
二次まとめ XR日本のツイートより 21年1月〜4月の関連リツイートを束ねました。
Christopher Cartwright @chriscartw83

It has been 3 to 4C warmer than average in the #arctic, the last 16 days..16 days 😱😱 Finally , NSIDC had to show some melting )) Miracle was becoming too visible, i guess #ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange pic.twitter.com/PcdaxxRUgq

2021-05-04 22:30:00
Ben See @ClimateBen

I know I repeat myself here, but I think it needs saying again and again: the planet you think you're living on no longer exists. twitter.com/siberian_times…

2021-05-03 05:02:31
The Siberian Times @siberian_times

Could the early start of wildfires in areas as cold as Oymyakon in Yakutia be linked to the so-called 'zombie' (peat) fires? This one outside Khandyga, for example, was first seen by locals in Nov '20. Our footage (filmed end of Feb '21 at -30C) shows that it didn't stop burning pic.twitter.com/NYkt013U2n

2021-05-03 01:49:26
Christopher Cartwright @chriscartw83

Of course, some will tell you i am a doomist and I "cherry pick" data Well, well, well If #methane isn't on the rise, why is #CH4 concentration in #Alaska, now breaking over 2000 ppb? Look at the chart #ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange #GretaThunberg pic.twitter.com/l0wtYpCL32

2021-05-02 21:30:00
Scott Duncan @ScottDuncanWX

More info here twitter.com/extremetemps/s…

2021-04-30 00:34:47
Extreme Temperatures Around The World @extremetemps

Historic heat wave in Greece. The station of Falasarna near Chania (photo) in the island of #Crete didn't drop below 30.7C during the night.Temperatures have been nearly 34-35C from midnight to after 2am. By far the warmest night ever recorded in April in European history. pic.twitter.com/XGiGlp1TGZ

2021-04-29 18:54:08
Scott Duncan @ScottDuncanWX

We just observed the hottest April night in European history. The station of Falasarna (near Chania) on the Greek Island of Crete 🇬🇷 didn't drop below +30.7°C (87.3°F) last night. This is a very hot night at any point in the year, but truly absurd for April. h/t @extremetemps pic.twitter.com/qaOkBEJBUe

2021-04-30 00:33:53
Copernicus ECMWF @CopernicusECMWF

🌍 Our newly released European State of the Climate shows the annual mean surface air temperature anomaly for 2020 in #Arctic #Siberia was by far the largest on record. Learn more➡️bit.ly/ESOTC20_siberi… #ESOTC pic.twitter.com/hyCIK6BUVY

2021-04-29 19:00:26
The Siberian Times @siberian_times

Mass evacuation of people and animals begins in three suburbs of Novokuznetsk, south of Kemerovo region, due to rapid rise of water level in river Tom’. Outside the city some of villages are getting flooded by smaller rivers pic.twitter.com/2wWrXu3t0O

2021-04-29 17:32:48
気候変動の向こう側 🇵🇸🇺🇦🏳️‍🌈 @Beyond_Climate

気候変動で違う姿に…。 アラスカ氷河の「昔と今」の写真を比べてみたら衝撃だった|BuzzFeed buzzfeed.com/jp/daves4/pict… #気候危機

2021-03-15 16:24:14
Climate Dialogue Japan @japan_climate

bloomberg.co.jp/news/videos/20… 2月で航行できたのは史上初。海氷が溶けたため。

2021-03-12 18:31:08
Kosuke Hatta 八田浩輔 @kskhatta

ロシアの商用タンカーが初めて2月の北極海を航行した。北極圏の気温は世界のどこよりも速く上昇している bloomberg.com/news/articles/…

2021-02-24 11:52:14
Arctic Portal.org @arcticportal

Japan offers Russia new cooperation concept in the Arctic and FEFD. Additionally, Japanese side intends to participate in the development of the Northern Sea Route. arcticportal.org/ap-library/new… pic.twitter.com/k2VCJt1Xqo

2021-02-04 00:51:31
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

今年1月の北半球の気温。ロシアとアジアは非常に寒かったが北極圏と北米は極端な暖かかった。 twitter.com/scottduncanwx/…

2021-02-02 18:41:20
Scott Duncan @ScottDuncanWX

How is 2021 going for you? This is how January 2021 went for the Northern Hemisphere. Exceptionally warm in North America and Arctic. Some places average more than +10°C warmer than normal. Very cold Russia, Asia and cool western northern and western EU. THREAD pic.twitter.com/mJUr4TkvGZ

2021-02-02 04:13:13
Scott Duncan @ScottDuncanWX

How is 2021 going for you? This is how January 2021 went for the Northern Hemisphere. Exceptionally warm in North America and Arctic. Some places average more than +10°C warmer than normal. Very cold Russia, Asia and cool western northern and western EU. THREAD pic.twitter.com/mJUr4TkvGZ

2021-02-02 04:13:13
Climate Live Japan @climate_japan

Climate Saturday week9 地球の時限爆弾⁉︎永久凍土が溶けると起こること 社会の教科書で見覚えがある??「永久凍土」 温暖化の影響によって永久凍土が溶けてしまったとき…地球はどうなってしまうのでしょうか… 詳しくはこちら⬇️ climatelivejapan.com pic.twitter.com/I88LIHIZoV

2021-01-16 20:07:04
Scott Duncan @ScottDuncanWX

Arctic and Antartica. I think the images speak for themselves. Official Polar rankings coming soon. pic.twitter.com/zCPzdPDc0W

2021-01-07 02:29:32
Scott Duncan @ScottDuncanWX

Oh Siberia... Off the scale. Some places average around 7 °C warmer than normal for the entire year of 2020. The Arctic Circle heat record was broken here. Siberian town, Verkhoyansk recorded 38° C (100.4° F) on June 2020. pic.twitter.com/pROl1N4R5P

2021-01-07 02:06:13


ナショナルジオグラフィック日本版 @NatGeoMagJP

まるで冬の日本海上空のような衛星写真です。ローマにまで雪を降らせた2018年の欧州の豪雪が、北極海の海氷の減少と直接関係していたことが新たな研究手法により示されました。 dlvr.it/Rx3x27 #ナショジオ #成層圏突然昇温 #東の猛獣

2021-04-06 12:09:27
国立環境研 対話オフィス @taiwa_kankyo

"温暖化"しているのに、大雪や寒波?一見、相反するような関係にみえますが、#地球温暖化 が進むと一部地域に集中して“ドカ雪”が降るという予測も。海からの水蒸気が増え、寒気が流れ込むと、一気に雪として降るからだそう。詳細はRTの解説記事をぜひ👀 江守副センター長もちょこっと登場します🐰ぐら twitter.com/nhk_kurogen/st…

2021-02-24 17:31:31
NHKクローズアップ現代 公式 @nhk_kurogen

【温暖化なのになぜ大雪?】 先日NHKで #地球温暖化 の番組を放送したところ、直前に大雪の被害が出ていたこともあり、ネット上では『本当に温暖化しているの?』という声が上がりました。 そこで #地球のミライ 取材班では、改めて複数の専門家に話を聞いてきました☟ nhk.or.jp/gendai/comment…

2021-02-22 18:55:00
Svein Tveitdal @tveitdal

Climate graphic of the week: Polar vortex sends Texas into deep freeze ft.com/content/dc74a4… Scientists of the atmosphere debate whether jet stream is becoming weaker and wavier pic.twitter.com/HFNzgPttty

2021-02-20 19:27:34
Kenji Shiraishi @Knjshiraishi

アメリカは現在、カリフォルニアとフロリダを除いて氷点下(32°F未満)であり、-17℃(0°F)未満の部分が半分くらいの面積を占める。大停電が起きているのはほぼテキサスだけだが、北の方はもっと寒い。 nytimes.com/interactive/20… pic.twitter.com/F1h7MYWoob

2021-02-18 11:07:37
UN Climate Change @UNFCCC

..and whilst much of the USA is gripped by bitter cold, other parts of the globe are unusually warm, confirming the overall #globalheating trend (via @WMO). pic.twitter.com/APsFmfoAW1

2021-02-16 02:03:24
UN Climate Change @UNFCCC

Because of man-made #climatechange, the poles are heating faster than the rest of the planet, diminishing the temperature difference and weakening the jet stream. This also means that weather patterns - periods of itense rain or drought - are locked in for longer periods of time

2021-02-16 01:45:45
UN Climate Change @UNFCCC

Confused about the #PolarVortex? Usually a strong jet stream confines Arctic air to the north, stabilized by a big difference in temperature between low and high latitudes. The smaller the difference in temperature, the more the wind belts meander (Via @RemoteLongitude & @NOAA) pic.twitter.com/GEpzwjw1dS

2021-02-16 01:44:51
Kenji Shiraishi @Knjshiraishi


2021-02-14 07:32:27