

Sally Amaki/天城サリー💍(Gintoki/Kuroo/GetoEnthusiast) @sally_amaki

Shout out to every one of you❤️ the petition for the start of my twitter was actually one big factor for this What did I do to deserve you all 😭 みんなのお陰で始められるようになりました!頑張るね💪

2018-05-18 14:34:39
Sally Amaki/天城サリー💍(Gintoki/Kuroo/GetoEnthusiast) @sally_amaki

I actually got locked out of this account this morning because I got too excited and changed my @ too much that I apparently violated the twitter rules? #BreakinTheSystemBeforeDay1

2018-05-18 14:36:44
Sally Amaki/天城サリー💍(Gintoki/Kuroo/GetoEnthusiast) @sally_amaki

報告するほどでもないんだけどね、今日スタバでアイスラテ頼んだらグランデホットラテが来てね、熱い飲み物苦手だけど店員さんに話す方が苦手だからそのまま持ち帰って今授業中これどうすればいいか分かんないんです #冷えるまで待つかコンビニの氷ダンクするか pic.twitter.com/MVF4UjnFjm

2018-05-18 15:15:53
Sally Amaki/天城サリー💍(Gintoki/Kuroo/GetoEnthusiast) @sally_amaki

ホイ!丁度いい!初見さんの為にも今からコメント欄で天城の良いところだけ書いて情報提供をお願いします! #金曜日は天城を褒める日 twitter.com/psy_inle/statu…

2018-05-18 15:33:44
アウスラ @psy_inle


2018-05-18 15:21:21
Sally Amaki/天城サリー💍(Gintoki/Kuroo/GetoEnthusiast) @sally_amaki

Aight well I guess this mini solo interview video is out but please watch it in 144p because it’s not my prettiest day and dear god IM AWKWARD IN FRONT OF CAMERAS twitter.com/227_staff/stat…

2018-05-18 18:28:06
Sally Amaki/天城サリー💍(Gintoki/Kuroo/GetoEnthusiast) @sally_amaki

Tbh I didn’t think they’d use this part of the interview but this was the only quality answer I gave and the only English I spoke in the whole thing so here you go #Unblock227YoutubeWorldwide pic.twitter.com/yu4PZN2sjF

2018-05-18 19:02:48
Sally Amaki/天城サリー💍(Gintoki/Kuroo/GetoEnthusiast) @sally_amaki

1日にツイートって何回していいんだろうか?あまりするとツイッターにアカウント凍結されるんだよね #経験者は語る

2018-05-18 19:55:35
Sally Amaki/天城サリー💍(Gintoki/Kuroo/GetoEnthusiast) @sally_amaki

@NogiYubi_7 始める前に既に今朝 @ 変えすぎて凍結されてるんです 多分二度目は1日で危ないのでw

2018-05-18 21:47:54
Sally Amaki/天城サリー💍(Gintoki/Kuroo/GetoEnthusiast) @sally_amaki

@hanakawamei_227 公園のポッポ鳥好きな花川氏見てこれ。座ってるポッポ鳥🐦 今朝撮ったの。ねぇねぇ褒めて〜 pic.twitter.com/9qaUiaeRQW

2018-05-18 21:51:06
Sally Amaki/天城サリー💍(Gintoki/Kuroo/GetoEnthusiast) @sally_amaki

Also following the series of unfortunate events after me getting a hot grande latte this morning, I dropped my chopsticks and had to improvise during lunch pic.twitter.com/EkOBrtz1K6

2018-05-18 22:10:25
Sally Amaki/天城サリー💍(Gintoki/Kuroo/GetoEnthusiast) @sally_amaki

Wait. We can only tweet til midnight??? Was I the only one who didn’t hear this rule? When do we get to start tweeting again? What if my morning starts at 12:01?? #EveryoneKnowsImUpTil4amWhoWeTrynnaFool??

2018-05-19 00:16:53
Sally Amaki/天城サリー💍(Gintoki/Kuroo/GetoEnthusiast) @sally_amaki

@/227_staff won’t know I stay past twitter curfew if I block them.... 🤔

2018-05-19 00:48:11
Sally Amaki/天城サリー💍(Gintoki/Kuroo/GetoEnthusiast) @sally_amaki

I just woke up to go out for a run but I’m too sleepy and it’s the thought that counts so I’m going back to sleep. Good night everyone Just wanted to let you all know I at least tried ƪ(΄◞ิ۝◟ิ‵)ʃ

2018-05-19 06:33:55
Sally Amaki/天城サリー💍(Gintoki/Kuroo/GetoEnthusiast) @sally_amaki

起きたらみんなに発表しよっと❤️ ( ◞・౪・)◞ <-ブロブフィッシュ

2018-05-19 06:39:57
Sally Amaki/天城サリー💍(Gintoki/Kuroo/GetoEnthusiast) @sally_amaki

Also I told my manager I was gonna start Instagram after I hit 10k on here 🎉 so thank you all for the support ❤️ 発表:ツイッター開始前に1万人達成後にインスタ始めるってニーナさんと約束した天城です。待っててね!

2018-05-19 07:32:06
1 ・・ 302 次へ