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XR日本/XRJapanのツイートより その49 21年11月前半

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佐藤 章 @bSM2TC2coIKWrlM

この議員たちに聞きたい。モリカケ桜、1億5000万、公文書改竄、赤木氏の死は「是」なのか? 国会で118回虚偽答弁は「是」なのか? 自民党のウソ八百が政治停滞につながり日本の未来を損ねている事に気がつかないのか? 維新、国民民主が「是々非々」野党連携へ #SmartNews sankei.com/article/202111…

2021-11-07 10:51:55
@ShellsLies @shellslies

Heartbreaking loss of at least 91 people due to huge explosion when a fuel tanker & lorry collided in #Freetown #SierraLeone. BBC reports oil spilled before igniting & an inferno engulfed bystanders & vehicles at busy junction. Sending condolences to all who've lost loved ones💔 twitter.com/BBCAfrica/stat…

2021-11-06 22:21:37
BBC News Africa @BBCAfrica

A huge explosion happened after an oil truck collided with another vehicle in Sierra Leone's capital, Freetown. At least 84 people have died many of whom were trapped in their vehicles. More here 👉bbc.in/3GX7AoD pic.twitter.com/uZ8Irt70qY

2021-11-06 19:42:06
Extinction Rebellion London 🌍 @XRLondon

BREAKING: #Westminster3 found guilty & sentenced to 12 months conditional discharge, not required to pay legal costs Their act of civil disobedience on conscience grounds, standing alongside others fighting for #ClimateJustice #JubileeForClimate, will be vindicated by history ⚖ twitter.com/XRebellionUK/s… pic.twitter.com/bLUfdUvi98

2021-11-04 22:49:29
Extinction Rebellion UK 🌍 @XRebellionUK

Solidarity with #Westminster3, in court on criminal trespass charges. The 3 rebels scaled Parliament and hung a 10 metre tall letter to the people of the UK, written by a Pan-African movement of activists, to the scaffolding in an effort to amplify voices from the Global South. twitter.com/jeffsimbrown/s…

2021-10-06 22:26:55
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