
小倉 正(XR四国)⏳→@togura04@spore.social @togura04

まとめを更新しました。「生物種の大量絶滅と生物多様性条約2021年」 togetter.com/li/1726990

2021-10-22 18:00:37
国連広報センター @UNIC_Tokyo

「私たちは、生態系そのものを荒廃させているのです... 生存に必要な食料や水、資源を失う危険性に、自らをさらしているのです...幸運にも、地球にはレジリエンス(強靭性)があります。 しかし、私たちの助けを必要としています。 」#世界環境デー 事務総長メッセージ全文 youtu.be/33lt5zQuQU4 twitter.com/antonioguterre…

2021-06-05 10:27:43
António Guterres @antonioguterres

We are ravaging the very ecosystems that provide us with the food, water and resources we need to survive. The Earth is resilient, but she needs our help. By restoring ecosystems, we can reverse the damage we have done and help our planet heal. #WorldEnvironmentDay pic.twitter.com/owWG3BhAJw

2021-06-05 09:55:00
ScientistsForXR @ScientistsX

We are destroying the natural world in so many ways that if climate change stopped tomorrow, biodiversity loss and the 6th Mass Extinction would carry on unabated #ecocide pic.twitter.com/kWgu2hlDcl

2021-09-14 23:49:44
ジャーナリスト志葉玲 @reishiva

経済損失世界で28兆円以上、「環境破壊」が国際法で裁かれる時代に? 欧州で進む自然破壊行為の刑罰化議論(AMP[アンプ]) #Yahooニュース news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/d12dd…

2021-08-16 18:36:56
リンク Yahoo!ニュース 経済損失世界で28兆円以上、「環境破壊」が国際法で裁かれる時代に? 欧州で進む自然破壊行為の刑罰化議論(AMP[アンプ]) - Yahoo!ニュース 静岡熱海の盛土問題などに見られるように、環境破壊行為は人命が奪われるまで野放しになる傾向がある。これは日本だけでなく、世界どこの国でも同じようなものだ。 しかしこの先、状況は大きく変わってくるかも 26
まとめ ヴィーガン食へ 二次まとめ 4646 pv 17 220

 目 次
絶滅 Extinction
 森林破壊 Forest Destruction


ipbes @IPBES

"We are looking forward to see the translation of what is written in these various documents & what has been pronounced, into real action on the ground" —@mremae, @UNBiodiversity Exec Sec on #COP15 @DavidStanway via @Reuters reuters.com/business/envir…

2021-10-20 17:07:00
ipbes @IPBES

"From destructive land use to invasive species, scientists have identified the main drivers of biodiversity loss – so that countries can collectively act to tackle them" @pgreenfielduk & @phoeb0 for #COP15 featuring @IPBES #GlobalAssessment via @guardian theguardian.com/environment/20…

2021-10-19 20:08:00
Greta Thunberg News @great_thunberg

China's domestic biodiversity pledges overshadowed by overseas footprint | SaltWire saltwire.com/atlantic-canad…

2021-10-17 10:06:03
ipbes @IPBES

'Because climate change & biodiversity loss are intertwined, with the potential for both win-win solutions & vicious cycles of destruction, they must be addressed together' @catrineinhorn on #COP15 feat. #BiodiversityClimateScience from @IPBES & @IPCC_CH nytimes.com/2021/10/14/cli…

2021-10-15 07:07:00
UN Biodiversity @UNBiodiversity

"If the global community continues to see it as a side event, by the time they wake up on #biodiversity it might be too late." As the world meets at #COP15, @nytimes shows that the collapse of #nature equals climate change as an existential threat. nytimes.com/2021/10/14/cli…

2021-10-15 01:33:19
小倉 正(XR四国)⏳→@togura04@spore.social @togura04

@IPBES @UNBiodiversity @EUClimateAction @4Post2020BD @EU_ENV @UN @UNDP @UNDPClimate @ASteiner @andersen_inger @mremae @Anamariamojita 愛知目標が完全なる失敗に終わった一方でさらなる野心的な昆明宣言が高々と。これって成果なの?

2021-10-15 00:35:25
ipbes @IPBES

💥#BREAKING💥 The Kunming Declaration has been adopted at the High-Level Segment of the 1st part of @UNBiodiversity #COP15 In the lead-up to 2nd part of #COP15 & the adoption of the #post2020 framework, this shows some critical momentum #ForNature. cbd.int/doc/c/99c8/942… pic.twitter.com/ldlG61WAaI

2021-10-14 22:00:21
UNEP-WCMC @unepwcmc

🌍#UNBiodiversityLab helps decision makers generate powerful maps that can guide local and national action for #nature, #climate and #sustainabledevelopment. ⬇️Explore how UNBL data supports conservation monitoring in #Haiti. bit.ly/30gUrWI pic.twitter.com/R6vTOT55WO

2021-10-14 20:55:01
Moms Clean Air Force @CleanAirMoms

Reading: Why the U.N.’s Biodiversity Conference Is So Important ift.tt/3azb9mj #Climate

2021-10-14 18:06:33
Maverick! @kodomosince2012

COP15が11日開幕 「愛知目標」の後継を策定へ 生物多様性の消失とコロナ禍の関係は:東京新聞 TOKYO Web tokyo-np.co.jp/article/135861

2021-10-14 13:10:26
Adam Vaughan @adamvaughan_uk

Think international action on climate change is bad? Wait 'til you see the 'Kunming Declaration', the UN biodiversity doc countries have agreed today. Woolly promise re setting new targets for 2030, "deeply concerned" at their past failures. Main summit in '22 shld be stronger. pic.twitter.com/lbspwx5fnq

2021-10-13 18:27:20
UN Biodiversity @UNBiodiversity

🚨 #BREAKING: The Kunming Declaration has been adopted at the High-Level Segment of the first part of #COP15 In the lead up to the second part of #COP15 & the adoption of the #post2020 framework, this demonstrates critical momentum #ForNature. Read now: cbd.int/doc/c/99c8/942… pic.twitter.com/1H5M90zT0T

2021-10-13 16:29:53
小倉 正(XR四国)⏳→@togura04@spore.social @togura04

生物多様性条約事務局 ”世界が一堂に会する #COP15 の第一部として、生物多様性と健康、そして気候危機のつながりを伝える @GretaThunberg のショートフィルム「#ForNature」をご覧ください。 「私たちは自然の一部であり、私たちが #自然 を守るなら、自然が自らを守ることなのです。」”以前のもの。 twitter.com/UNBiodiversity…

2021-10-12 20:18:04
UN Biodiversity @UNBiodiversity

As the world comes together at part 1 of #COP15, watch @GretaThunberg's short film #ForNature, connecting the dots between our #biodiversity, health and #climate crises. "We are part of nature — when we protect #nature, we are nature protecting itself." pic.twitter.com/ll1xUiJ7FB

2021-10-11 21:03:00
小倉 正(XR四国)⏳→@togura04@spore.social @togura04

生物多様性条約事務局 ”世界が一堂に会する #COP15 の第一部として、生物多様性と健康、そして気候危機のつながりを伝える @GretaThunberg のショートフィルム「#ForNature」をご覧ください。 「私たちは自然の一部であり、私たちが #自然 を守るなら、自然が自らを守ることなのです。」”以前のもの。 twitter.com/UNBiodiversity…

2021-10-12 20:18:04
David Summers @summerstweets66

Cop26 must not overshadow Kunming: we need joint climate and biodiversity goals theguardian.com/environment/20…

2021-10-12 20:06:20
ipbes @IPBES

"@IPBES #GlobalAssessment defines #TransformativeChange as a fundamental system-wide reorganization across technical, economic and social factors including paradigms, goals & values" —Anne Larigauderie, @IPBES Exec Sec at the High-Level Segment of the 1st phase of #COP15 pic.twitter.com/weJrICxCvV

2021-10-12 20:13:49
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