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Rob Hopkins @robintransition

I have pledged not to fly in 2021 to avert climate breakdown. And forever beyond that. Might I tempt you to do the same? #FlightFree2021 @FlightFreeUK flightfree.co.uk

2021-03-12 03:05:45
Jason Hickel @jasonhickel

I remember when academics used to fly back and forth across the Atlantic to give 15 minute presentations. That was unreasonable.

2021-03-07 04:03:12
Treehugger.com @Treehugger

"Please God, give me another chance, and this time don't let me screw up!" ~ @lloydalter bit.ly/3uX5SxC #Covid #emissions

2021-03-05 06:04:26
リンク Treehugger COVID-19 Reduced Emissions; Can We Keep Them Down? Emissions dropped over 7%, which is about what we have to continue dropping every year from now on. 121
Stay Grounded Network @StayGroundedNet

Every new airport that is built now is not only very likely to become a stranded investment. It is also a crime against our future. energymonitor.ai/sector/transpo…

2021-03-05 02:27:00
The Aviation Environment Federation @The_AEF

CORSIA and UK ETS: Now is not the right time to reduce carbon pricing in the aviation sector, says AEF. Read our response to @transportgovuk's consultation on Implementing the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) 👉 aef.org.uk/2021/03/04/cor… pic.twitter.com/LTATPiaWS1

2021-03-04 22:26:50
Guardian Environment @guardianeco

Airbus reveals planes sold in last two years will emit over 1bn tonnes of CO2 theguardian.com/business/2021/…

2021-02-26 16:50:03
Stay Grounded Network @StayGroundedNet

The inequality @GeorgeMonbiot talks about is particularly egregious in air travel. #ClimateJustice twitter.com/GeorgeMonbiot/… pic.twitter.com/yev5UeWddT

2021-02-15 02:19:19
George Monbiot @GeorgeMonbiot

Fundamentally, the problem is too much money. However green a person thinks they are, their destructive impacts match their spending. The more you spend, the more you destroy. We all deceive ourselves about the amount of harm we do. Gates turns out to be no exception.

2021-02-15 01:53:08
Stay Grounded Network @StayGroundedNet

Even if there were enough space for offsets, there would still be problems: most offsets do not work. Moreover, many have negative side effects such as human rights violations and ecological destruction. twitter.com/GeorgeMonbiot/… pic.twitter.com/A4AgdmcQjz

2021-02-15 02:17:19
George Monbiot @GeorgeMonbiot

The same goes for his claim to be offsetting his vast carbon footprint. There is simply no atmospheric space left for offsets, especially if they're used to justify such profligacy. Every sector needs to be decarbonised. Offloading cuts onto other sectors solves nothing.

2021-02-15 01:48:59
Stay Grounded Network @StayGroundedNet

True @GeorgeMonbiot, "sustainable aviation fuels" are not a thing today. See: stay-grounded.org/e-fuels-a-real… and: stay-grounded.org/get-informatio… twitter.com/GeorgeMonbiot/… pic.twitter.com/U7irygAMsR

2021-02-15 02:14:34
George Monbiot @GeorgeMonbiot

Gates's claim to be using "sustainable aviation fuel" in his private jets is just nonsense. Because of jets' vast energy demand, there is currently no fuel that can be sustainably scaled. Biofuel for jets means massive ecological destruction.

2021-02-15 01:44:53
Extinction Rebellion Global @ExtinctionR

With covid vaccines comes talk of a return to business-as-usual for the aviation industry. 😨 #tellthetruth: We can't get to zero emissions unless we stop flying. Time to choose: airlines✈️or life 🌏. ft.com/content/e00819…

2021-02-08 19:19:20
Stay Grounded Network @StayGroundedNet

@GretaThunberg @GeorgeMonbiot On 11 Feb, Leeds Council will decide on Leeds Airport Expansion. @LeedsClimateCom warn this would DOUBLE the airport's emissions! @GfAoLBA is working to stop the expansion. Please send them a tweet to give in support. Many thanks! pic.twitter.com/fRIuvr4y7c

2021-02-07 02:10:00
Mark Carter @mcarter_nofly

Can choosing to not fly help get our #ClimateEmergency response off the ground? @NSLFestivalAus #FlightFreeOz upcoming Webinar with Margaret Klein Salamon @ClimatePsych & #FlightFreePledge Prof. David A. Hood, Charlie Mgee & Uma Dingemans. flightfree.net.au/event/webinar-… pic.twitter.com/HDTpjd99Fd

2021-02-05 07:46:28

[NEW] brief: States representing ~50% of U.S. passenger airline CO2 emissions are seeking stronger federal regulation of emissions from EPA. We consider their legal challenge and identify state & local policy instruments that could help reduce emissions: theicct.org/publications/a… pic.twitter.com/DLZjKJJFDW

2021-02-04 23:37:49
nathan thanki @n_thanki

this is possibly *worse* than just using normal jet fuel theguardian.com/us-news/2021/j…

2021-01-24 06:15:35
Vicki Hird MSc FRES 🐝🦋 🍃💚🍃 @vickihird

Sorry for the downer but what source is Boeing going to get its biofuels crop from? Someone's food? nature's forest or wild area? Soil's waste nutrient source? Etc etc. Land & soil are at a premium. Let's not burn them in the air... theguardian.com/us-news/2021/j…?

2021-01-23 18:56:06
XR Youth Bristol 🌎⌛ @XRYouthBristol

I'm sorry but what the (flying) fuck is this tweet? Flying is FAR from carbon neutral, the driving to London is frankly inconsequential compared to it - #greenwashing at its finest... Also to whoever runs your socials, it's not too late to leave your job and join the rebellion! twitter.com/BristolAirport…

2021-01-23 09:59:40
Bristol Airport @BristolAirport

Did you know that each year around 157,000 tonnes of carbon could be saved by customers flying local from Bristol Airport rather than driving to London Airports? This is the equivalent of 68 million litres of fuel or 17.7 billion phone charges #CarbonNeutral2025 #YourLocalAirport pic.twitter.com/1auKQcI433

2021-01-20 18:09:06
Climate Tracker News @CTrackerNews

🇪🇺 European citizens are ready to make their lifestyles more sustainable once COVID-19 restrictions lift once and for all. A poll found that 72% of EU citizens plan to fly less or not at all, and 66% already eat less meat. @TRF_Climate reports news.trust.org/item/202101110…

2021-01-12 17:56:25
The Aviation Environment Federation @The_AEF

'74% of respondents said they intended to fly less frequently for environmental reasons', according to a survey published by @EIB reuters.com/article/climat…

2021-01-12 18:47:04

Most Europeans plan to curb flying, eat less meat for climate, EU poll says. @Reuters @KateAbnett buff.ly/39mCKpz pic.twitter.com/dbN4ZG2SSo

2021-01-12 18:29:02
Extinction Rebellion Global @ExtinctionR

An electric car & space transportation billionaire has overtaken a retail & IT services billionaire to be the world's richest person. Obi-Wan Kenobi voice: "These aren't the climate solutions you're looking for." forbes.com/real-time-bill…

2021-01-10 09:40:41
Biofuelwatch @biofuelwatch

Be the first to read about our campigns, how to get involved and exciting updates by signing up to our e-alerts here #biomass biofuelwatch.org.uk/get-updates/ pic.twitter.com/ajnnkRXyFs

2020-12-25 01:28:00
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