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Dr. Elizabeth Sawin @bethsawin

So we have the weekend to prepare. We can get ready to respond to what might be bad news with all the heart and empathy and grit and creativity that we wish somebody else would have provided 1 or 2 or 5 IPCC reports ago.

2021-08-06 23:54:02
Dr. Elizabeth Sawin @bethsawin

Also: There are tipping points in the human heart and the collective consciousness that could be just as sudden and big as any in the earth system. Just because the IPCC isn't charged with documenting them does not mean they don't exist, latent, stirring to life.

2021-08-06 23:54:01
Dr. Elizabeth Sawin @bethsawin

Time to get ready for the release of the IPCC report. Repeat after me: Every fraction of a degree averted is suffering (human and non-human) averted. Just because you can't stop all suffering is not a reason to not prevent what suffering you can. There's no giving up my friends.

2021-08-06 23:54:00
Prof Richard Betts @richardabetts

It is now the official position of pretty much every government in the world that this latest IPCC report is an authoritative source of scientific information on climate change They can now be asked if their policies and actions are consistent with this science, and if not, why? twitter.com/IPCC_CH/status…

2021-08-06 22:32:30

Today, #IPCC’s latest #ClimateReport, #ClimateChange 2021: the Physical Science Basis, was approved and accepted in a historical first virtual approval session. The press conference to release the report will be held live at 10am CEST on 9 August. ➡️ bit.ly/IPCCLIVE pic.twitter.com/OSk2J4Qxkv

2021-08-06 21:46:10
Archie Young @archieyounguk

Mark your diaries twitter.com/ipcc_ch/status…

2021-08-06 04:25:11

The press conference to present the Summary for Policymakers of #IPCC’s next #ClimateReport, Climate Change 2021: the Physical Science Basis, will be held via livestream at 10am CEST on 9 August. Read more ➡️ bit.ly/MA-16-WGI Livestream ➡️ bit.ly/IPCCLIVE pic.twitter.com/Y4FRGU4VZQ

2021-08-05 22:02:35
Andrew Revkin 🌎 ✍🏼 🪕 ☮️ @Revkin

A deep dive on one of the most enduring abrupt-change "monsters behind the door" (to use Steve Pacala's great metaphor)> A critical ocean system may be heading for collapse due to climate change, study finds washingtonpost.com/climate-enviro… @sarahkaplan48 I'd love to hear @MichaelEMann

2021-08-06 03:31:58
山本大貴(Daiki Yamamoto) / record 1.5 @Yamamotodaiki89

8月9日って俺の誕生日なんだけど、 嬉しい誕生日プレゼントっすね。 (最新版の「IPCC第1作業部会第6次評価報告書(AR6)」は8月9日に発表される予定だ。) news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/cb42f…

2021-08-05 23:03:09
山本大貴(Daiki Yamamoto) / record 1.5 @Yamamotodaiki89

IPCCは「気候変動に関する人類の知を結集した、データ集」です。 それを「個人の学者の意見」かのように捉えて批判するのは間違ってるので、くれぐれも(以下略) まあ、重要なのは、示されるデータから何を考えどう行動するかだよねー

2021-08-05 22:56:43
サステップ @susteps_jp

気温1.5度上昇は10年早く 30年代初頭到達とIPCC 共同通信 nordot.app/79575865282004… IPCC報告書が変われば、各業界団体やSBTの1.5度の前提・目標も全部変更になる可能性高 そうなると1.5度目標達成≒2030年初頭にネットゼロ達成 という日本で事業をする時点で達成不可能の目標を強制される可能性が

2021-08-05 10:06:01
見延 庄士郎 @ShoMinobe

今のところ二酸化炭素排出量は、ハイエンドシナリオにほぼ沿っています。また、最新のモデルの気候感度は、1世代前のものより大きめです。このため温暖化の進展は速まります。 news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/219c1…

2021-08-05 06:37:57
リンク Yahoo!ニュース 気温1.5度上昇は10年早く 30年代初頭到達とIPCC(共同通信) - Yahoo!ニュース 地球温暖化が今のペースのまま続くと、2030年代初頭に世界の平均気温の上昇幅が1.5度に到達するとの報告書案を、気候変動に関する政府間パネルがまとめたことが4日、関係者への取材で分かった。1.5度 198
Extinction Rebellion UK 🌍 @XRebellionUK

Get ready to put theory into practice 23/08/21 Trafalgar Square 10am twitter.com/CharlieJGardne…

2021-08-05 05:30:22
Dr Charlie Gardner @CharlieJGardner

Brilliant explanation of the theory behind civil disobedience as practiced by @XRebellionUK, and why it works Great work @berglund_oscar and @ProfColinDavis! youtube.com/watch?v=u_7pGf…

2021-08-05 05:25:47
Diana Urge-Vorsatz @DianaUrge

@DoctorVive @ed_hawkins You might want to wait for WGIII report then. The one on Monday will be about the physical science basis, so the causes will have less emphasis than whats happening and will happen. @IPCC_CH

2021-08-04 17:03:09
EssaysConcern @EssaysConcern

@SMEasterbrook @ed_hawkins Indeed. One has more annotations. I think it is one of those figs that really needs a lot of help to unpick for a general audience. I wrote a blog about it … essaysconcerning.com/2018/02/13/com… … I am hoping the 'Hawkins Effect' has improved they way it is presented for a general audience.

2021-08-04 07:16:56
Dr. Steve Easterbrook💚☮️🌎 @SMEasterbrook

@EssaysConcern @ed_hawkins Fun fact: There are two SPM.10 figures in AR5, one in the WG1 report and one in the synthesis report. They both show warming against cumulative emissions, but in different ways.

2021-08-04 06:58:56
Ed Hawkins @ed_hawkins

So, the IPCC AR6 WGI SPM will be available to everyone on Monday. What’s the first topic or statement or figure you will look for?

2021-08-04 04:53:18


Jessica Tierney @leafwax

Hope that helps explain things some! Tomorrow there will be a lot of science to digest. fin/

2021-08-09 01:34:10
Jessica Tierney @leafwax

Finally, because people are asking about impacts and mitigation, know that the report released tomorrow is just the Working Group I (WGI) report, "The Physical Science Basis". Impacts and mitigation are in WGII and WGIII respectively which are coming out next year 12/

2021-08-09 01:34:10
Jessica Tierney @leafwax

So in order of shortest to longest, it goes Summary for Policymakers -> Technical Summary -> Full Report. Don't be afraid to read stuff in the full report! There is good stuff that for brevity didn't make it to the top docs! 11/

2021-08-09 01:34:10
Jessica Tierney @leafwax

Two steps up from the full report is the Summary for Policymakers, which is probably what you will read tomorrow. This is an even more concise summary, and it has to be approved by governments line by line, which is what has been happening in the last two weeks. 10/

2021-08-09 01:34:09
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