2021.6 #AskHikaruPaisen

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Utaba @Hsimple8clean

#AskHikaruPaisen #ヒカルパイセンに聞け I am embarrassed when I listen to my voice record. I and everyone love your voice, I think. But, have you ever had a similar experience?

2021-05-17 00:54:42
Utaba @Hsimple8clean

#AskHikaruPaisen What do you think a child can do for their parent? After various things has happened, my mom is losing the worth of life except me. What should I do to cheer her up? And what is the happiest thing your son did for you?

2021-05-17 01:07:48
Utaba @Hsimple8clean

Recently I started twitter to study English and I found this event! Through questioning in English, I can improve my English skill and maybeeeeee get Utada’ autograph! I cannot imagine more wonderful project #AskHikaruPaisen

2021-05-17 08:41:58
Utada Net @UtadaNet

#AskHikaruPaisen Q: what is something hyper-specific that you miss about New York? Like a favorite moment or spot at the library or dish at a restaurant. @utadahikaru @hikki_staff

2021-05-17 13:38:16
宇多田共和国 @hikkicom

2021.5.2. 『 #ヒカルパイセンに聞け !』 アーカイブ配信中です。#AskHikaruPaisen 59:46/instagram.com/p/COX0_AjJ4EV/ 23:40/instagram.com/p/COX4qbgJ_d6/ 合計1時間23分26秒 mobile.twitter.com/utadahikaru/st… pic.twitter.com/qabLiNavCk

2021-05-17 21:05:00
宇多田ヒカル @utadahikaru

参加してくれたみんなありがとう! 接続が不安定でごめん😭 アーカイブしてるよ! instagram.com/kuma_power?igs… アーカイブでも最後の部分切れちゃってるのかなあ。「生きる意味」の話で最後に私が言ったのは、「問い続けること、愛すること、学び続けること、が私の生きる意味かな!」だったと思う。 twitter.com/hikki_staff/st…

2021-05-02 23:25:28
ミルキー @eTejuPmguGQ2bRN

ロックダウンが終わって、日本に来るとしたら、「出たいな〜」っていうテレビありますか? 教えてください! #AskHikaruPaisen #ヒカルパイセンに聞け

2021-05-17 23:03:41
kuma_power. X @kumapowerX1

息子が生まれてからHikaruPaisenの人生に一番大きな影響は何ですか。 私の日本語が上手ではありません。😭 #AskHikaruPaisen@hikki_staff

2021-05-18 00:25:10
Utaba @Hsimple8clean

#askhikarupaisen Which do you like better, eat ice cream in winter or eat oden in summer?

2021-05-18 01:17:45
ますやま @mashtweet2

In the music video for your song called "One Last Kiss", there is a scene showing herbal tea, is that yours? If so, I'd like to know which manufacturer it is from. #AskHikaruPaisen

2021-05-18 01:30:34
Utaba @Hsimple8clean

#askhikarupaisen  When you make a song with a melody that falls on your mind, are you worried that this is someone’s song that you have heard somewhere?

2021-05-18 01:35:07
kay ᵛ¹⁰ 💎🐱✨ @bananaonew

@utadahikaru are there any artists that you want to collaborate with that you haven't already worked with in the past? @hikki_staff #askhikarupaisen #ヒカルパイセンに聞け

2021-05-18 01:45:56
Karikammi @karikammi

@utadahikaru would you ever consider recording some of your japanese singles to full english versions? #AskHikaruPaisen

2021-05-18 03:14:45
シパク @111tryingmyluck

Weird question... What do you respond when people say “thank you” to you? I don’t have the habit of saying “You’re Welcome!”. I normally just giggle like a fool because I think I did nothing much. 😅 Do you think it’s rude to not respond? #AskHikaruPaisen #ヒカルパイセンに聞け

2021-05-18 03:23:34
Utaba @Hsimple8clean

#askhikarupaisen I want to hear your son’ funny misstatement. When my cousin girl failed to jump long rope, she, wanting to tell her mom that 私、下手くそやった( I was poor at jumping), in reality said that 私、鼻くそやった( I was bogey)! Lol I’m interested in English version.

2021-05-18 08:46:45
Jet @throjethrojet

Do you think you have the seat you can now say you have chosen yourself? When does one know once they finally found theirs? #askhikarupaisen #ヒカルパイセンに聞け

2021-05-18 15:59:49
Jet @throjethrojet

Have you ever wondered what your purpose in life is? Or have you wanted something to be your purpose in life? #askhikarupaisen #ヒカルパイセンに聞け

2021-05-18 16:07:02
Charliekravinsky @Charliekravins1

What can you advise to the younger generations and to those who are having struggles with anxiety and panic attacks? #askhikarupaisen #ヒカルパイセンに聞け

2021-05-18 19:36:51
Utaba @Hsimple8clean

#askhikarupaisen Today I got in touch with a nostalgic person with an unexpected connection. I felt keenly that this world small and people’s connection is very important. On the other hand, we will die without meeting most people. Do you think this world is small or wide?

2021-05-19 16:31:36
Dawn @dawn55533

@hikki_staff @utadahikaru #ヒカルパイセンに聞け Hello again Queen!! Pink Blood has a lot of fans excitedly reminiscing back on Ultra Blue. If you had to compare your new unreleased album to any of your previous works which would you choose and why? Much love! #AskHikarupaisen

2021-05-19 17:56:17
Dawn @dawn55533

@hikki_staff @utadahikaru #ヒカルパイセンに聞け I think all fans would love to hear about any of your favorite/special pets you have taken care of over the years. #AskHikaruPaisen

2021-05-19 18:04:44
Utaba @Hsimple8clean

#AskHikaruPaisen How do you keep a household account book? I started to live by myself and I think it is troublesome to calculate the sum. I am wondering whether to use Excel, or some Apps.

2021-05-19 23:41:42
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