日本は不都合な歴史を隠していると日本語自体読めずに主張する反日外国人 @sadib100

Emmanuel Chanel @Emmanuel_Chanel

@sadib100 @Mochan25816931 @shin_shr201111 @sachihirayama @patriot_nippoon Says one too brainwashed low life racist. You don't try to check Japanese raw sources or even English raw sources of Tokyo Trial. What shall I call you? It's clear that you are an anti-Japanese racist. & you are revising Japanese history about war crimes. twitter.com/Emmanuel_Chane…

2021-07-25 17:06:38
Emmanuel Chanel @Emmanuel_Chanel

@sadib100 @shin_shr201111 @sachihirayama @patriot_nippoon What sources first of all, huh? Calling Japanese war crimes "Asian Holocaust" itself is racism against us, Japanese people. If our war crimes were such, Tokyo Trial would have sentenced guilty for Crimes Against Humanity. Just you are low level racist.

2021-07-25 16:39:55
shin【新アカウント】 @shin_shr201111

@sadib100 @patriot_nippoon The labeling of Japan as a country that likes to hide its history is a vicious form of hate. We don't need to worry about Japanese school education by the worst racists like you who look down on the Japanese people.

2021-07-25 17:16:38
Emmanuel Chanel @Emmanuel_Chanel

@shin_shr201111 @sadib100 @patriot_nippoon The worst fact of anti-Japanese racism is that even Japanologists don't try to know how to read the raw sources of Japanese history. Those English-speaking racists don't try to know how to read even English raw sources. Rather their level is as low as historical revisionists.

2021-07-25 17:19:57
shin【新アカウント】 @shin_shr201111

@sadib100 @patriot_nippoon You don't seem to be interested in the indiscriminate killing of Japanese cities by incendiary bombs, or the first nuclear attack on a city and its citizens. In your mind, Japan is the bad guy. Because you are a Japan-hating racist. pic.twitter.com/oHlL3Bh7cY

2021-07-25 17:26:38
shin【新アカウント】 @shin_shr201111

@sadib100 @patriot_nippoon There is a rationale for these war crimes. A large number of civilian bodies and a list of all the victims have been left behind. In the case of Nanking, there are no bodies left and no list of victims.

2021-07-25 17:29:32
Emmanuel Chanel @Emmanuel_Chanel

@sadib100 @shin_shr201111 @patriot_nippoon Huh... And you deny our counter-evidences from Japanese history textbooks to the major judgement of Tokyo Trial, heh.

2021-07-25 17:30:01
おじいちゃん @oziityan

@sadib100 @patriot_nippoon Hahaha. Then your brain is probably garbage. Don't Americans say the same thing as China and Korea? 😂 That's a big contradiction. Because that is what China and Korea always insist on.

2021-07-25 17:37:23
Emmanuel Chanel @Emmanuel_Chanel

@oziityan @sadib100 @patriot_nippoon If Sadib wants to throw such a racistic insult, he should train Japanese literacy of historical raw sources. Looks that he lacks literacy even of English sources, though.

2021-07-25 17:50:43
おじいちゃん @oziityan

@sadib100 @Emmanuel_Chanel @patriot_nippoon You say that only the claims of China and Korea are correct, and the claims of Japan are the false claims of historical revisionists. What if it's not racism? Even illiterate people can understand what they are saying on their own.😂

2021-07-25 18:25:35
Sadib @sadib100

@patriot_nippoon @Mochan25816931 @sachihirayama That's my point. Some of you are claiming that I actually know Japanese, but I don't.

2021-07-25 17:50:16
Emmanuel Chanel @Emmanuel_Chanel

@sadib100 @patriot_nippoon @Mochan25816931 @sachihirayama Huh? If you couldn't read any of Japanese, you shouldn't say anything about Japanese history education, sources of which you can't read. You insult us, Japanese people. You should apologize us, your opponents and Japanese people about your idiocy. twitter.com/sadib100/statu…

2021-07-25 17:54:10
Sadib @sadib100

@sachihirayama @patriot_nippoon @Mochan25816931 It's not my responsibility. If you don't know basic truths, that's your problem.

2021-07-25 17:55:09
Emmanuel Chanel @Emmanuel_Chanel

@sadib100 @sachihirayama @patriot_nippoon @Mochan25816931 Says Sadib who don't know any basic truth of Japanese history education and of Japanese war crimes, heh.

2021-07-25 17:59:39
Sadib @sadib100

@Emmanuel_Chanel @patriot_nippoon @Mochan25816931 @sachihirayama I didn't insult Japanese people. I insulted war crime deniers. Your existence brings shame upon Japan.

2021-07-25 18:02:03
Emmanuel Chanel @Emmanuel_Chanel

@sadib100 @patriot_nippoon @Mochan25816931 @sachihirayama Yes, you do! You should apologize us by the word like "I'm sorry. I was too stupid. I shut up." pic.twitter.com/EQ9oF3sahN

2021-07-25 18:09:05
Emmanuel Chanel @Emmanuel_Chanel

@sadib100 @sachihirayama @patriot_nippoon @Mochan25816931 One of Japanese history textbooks showed this once. But you don't try to know. So I say that you insult us, Japanese people. Apologize us, Japanese people for your anti-Japanese insult! motosuke.net/jhistd/image/2…

2021-07-25 18:11:04
Emmanuel Chanel @Emmanuel_Chanel

@sadib100 @sachihirayama @patriot_nippoon @Mochan25816931 Between the lines, I read your cry that you don't actually know any basic truth of Japanese history textbooks. First of all, you don't speak Japanese. So you rely Wikipedia without saying your own words. twitter.com/sadib100/statu…

2021-07-25 18:33:42
Emmanuel Chanel @Emmanuel_Chanel

@guardy0322 @sadib100 @patriot_nippoon @sachihirayama Sadib は、こちらが、日本の歴史教科書が南京大虐殺などの戦争犯罪(こちらにとっては捏造だが…)に言及している事を証拠をもって反論しても、ウィキペディアをソースに言い張る低レベルの人種差別主義者ですから、情報提供者としての良識が疑われるので、何を言っても信ぴょう性ゼロですね。

2021-07-25 19:03:32
Omegaman @k2Bo5rRSaaJaDk5

@sadib100 @shin_shr201111 @sachihirayama The same thing. Both of them are an attempt to exterminate a specific people.

2021-07-26 06:06:31
Sadib @sadib100

@k2Bo5rRSaaJaDk5 @shin_shr201111 @sachihirayama Eh. The motivations were different. The atom bombs were to demoralize Japan and force a surrender. Nanjing and the Holocaust were both based on racism.

2021-07-26 06:11:03