最新鋭の機材よりも別のところが気になってしまう( ゚∀゚)o彡゜

如何にテクノロジーが発達しても人類の考えは縄文時代の頃から変わっていない( ゚∀゚)o彡゜
“paula” @paularambles

living the ✨digital nomad✨ life for a few days and imagining how awesome it would be if laptops had little projectors that would allow you to create a second screen on any flat surface in front of them pic.twitter.com/ubIyZLCMhO

2021-07-30 19:27:09
Naomi Wu 机械妖姬 @RealSexyCyborg

@tha_rami The Puppy Cube came close, it's just really, really hard to get decent brightness and resolution in a small form factor short throw projector. youtu.be/Ptcqynmo2dk If you're ok with a little dim and 720p it becomes a lot easier to fit it in a laptop or phone... pic.twitter.com/sL36atDnsq

2021-08-09 09:34:52
Naomi Wu 机械妖姬 @RealSexyCyborg

China's #1 Tech & DIY YouTuber Open Source, 3D Printing & Digital Fabrication, Automation, Infosec 1/18th synthetic 'It's all about merit until merit has tits'


(´・ω・`) @wbupDv0TDpn3D8n

服が凄い そっちに目がいってしまう…… twitter.com/RealSexyCyborg…

2021-08-10 09:33:41

妙に横乳を強調してる服じゃね? また日本の議員さんが訪中でハニートラップに引っ掛かるんじゃね? な? 石破茂議員さん twitter.com/RealSexyCyborg…

2021-08-10 09:46:25
【公式】きゃさりん @kyasarin007

スライドさせたいところはそこじゃ、、 皆まで言わせんなよ。 twitter.com/realsexycyborg…

2021-08-10 11:43:18
電帝 ガトムズ @denteigatomuzu

商品よりかオネーチャンの横乳どうにかしろよ twitter.com/RealSexyCyborg…

2021-08-10 15:23:15