIVE! @fff_digital

📣Get ready!!! 📣 This Friday in response to Biden’s climate summit, the @Fridays4future community is demanding #NoMoreEmptySummits. Keep an eye on social media or head to fridaysforfuture.org/NoMoreEmptySum… for more info 👀 pic.twitter.com/9IEUrSHJY1

2021-04-19 22:18:42
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