
COP26直後の今も継続している、 1.英国での路上封鎖、2,オーストラリアでの石炭輸出港封鎖、3.カナダでのパイプライン工事のための先住民族の土地での排除の3事例についてのツイートを並べました。カナダでは、おりしも複数の気候災害に襲われた地域に近い現場になります。 いずれも先進国内での化石燃料開発への反対運動の現場です。
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Scientist Rebellion @ScientistRebel1

6. just for doing what is patently right and scientifically backed. If the activists win the government looks weak. They fear more wins would follow, threatening their power, threatening accountability. So they won’t willingly give up one shred of power, regardless of the cost.

2021-11-18 02:26:09
Scientist Rebellion @ScientistRebel1

7. Resist. Join the movement. DM us or email to find out how: scientistrebellion@protonmail.com

2021-11-18 02:26:09
Andy Bungay @AndyTheChiminea

After @PaulsJam1 @DJSteve8 @DJSimon_B @AndyTheChiminea @ThisisRiverside has the Colin Crilly Takeover rummaging through the campigning world and looking back at the 10th Anniversary of @OccupyLondon pic.twitter.com/tCnCwz2lNF

2021-10-17 02:38:17
Edward Thompson @_EdThompson

I'd photographed protests in London for 10 years before @OccupyLondon, normally they end and people leave. It was an occupation... so they were there on the 16th October 2011 too. Here are some photographs from that day (a continued thread) pic.twitter.com/KhfgPTkw5f

2021-10-16 22:28:55
Positive Money @PositiveMoneyUK

"The Occupy movement showed what is possible when a ragtag group of organizers turn private suffering into public action." Yesterday marked ten years since #OccupyLondon. ~ @ThisIsRevShow for @guardian 👇 #Occupy10YearsOn theguardian.com/commentisfree/…

2021-10-16 19:02:00
Occupy London @OccupyLondon

All power @LGeraghty23 who write this great retrospective on #OccupyLondon for @BigIssue bigissue.com/news/activism/… very important to us as they honoured the man who lived on the steps before we arrived #RIPJimmy #Occupy10YearsOn pic.twitter.com/uin01LkKr6

2021-10-15 19:31:35
Occupy London @OccupyLondon

10 years ago today around 3,000 people came to occupy the London Stock Exchange. We stayed for four and a half months. The first documentary on us vimeo.com/158086640 and what we learned whyoccupy.uk #Occupy10YearsOn many of us have never stopped. Keep it lit 🔥 pic.twitter.com/pabkpwM7Hs

2021-10-15 18:29:32
Peter Kalmus @ClimateHuman

There are still so few climate activists. If someone is a climate activist, beam gratitude and kindness towards them

2021-09-22 10:22:30
柴田優呼 / Yuko Shibata @アカデミック・ジャーナリズム @yuko_shibata_

3) 6、人口の1%のスーパーリッチに対し、自分たちは99%の方なのだ、という概念を得た。7、反グローバリゼーションと反戦アクティビズムをもたらした。8、組織内で人々が序列的な関係ではなく、水平的な関係であることを求めるようになった。9、NPOを複数立ち上げ、先頭を切って行動するようになった。

2021-09-19 21:14:12
柴田優呼 / Yuko Shibata @アカデミック・ジャーナリズム @yuko_shibata_

2) 3、反資本主義や階級分析をもたらし、社会主義がクールなものに。従来の労働運動では無理だった。4、ジェンダーやLGBT差別は受け入れられない、との考えが定着。だが人種差別についてはまだ十分ではない。5、単にoccupy (占拠) するという運動の限界を知り、選挙で政治を変える必要性を悟った。

2021-09-19 21:14:11
柴田優呼 / Yuko Shibata @アカデミック・ジャーナリズム @yuko_shibata_

1) Occupy Wall Street (ウォール街を占拠せよ) 運動から10年。以下、かつての参加者の評価。1、物理的なスペースを共有することの大切さを知った。あれは象徴的なコモンズ。2、ミレニアル世代の社会運動はあそこから始まった。後のBLMやバーニー・サンダースの選挙応援、ツイッターでの社会運動等。 twitter.com/thenation/stat…

2021-09-19 21:14:11
The Nation @thenation

10 years later, do they still stand by the leaderless revolution? bit.ly/39cS9cj

2021-09-19 05:40:01
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

ダレン・ローケイデス “今日でオキュパイウォールストリートの開始から10年になる。その意義は?あった! 一つの世代が政治化し、反エリートの言葉が普遍的なものになり、XRや他の運動にインスピレーションを与えた。 FT紙はこれをトップ記事にしてくれた。“ twitter.com/DarrenLoucaide…

2021-09-18 06:33:28
Darren Loucaides @DarrenLoucaides

It’s 10 years today since start of Occupy Wall Street. I wanted to figure out whether it mattered. Short answer: YES! Politicised a gen, anti-elites language became ubiquitous, inspired @ExtinctionR & countless others. Thrilled this is @FTMag cover story ft.com/content/761f52…

2021-09-17 19:05:18
Darren Loucaides @DarrenLoucaides

It’s 10 years today since start of Occupy Wall Street. I wanted to figure out whether it mattered. Short answer: YES! Politicised a gen, anti-elites language became ubiquitous, inspired @ExtinctionR & countless others. Thrilled this is @FTMag cover story ft.com/content/761f52…

2021-09-17 19:05:18
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

XRカーディフ "歴史は女性の力を示しています。40年前、ウェールズ出身の36人の女性がグリーナムコモンまで130マイルを行進し、女性参政権運動以来最大の女性が主導した抗議活動を開始しました。何千人もの女性が自分たちの場所を主張するために手をつなぎました。 彼らの精神に基づいて行動しよう" twitter.com/XRCardiff/stat…

2021-09-18 05:21:48
@XRCardiff @XRCardiff

History shows us the power of women! 40 years ago, 36 women from Wales, marched 130 miles to Greenham Common & started what would become the biggest female led protest since Women's Suffrage. Thousands of women joined hands to claim their space. Lets act in their spirit 💚🌳💚 pic.twitter.com/JOmqkymU4C

2021-09-16 22:28:09
@XRCardiff @XRCardiff

History shows us the power of women! 40 years ago, 36 women from Wales, marched 130 miles to Greenham Common & started what would become the biggest female led protest since Women's Suffrage. Thousands of women joined hands to claim their space. Lets act in their spirit 💚🌳💚 pic.twitter.com/JOmqkymU4C

2021-09-16 22:28:09


Extinction Rebellion Global @ExtinctionR

📢 Tell the House of Lords not to ban protest when they vote on 13th or 15th 📢 Call, email, tweet! bit.ly/ktbdigital Global Twitterstorm bit.ly/tweet2ktb Protest like your right to protest depends on it. #PCSCBill #PolicingBill #StopThePoliceStateBill pic.twitter.com/Q2W8w1yHHs

2021-12-12 06:58:13
System Change, not Climate Change! - #BlockGas @SystemChangeAT

🚨 Climate movement under attack in Austria! 🚨 The Vienna city government threatens climate activists with massive lawsuits and eviction. Activists from climate & youth movements occupy several motorway construction sites in Vienna. Press release: systemchange-not-climatechange.at/de/press-relea… pic.twitter.com/dTkWo0beYb

2021-12-12 03:04:27
Extinction Rebellion Families @XRFamilies

#KillTheBill There's still time to take action against the draconian Policing Bill. The Lords aren't finished with voting on the new amendments yet, so we're asking people to please continue to reach out with calls, emails, and tweets.

2021-12-10 23:03:37
BronMac @mac_bron

Not sure these protesters are ‘extreme’ but we all certainly face an extreme climate and ecological emergency #ActNow dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1…

2021-12-10 07:18:19
Extinction Rebellion UK 🌍 @XRebellionUK

While the @Conservatives criminalise peaceful protest, with many currently legal protest methods becoming imprisonable offences, they break laws day in day out. No wonder they want us in cuffs, they fear us holding them to account for their crimes. We must #KillTheBill. twitter.com/JolyonMaugham/…

2021-12-10 06:34:23
Jo Maugham @JolyonMaugham

Of course, the BBC isn't reporting it in this way but actually the Electoral Commission has found "beyond reasonable doubt" that the Treasurer of the Conservative Party has committed a criminal offence. bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politi…

2021-12-09 20:04:06
XR Cambridge @xr_cambridge

After 39 days hunger striking, Guillermo's demand was met. Today the Swiss parliament announced it would meet with climate & biodiversity scientists in a meeting next May organised by scientists. The critical element was Guillermo's resolve - he was prepared to die & they knew it twitter.com/Guiller0614778…

2021-12-10 01:10:04
GuillermoFernandez @guillermo_fernandez@tooting.ch @Guiller06147780

🚨Victory!!!!!! Finally the parliament will be confronted with the truth! I was the first domino, but the wave that swept everything away is all of you beautiful and responsible souls. With Courage, Love and Hope, 💪❤️✊ we bring sanity back into the madness of our politicians. pic.twitter.com/4iUE3FXexm

2021-12-09 17:09:28
Raj Kaur @Rajo_rani

I grew up with grandparents who insisted on keeping their non-British passports because “they could kick us out at any moment, you never know…”we used to laugh saying “relax, that would never happen.” Yesterday, the UK made this fear rational, by passing a law that allows -->

2021-12-09 19:43:44
Raj Kaur @Rajo_rani

them to strip ethnic minorities of their citizenship without notice or right to appeal. I am so deeply deeply saddened by this #nationalityandbordersbill that has rendered me a second class citizen in a country I considered mine. I can’t count how many times I’ve said -->

2021-12-09 19:43:45
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