The US has never been held accountable for this crime.

75 years ago the United States committed the ultimate crime against humanity by dropping two atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and ushering in the age of atomic warfare. The US has never been held accountable for this crime.
Elle Has Cats (and ADHD) @ellle_em

USian in Spain. accidentally started an unofficial cat refuge. they/them. I'm sorry but I talk about sports sometimes

Elle Has Cats (and ADHD) @ellle_em

75 years ago the United States committed the ultimate crime against humanity by dropping two atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and ushering in the age of atomic warfare. The US has never been held accountable for this crime.

2020-08-05 02:40:18
Elle Has Cats (and ADHD) @ellle_em

It is, perhaps, the greatest war crime ever committed by a sovereign state. The full horror of it has never been equaled. That the choice to drop the bombs is still defended by America today is even more horrific.

2020-08-05 02:42:34
Elle Has Cats (and ADHD) @ellle_em

The United States continued to exacerbate its crimes by testing atomic weapons, first at the expense of Pacific Islanders' lives, health, and sovereignty and then on land in the continental US that, in many cases, belonged to Indigenous people.

2020-08-05 02:45:07
Elle Has Cats (and ADHD) @ellle_em

The victims of nuclear war from Japan to Utah have been silenced, pushed aside, told that their suffering was "militarily necessary," ignored in favor of grand strategy, and pretended away by US history. But they were and are human beings who were murdered by the US

2020-08-05 03:01:17
Elle Has Cats (and ADHD) @ellle_em

I would suggest you read "Doomsday Machine" by @DanielEllsberg for an inside account of just how far the US was willing to go in terms of nuclear destruction…

2020-08-05 03:04:06
Elle Has Cats (and ADHD) @ellle_em

And because I keep getting these comments....there's very literal actual evidence the bombs were necessary to end World War II BUT even if they HAD ended the war it would still have been a massive crime against humanity. The consequences of their use constitutes a war crime

2020-08-05 03:08:50
Elle Has Cats (and ADHD) @ellle_em

The Japanese leadership was held accountable for crimes committed during the war. Tribunals were held by the US and the USSR where Japanese crimes were exposed and judged. The US was never held accountable for its own crimes

2020-08-05 03:10:33
Elle Has Cats (and ADHD) @ellle_em

Addressing Japanese war crimes does not make the US less guilty of committing its own massive crime. That's the point. The US refuses to even admit it committed a crime.

2020-08-05 03:11:54
Matthew Walden @MatthewWalden_

@ellle_em did you like forget why we did it as a country? you learn this in high school..

2020-08-05 02:43:00
Elle Has Cats (and ADHD) @ellle_em

@MatthewWalden_ @Autarkis84 No and nope. I actually have a graduate degree in history so I did learn a few things about this

2020-08-05 02:45:41
Elle Has Cats (and ADHD) @ellle_em

@MatthewWalden_ @Autarkis84 the bombs were dropped because Harry Truman & his advisors wanted the Soviet Union to know we had them. Japan was already in talks to surrender. We'd already committed the atrocities of firebombing Japanese cities and the war was going to end soon regardless

2020-08-05 02:47:01
Elle Has Cats (and ADHD) @ellle_em

@MatthewWalden_ @Autarkis84 and you're talking about saving lives as if American military members were the only ones worth saving. As if the civilians murdered by the atomic weapons weren't worth saving, or even considering.

2020-08-05 02:48:05