AGDQ2022でのcrossbeats REV. SUNRISE Showcaseへの反応まとめ

jammitch! @jammitchDX

Heads up: GDQ is presently about an hour behind and my run is still two days out. We'll see how the rest of the week goes but I'm anticipating a start closer to midnight EST than 11 PM at this point. #cbREV

2022-01-12 12:49:40 @Shinji16

Reminder: in the upcoming @GamesDoneQuick, @jammitchDX will be doing a crossbeats REV. Sunrise exhibition on Thur 01/13 23:00 EST, and @Spootaloo might be doing a bonus NotITG Mods Boot Camp 3 Exhibition on Fri 01/14 19:15 EST. See you then! #AGDQ2022

2022-01-14 00:34:08
Δ-um+ach @Delta31337

開催中のAGDQ2022で日付変わって今日の13:20(JST)からcrossbeats REV.のRTAがあるらしいので要チェケですよ👀 REV.のRTAって何するの????

2022-01-14 00:35:55
拡大 @Shinji16

Reminder: in the upcoming @GamesDoneQuick, @jammitchDX will be doing a crossbeats REV. Sunrise exhibition on Thur 01/13 ~23:45 EST, and @Spootaloo might be doing a bonus NotITG Mods Boot Camp 3 Exhibition on Fri 01/14 19:15 EST. See you then! #AGDQ2022…

2022-01-14 00:43:46
jammitch! @jammitchDX

@Shinji16 @GamesDoneQuick @Spootaloo Current estimated start time is 23:45 EST (much better than last night), but I'd still expect a post-midnight start at this point.

2022-01-14 00:39:18
Δ-um+ach @Delta31337

@jammitchDX I realized later that it was a showcase. I misunderstood , sorry. But I'm really looking forward to it :) Thank you for crossbeats REV RTA! Sorry for my bad English.

2022-01-14 01:23:22
くいち、🍥 @Kuichi_Araburi


2022-01-14 02:01:20
アズ @azu_ggxx


2022-01-14 04:28:21
Kinda Nerdy Housewife @KindaNerdyHW

Oh heck! 😱 When you see it on the "on deck" screen is when it really starts to feel real, ya know? I'll be commentating for this crossbeats REV showcase!! Current ETA is 10:30 pm central time, but there is a randomizer before the us, so the start time could shift slightly!…

2022-01-14 07:52:11
Kinda Nerdy Housewife @KindaNerdyHW

Tonight's #gamesbeadedquick project is in honor of @jammitchDX's showcase of #cbREV! jammitch!: I'm so glad that you've been part of my life for the last 15 years, and I'm so, so proud of you! I know that you're absolutely gonna crush it! 💪 @GamesDoneQuick #AGDQ2022

2022-01-14 08:31:18
🦇伊勢雫🥂 @isesizuku


2022-01-14 10:07:21
おもち @Omochi_CB

ミフメイの曲ほんと好き クロスビーツやりて〜

2022-01-14 10:11:19
Bemani Sound Team “stfu” @sorryarisaurus

The plug for Brain Power is a pretty good lead in for crossbeats Rev ngl #AGDQ2022

2022-01-14 10:34:44
ρ(ろー) @Rho_Sponge


2022-01-14 10:45:33
AnEternalEnigma @AnEternalEnigma

It's now time for my second hosting segment of #AGDQ2022! Coming up: - Resident Evil: Village by @7rayD! - crossbeats REV. Sunrise by @jammitchDX! - Ynglet by warm_ham! Let's raise even more money for @preventcancer!

2022-01-14 10:49:21
𝓜𝓲𝓻ttern𝓪 Online ⇦⇩⇧⇨ @LocriaCircuitry

Yo, Crossbeats is on GDQ this year? That rules. I haven't seen any of the tougher charts in that before and I bet it gets kooky.

2022-01-14 11:14:49 @Shinji16

Also, for folks that are able to donate: remember that Konami has 573, for crossbeats there's Naoki's birthday of 4/28 Just saying I may or may not be encouraging $14.28 donations, if you're able

2022-01-14 11:16:51

こちらですが現在1:50 PMからの予定となっております。 二つ前の枠が既に始まっているのですが、2h10mのロングランなのでちょっと前後することはありそうという予想です。 #cbREV #AGDQ2022…

2022-01-14 11:49:40
びーたお烏 the 3rd VAX@Ci-en @CROSSXBEATAO

1/14(金) 13:20(JST)から、 "Awesome Games Done Quick 2022"の日本語配信にて、 あきなさん(@akina_plus )と共にcrossbeats REV. SUNRISEの解説を担当します。 走者は米国筐体所持勢のjammitch!(@jammitchDX )さんです。 平日ですがお時間あればどうぞ。… #AGDQ2022 #cbREV

2022-01-10 11:56:50

日本語配信はこちらから。 また、crossbeats REV. SUNRISEの枠は1時間12分の予定なので、 ちょっとした休憩時間等入ればふらっと見に来て下さい。…

2022-01-14 11:54:02
Jumario @ R1 Towson, March??? @Eijiken

As soon as my stream is done, We are raiding @jammitchDX show asking Crossbeats on #AGDQ2022 !!! Shout out to @GamesDoneQuick for having rhythm games back on the marathon, show some love!

2022-01-14 12:02:49
夏目しゃち @natsume_shachi

13時30分辺りからAGDQ2022でcrossbeats REV.の時間やないか

2022-01-14 12:21:11
ボン @Irankoto_si


2022-01-14 12:32:03 @Shinji16

Reminder: this @GamesDoneQuick, @jammitchDX will be doing a crossbeats REV. Sunrise exhibition on Thur 01/13 ~23:50 EST, and @Spootaloo might be doing a bonus NotITG Mods Boot Camp 3 Exhibition on Fri 01/14 19:15 EST. See you then! #AGDQ2022

2022-01-14 13:03:25 @Shinji16

Also, for folks that are able to donate: remember that Konami has 573, for crossbeats there's Naoki's birthday of 4/28 Just saying I may or may not be encouraging $14.28 donations, if you're able

2022-01-14 13:03:57
akane @akaneskmz

今やってるバイオの後、Recap挟んでcrossbeats REV. SUNRISE…

2022-01-14 13:06:31
JapaneseRestream @JapanRestream

次のゲームは「バイオハザード ヴィレッジ」 カテゴリーは「Village of Shadows - Glitchless」 走者は7rayDさん 日本語解説はmikequnさん,otasacさんです! 敵が非常に堅くて強い! コスパ悪いのでボス以外はほぼスルーしていきます! 配信チャンネルはこちら… #AGDQ2022JP

2022-01-14 10:52:30
🦇伊勢雫🥂 @isesizuku


2022-01-14 13:12:15
1 ・・ 6 次へ