

COP26直後の今も継続している、 1.英国での路上封鎖、2,オーストラリアでの石炭輸出港封鎖、3.カナダでのパイプライン工事のための先住民族の土地での排除の3事例についてのツイートを並べました。カナダでは、おりしも複数の気候災害に襲われた地域に近い現場になります。 いずれも先進国内での化石燃料開発への反対運動の現場です。
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Clare Farrell @ClareTotty

time to pull together - our human rights are at risk inews.co.uk/opinion/priti-…

2021-12-09 19:35:48
リンク inews.co.uk As a war reporter I saw human rights taken away, Priti Patel's Policing Bill is just the start If protest is criminalised, protesters will be stigmatised, and vulnerable people will have even less of a voice 190
Adrien Schnarrenberger @Bergi02

Rupture de jeûne sur la Place fédérale, immortalisée par @ValerieGillioz. Après 39 jours, @Guiller06147780 fête sa victoire par une banane offerte par un «passant optimiste» il y a deux jours. pic.twitter.com/y5ZXXBVWQI

2021-12-09 19:29:18
Bibi van der Zee @bibivanderzee

My 89 year old mum is protesting against the police and crimes bill. Am v proud but it's freezing out there and she is frail. #killthebill. @GeorgeMonbiot pic.twitter.com/o1aQh9uGOF

2021-12-09 19:22:57
Scientist Rebellion @ScientistRebel1

A father of 3 convinced the Swiss environmental minister to hold a briefing on climate change by IPCC and IPBES scientists for the parlament. He was on a 39 day hungerstrike to achieve this. Thanks Guillermo for your dedication and sacrifice! twitter.com/Guiller0614778…

2021-12-09 17:52:48
GuillermoFernandez @guillermo_fernandez@tooting.ch @Guiller06147780

🚨 Victoire!!!!!! Enfin le parlement sera confronté à la vérité! J'ai été un premier domino, mais la vague qui a tout emporté, c'est vous tous, belles âmes responsables. Avec Courage, Amour et Espoir, 💪❤️✊ ensemble, nous avons ramené le bon sens dans la folie de nos dirigeants. pic.twitter.com/GhGAljxQH7

2021-12-09 17:09:15
XR Rhythms UK @XRRhythmsUK

We demand the right to protest, it's our human right! Our sisters ^ brothers have faught long and hard for the rights we have today, now the government thinks they can just take it! They must be scared of the power we have. #PCSCBill #KillTheBill #xrsamba #extinctionrebellion pic.twitter.com/i9fz5LucL6

2021-12-09 07:35:03
Ams @amelia_halls

Police violence at the Kill The Bill protest in London @netpol Does this look like an acceptable response to a peaceful protest about keeping our human right to protest? @metpoliceuk pic.twitter.com/GiMMZU64l8

2021-12-09 05:01:00
Extinction Rebellion UK 🌍 @XRebellionUK

222 women sit in parliament & 222 sit in the Lords; without protest there would be none. The #PCSCBill will bypass parliament, giving the Home Secretary power to define “serious disruption to the activities of an organisation…”. #KillTheBill #RightToProtest #Suffragette pic.twitter.com/0tDBeOyFMU

2021-12-09 02:51:11
George Monbiot @GeorgeMonbiot

It's happening in front of our eyes: the stifling of democracy in the UK, with even more dictator's powers being slipped into the Police Bill. Yet the entire Establishment looks the other way. We must fight this as if our lives depend on it. They might. theguardian.com/commentisfree/…

2021-12-08 16:05:10
Caroline Lucas @CarolineLucas

Johnson’s police dress-up might look comical but it’s deeply dangerous, signalling breakdown of vital separation of power in any democracy, placing PM in a directly dictatorial role, undermining both the independence of police & the integrity of his office. It must be called out pic.twitter.com/LXOXFeYg4T

2021-12-07 18:21:33
Rupert Read 🌍 @GreenRupertRead

In other news, the UK Government is attempting NOW, in Parliament, to suppress all nonviolent direct action and to criminalise some further forms of protest/action. It seems our Govt’s concern about the rights of political opposition & the wrong of criminalising it is…selective. twitter.com/trussliz/statu…

2021-12-07 03:20:27
Liz Truss @trussliz

The sentencing of Aung San Suu Kyi is another appalling attempt by Myanmar’s military regime to stifle opposition and suppress freedom and democracy. The UK 🇬🇧 calls on the regime to release political prisoners, engage in dialogue and allow a return to democracy.

2021-12-06 20:15:38
@XRCardiff @XRCardiff

Some of our Cardiff rebels will be travelling to London to take part in the #KilltheBill action this week. The rest of us will be taking part in #DigitalRebellion See details below for how to take part. twitter.com/ExtinctionR/st…

2021-12-07 03:12:00
Christian Climate Action @CClimateAction

Tomorrow, 5 members of CCA will be at court standing trial for an action they took part in in 2019 In the action they challenged the financial district to take responsibility for it's role in the climate crisis Please pray for them & Diana Warner who stands trial alongside them pic.twitter.com/0rLrLnf3MC

2021-12-06 05:38:20
Extinction Rebellion Global @ExtinctionR

🔄LOADING...🚨POLICE STATE🚨 The Lords are our last hope to blunt the worst effects of the authoritarian Policing Bill Safeguard our fundamental human right to protest Mon-Wed: Twitterstorm Tue & Wed: Call the Lords! Wed: Protest 5-7pm outside House of Lords #KilltheBill pic.twitter.com/xWncak0LF3

2021-12-06 02:11:31
XR Worthing @XRWorthing

The #PoliceCrackdownBill will give police more powers to shut down protest, stop and search without suspicion, and criminalise Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities. Sign @libertyhq 's petition to stop these dangerous plans NO MORE POLICE POWERS liberty.e-activist.com/page/78339/pet…

2021-12-03 00:45:40
Chris Hayes @chrislhayes

Just to be clear: this is being forced by a right-wing federal judge, upheld by SCOTUS. One of the most destructive and lawless displays of "judicial activism" I've ever seen. twitter.com/NickMiroff/sta…

2021-12-02 23:50:19
Nick Miroff @NickMiroff

SCOOP: U.S. and Mexico reach deal to restart Trump-era ‘Remain in Mexico’ program along border. Announcement planned for tomorrow, with implementation likely next week. washingtonpost.com/national/us-an… with @ksieff

2021-12-02 13:35:16
Momentum 🌹 @PeoplesMomentum

BREAKING: Conservative's new bill would give them the power to deport 2 out of 5 non-white people in England and Wales. The racist Nationality and Borders Bill must be opposed 👉🏾 mtm.is/nationality #BlackLivesMatter #ToryRacism #Windrush pic.twitter.com/e2ht7C0RxT

2021-12-02 21:38:24

🇬🇧#UK is currently on our Watchlist due to a rapid decline in civic freedoms Repeated attempts by the govt to stifle peaceful assembly are concerning. New proposals target crucial tools used for protests & propose up to 51 weeks of jail time. theguardian.com/commentisfree/… #KilltheBill pic.twitter.com/j1crfz13wv

2021-12-02 17:47:29
Stephen Barlow @SteB777

This is a must watch, and @GeorgeMonbiot deserves an Oscar. However, we have to ask something about the world we live in, when a parody TV politics reporter, produces the most serious and accurate coverage of COP26. Brilliant work. twitter.com/the_ecologist/…

2021-12-02 17:46:10
The Ecologist @the_ecologist

BREAKING: Groundbreaking analysis shows COP26 really was politicians sticking their headsin the sand... from @JonathanPieNews with @GeorgeMonbiot @CarolineLucas @FrannyArmstrong. theecologist.org/2021/dec/01/co… pic.twitter.com/bkCkHN2Py6

2021-12-02 03:17:14
Donnachadh McCarthy @DonnachadhMc

Johnson passing laws to destroy peaceful disruptive protests, as he trashes our climate.🙈 Criminalising even telling ppl online or organising peaceful disruptive protest.🙈 New Orwellian law with 10 YEARS jail for "seriously annoying" the govt.🙈 @ExtinctionR @InsulateLove pic.twitter.com/7RbgpCj47X

2021-12-02 15:19:14
George Monbiot @GeorgeMonbiot

Here's @libertyhq's petition. I know the power of signing petitions is limited, but if we can get millions, it might help: action.libertyhumanrights.org.uk/page/78339/pet…

2021-12-02 03:13:28
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