
実現を切に希望 随時追加予定

A beginner's guide to forcing

Timothy Y. Chow
(Submitted on 9 Dec 2007 (v1), last revised 8 May 2008 (this version, v2))

This expository paper, aimed at the reader without much background in set theory or logic, gives an overview of Cohen's proof (via forcing) of the independence of the continuum hypothesis. It emphasizes the broad outlines and the intuitive motivation while omitting most of the proofs. The reader must of course consult standard textbooks for the missing details, but this article provides a map of the forest so that the beginner will not get lost while forging through the trees.


erutuf @erutuf13

A beginner's guide to forcing ってどのくらいの beginner を想定してるんやろう……

2011-09-05 23:15:56
H. Miyoshi (ALC Japan is rescheduled in 2025) @metaphusika

@masahiro_sakai @kururu_goedel 集合論と圏論の両方に関心があれば強制法のSolovay-Scott流の定式化は興味を惹くと思いますが,入門でそこまで行くのは結構大変ですね。@masahiro_sakai さんなら大丈夫でしょうけれど。

2011-09-05 23:48:45
カオナシ(T. MATSUMOTO) @CharStream

@metaphusika @masahiro_sakai @kururu_goedel Dana Scott, Robert M. Solovay, and Petr Vopěnkaが導入したブール値モデルのお話しですか。面白そうですね。

2011-09-06 01:42:10