XR日本/XRJapanのツイートより その37 21年5月前半

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cis @IsabelleLetellier@kolektiva.social 💙💛🌻 @IsabelleLetell1

16 See the mistake is to limit the scope of possible actions to top down political actions. Mental barriers can only change bottom-up by domino-effect spreading of new individual behaviors and representations.

2019-02-25 03:26:24
上西充子 @mu0283

一次情報の囲い込み。一次情報へのアクセス権の制約。 国会審議中継映像へのリアルタイムのアクセス権が確保されていることの意味は大きい。 もしインターネット審議中継へのアクセス権が議員と記者クラブにしか解放されていなければ、私たちは国会の実情を知ることはできないだろう。 twitter.com/I_hate_camp/st…

2021-05-11 10:38:51
yumiko sakuma @ 新刊Weの市民革命3刷 @yumikosakuma


2021-05-10 21:25:30
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

キャサリーン・ヘイホー ”多くの人たちがいまだに認識しておらず、また直ちに認識する必要があるのは、将来の変化の大きさを決定する上での最大の不確実性の源が私たち人類である、ということです。 私たちが問題でもあり、私たちが解決策でもあるのです。” twitter.com/KHayhoe/status…

2021-05-10 07:59:47
Prof. Katharine Hayhoe @KHayhoe

What a lot of people still don't understand - and need to, ASAP - is that we humans are the biggest source of uncertainty in determining the magnitude future change. We are the problem. But that means we can be the solution, too. twitter.com/dwallacewells/…

2021-05-09 08:22:45
The Real Prof. Katharine Hayhoe @KHayhoe

What a lot of people still don't understand - and need to, ASAP - is that we humans are the biggest source of uncertainty in determining the magnitude future change. We are the problem. But that means we can be the solution, too. twitter.com/dwallacewells/…

2021-05-09 08:22:45
David Wallace-Wells @dwallacewells

“On current trends, the probability of staying below 2 °C of warming is only 5%, but if all countries meet their nationally determined contributions and continue to reduce emissions at the same rate after 2030, it rises to 26%.” nature.com/articles/s4324…

2021-05-08 21:54:59
日本経済新聞 電子版(日経電子版) @nikkei

環境問題など解決できぬ原因、米チーム「引き算が苦手」 nikkei.com/article/DGXZQO…

2021-05-08 10:39:59
Bill McKibben @billmckibben

Early reports from the hospital are that he has survived and will recover; the attempt on his life seems to have failed.

2021-05-07 03:57:05
Bill McKibben @billmckibben

Praying for @MohamedNasheed, former prime minister of the Maldives and a true climate hero, who was the victim of a bombing attack today in Male. He's in the hospital in serious condition

2021-05-07 02:55:52
Suzuka Nakamura / 中村 涼夏 @suzukasusan

相当なギャップはあるよね(知ってる) これも日本では「自分達の訴えを届けたい」(デモ)による成功体験がない、あるいは可視化されてないからなのかな~。(模索中)

2021-05-02 18:11:30
Suzuka Nakamura / 中村 涼夏 @suzukasusan

「誰かが変えようとしている運動」(寄付)、「間接的に変えようとしたい運動」(SNS)には賛同するけど、「自分達の訴えを届けたい運動」(デモ)にはあまりよい印象はないんだなー。(再認識) でも、学校ストの時も迷惑かけてないととらえたとしても批判されてたから、「参加したい」と「参加する」には twitter.com/inabatsuyoshi/…

2021-05-02 18:11:26
稲葉剛 @inabatsuyoshi

Z世代は社会運動に積極的 10代の7割「参加したい」:朝日新聞デジタル asahi.com/articles/ASP51…

2021-05-02 13:35:49
はる。💙💛 @haru02020

ここ5~6年に大きく変わったと感じています。デモなどの直接行動は若者主体で展開することが功を奏します。おじさん目線ではダメ。禅譲、アップデートを。 Z世代は社会運動に積極的 10代の7割「参加したい」:朝日新聞デジタル asahi.com/articles/ASP51…

2021-05-02 14:50:08
能條桃子 @momokonojo

2年前、デンマーク留学中に、「わたしたちの北欧がたり。」を4人で始めた😳 まさかこの後NO YOUTH NO JAPANを立ち上げ、2年後も活動しているとは思ってなかったな。等身大の言葉たちが懐かしいし、愛おしい。@hokuougatari CONCEPT - わたしたちの北欧がたり。 hokuougatari.blogspot.com/p/concept.html pic.twitter.com/7SgyjvkNJx

2021-05-01 23:31:25
indigo @ingigo33

@KudoYousan ああ、まさに国権の最高機関である国会が「多数決」で決めていますね。悲しい。😭😭😭

2021-04-30 17:28:03
VV @visualizevalue

"When making plans, think big. When making progress, think small." — @JamesClear pic.twitter.com/ARuMToLh4L

2021-02-21 11:59:30

XRの人びと People of XR

This Ain’t Rock’n’Roll @thisaintrock

We live in a country where @gailbradbrook is arrested for conspiracy but ducking aunt David Cameron 🐷🍆 walks free. We live in a GIANT FRAUD. theguardian.com/commentisfree/…

2021-05-15 00:25:05
Extinction Rebellion Ireland @ExtinctRebelsIE

Extinction Rebellion Ireland stand in solidarity with Gail Bradbrook. #ActNow End #FossilFuel Funding #RebelForDemocracy

2021-05-14 23:54:59
Extinction Rebellion Ireland @ExtinctRebelsIE

Her arrest signals an alarming escalation by the UK Government of prohibiting peaceful democratic protests by equating them with far-right extremism. Under new UK laws, Bradbrook faces up to ten years in jail. For smashing some windows. While the banks invest in genocide.

2021-05-14 23:52:51
Extinction Rebellion Ireland @ExtinctRebelsIE

Bradbrook, a scientist with a PhD in molecular biophysics, was one of a hundred academics that signed an emergency call to action in 2018, leading to the launch of Extinction Rebellion.

2021-05-14 23:51:38
Extinction Rebellion Ireland @ExtinctRebelsIE

Bradbrook was arrested for conspiracy to cause criminal damage and fraud over her role in Money Rebellion, a campaign that is holding financial institutions accountable sacrificing our health, climate and natural world for the sake of their short term profits.

2021-05-14 23:51:03
Extinction Rebellion Ireland @ExtinctRebelsIE

This week Extinction Rebellion co-founder Dr. Gail Bradbrook was arrested at her home by the Metropolitan police at 5.30am. pic.twitter.com/vQI9zokMyo

2021-05-14 23:49:53
XR Money Rebellion 🌍🌱🏳️‍⚧️ @money_rebellion

40 MPs have branded #BLM and XR "a profound threat to the values which underpin our civilised social order" If your "values" are threatened by ending racism and leaving your children a habitable planet, then maybe you need to rethink your values telegraph.co.uk/politics/2021/…

2021-05-14 23:31:44
Extinction Rebellion DE @ExtinctionR_DE

++ #GlueOnTV at @SiemensDE to #StopAdani and #StopEcocide ++ Our rebel glued himself to the Siemens Headquarters in Munich to protest the Adani deal & to report about #Ecocide & what it takes to make ecocide an international crime. Join the Live-Stream: facebook.com/ExtinctionRebe… pic.twitter.com/IiOstpbg6G

2021-05-14 19:35:45
Cathy Eastburn @Cathyeastburn

On trial yesterday. I sat in a road outside Parliament to highlight govt inaction on climate breakdown. I am NOT a criminal. The real criminals are in govt: policies incompatible with a liveable future for my kids. Case adjourned. #ecocide @XRebellionUK @viviennewestwood #stopHS2 pic.twitter.com/wigWSgV0Lm

2021-05-13 20:20:50
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