








リンク Suitably Bored No Covid-19 did not cause the comic book industry collapse First, let me elaborate before the people in the peanut gallery start screaming at me for the title of the article. No, the comic book industry isn’t going to go anywhere. But the fact of the…
リンク Medium PR Disasters: Comic Book Pros Are Not Professional By Charles Fulano Hidalgo y Rodríguez 769


Lunar Archivist @LunarArchivist

@be_wormholed Sorry, but Aomidori's article is full of crap. They're using Wikipedia as one of their main sources and that website isn't neutral. Many of Wikipedia's editors are on the political correctness/SJWs' side, so of course their article about #ComicsGate is going to be propaganda.

2021-06-09 04:58:09



リンク ComicsGate Wiki What is ComicsGate? ComicsGate (or #ComicsGate) is an online movement that believes the comic book industry (especially publishers Marvel and DC) is oversaturated by political messaging that appeals explicitly to only one demographic that is not interested in the medium, to 1 user

※この記事はコミックスゲートによる #MoveTheNeedle について触れている。やっていることはブラスコウさんの #好きなアメコミを語る と代わりはない。

Clownfish TV(ユーチューブチャンネル)はこれに興味持つかも。

Crim Lust @Cr1ms0n_lus7

@be_wormholed I feel like this is a sort of half n half article that sort of misunderstands and fails to consider a lot of elements. I do think a lot of folks misunderstand their issues with modern comics, faails to properly vocalize them, and RWers feed off that and twist it to their views.

2021-06-09 05:20:50
Crim Lust @Cr1ms0n_lus7

@be_wormholed I feel like this is a sort of half n half article that sort of misunderstands and fails to consider a lot of elements. I do think a lot of folks misunderstand their issues with modern comics, faails to properly vocalize them, and RWers feed off that and twist it to their views.

2021-06-09 05:20:50
Crim Lust @Cr1ms0n_lus7

@be_wormholed Like he said, comics has always dealt with social issues. However, over time, something had began to displease comic readers, why would those elements be okay before but became not okay? My view is that it's because it stopped being meaningfully and thoughtfully implemented.

2021-06-09 05:22:07
Crim Lust @Cr1ms0n_lus7

@be_wormholed So what happened? There was a rift between fans and outlets struck at that divide to help their own narrative, further hurting any positive and meaningful changes in comics. It became a cycle that fed into itself.

2021-06-09 05:23:12
Crim Lust @Cr1ms0n_lus7

@be_wormholed And he mentions that fans don't want women creators but..... manga has been doing crazy well, and it has a fair number of female creators, so whats happening here?

2021-06-09 05:25:42






Aaron L @Gold_Bugg

@be_wormholed @Aomidori2019 I'm going to have to disagree with most of this. I have no issue with comics being diverse, political, or that there are female characters and writers. I do have a problem when these things are the focal point in order to drive sales instead good story and art.

2021-06-09 05:42:49


Juno Maxwell @Goddess_Maxwell

@be_wormholed @Aomidori2019 Would be more useful if they talked about the much BIGGER issue of localization companies disrespecting Japan and altering anime to inject politics.

2021-06-09 03:14:11


George Lianos @Ikazutchi

@be_wormholed @Aomidori2019 he read the wikipedia description of comicsgate and went full r3t@rd based on lies written from SJWs. Jawbreakers has poc and lgbt characters. this alone destroys everything that is written in wikipedia

2021-06-09 05:17:39
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