
岡部いさく @Mossie633

アメリカ海兵隊の入隊募集ブースにこの絵がかかってるんだって。 twitter.com/sinecuris/stat…

2022-02-21 14:21:29
tautologer @tautologer

spotted at an official US Marines recruiting booth pic.twitter.com/NNuvEEfc8C

2022-02-21 05:30:14
tautologer @tautologer

spotted at an official US Marines recruiting booth pic.twitter.com/NNuvEEfc8C

2022-02-21 05:30:14
tautologer @tautologer


2022-02-21 11:41:12
Starman in Elon's Roadster @argentcorvus

@LunarArchivist @sinecuris I’m a Marine and I think it’s awesome! It reflects the old original it was based on and still looks squared away, plus the Marines love Japanese stuff. We’ve all been in or near Japan.

2022-02-21 11:09:04
Starman in Elon's Roadster @argentcorvus

@LunarArchivist @sinecuris I’m a Marine and I think it’s awesome! It reflects the old original it was based on and still looks squared away, plus the Marines love Japanese stuff. We’ve all been in or near Japan.

2022-02-21 11:09:04


ウチューじん・ささき @uchujin17

@Mossie633 米海軍にはこの前科があるだけに、さもありなん( ˘ω˘) pic.twitter.com/LSo5Gal5m1

2022-02-21 14:24:18
ロイロット博士 @Dr_Roylott

@uchujin17 Navy はやはりこの路線でいってほしいです。 youtu.be/nmGuy0jievs "IN THE NAVY---VILLAGE PEOPLE, Official Music Video (1979) HD"

2022-02-21 17:33:05
M21991式・宇宙戦艦ヤマト @m21991yamato

@Mossie633 これがオリジナルらしいです。 件の絵の方が戦艦が旧い籠マストという… pic.twitter.com/c0yf8Wilqz

2022-02-21 14:38:21


ヘンリー @henry_fiskgjuse

@Mossie633 描かれたのはこちらの方のようです。 [2020Comm] New US marine recruitment poster by Daredragon on DeviantArt deviantart.com/daredragon/art…

2022-02-21 15:00:11