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Scientist Rebellion @ScientistRebel1

🇹🇿🇨🇩🇸🇱🇲🇼🇺🇬🇿🇼🇳🇬 🇪🇨🇵🇦🇨🇱🇦🇷🇲🇽🇨🇴 🇪🇸🇩🇪🇮🇹🇵🇹🇳🇱🇫🇷🇨🇭🇸🇪🇩🇰🇮🇸🇳🇴🇬🇧 🇦🇺🇺🇸 With actions in 27 countries and counting, this will be a Global Scientist Rebellion. Join us. Make History. April 4-9

2022-03-16 20:41:28
Peter Kalmus @ClimateHuman

To get involved for April 6: twitter.com/ClimateHuman/s…

2022-03-15 11:59:15
Peter Kalmus @ClimateHuman

On April 6 I'll be risking arrest in LA along with others around the world. ALL can join, any risk level, scientists or nonscientists. They've been ignoring scientists too long... and this is always a terrible idea. #ClimateRevolution Signup: blocksurvey.io/survey/1Yh2pFj… twitter.com/ScientistRebel…

2022-03-15 10:50:11
Peter Kalmus @ClimateHuman

On April 6 I'll be risking arrest in LA along with others around the world. ALL can join, any risk level, scientists or nonscientists. They've been ignoring scientists too long... and this is always a terrible idea. #ClimateRevolution Signup: blocksurvey.io/survey/1Yh2pFj… twitter.com/ScientistRebel…

2022-03-15 10:50:11
Scientist Rebellion @ScientistRebel1

April mobilisation update! 🧵 We are proud to announce that activists in at least 19 countries across the globe will be participating in our April rebellion, with local coordinators working with the rest of the group to ensure actions run smoothly. (1/7) pic.twitter.com/7LeGrmxYwA

2022-01-23 01:57:40
Peter Kalmus @ClimateHuman

We've had 26 COPs so far, year after year the power elite meet. And the science has been known that whole time and is happening now just like predicted. And still NOTHING, less than nothing, they're calling for MORE fossil fuel! Marches feel good but this is why they don't work.

2022-03-15 11:42:40
小倉 正(XR四国)⏳→@togura04@spore.social @togura04

Scientist Rebellion - SR Talk with Peter Kalmus & William Livernois youtu.be/Z3Pteckkf_c @YouTubeより

2022-03-15 10:43:50



𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐋 @emil418

陸上自衛隊幕僚幹部の資料に、武力攻撃には至らない攻撃として「反戦デモ」の記述があり、さらに指摘され慌てて廃棄していた事が穀田恵二衆院議員の追及で明らかになった。#国会中継 (2022.3.30外務委員会) pic.twitter.com/rDw6P0eGeG

2022-03-30 21:32:12
yunishio @yunishio

これ、内部資料で反戦デモを敵視して書いているのをうっかり公開資料にコピペしちゃって、それがバレたので誤ったふりしてわざと廃棄してるっしょ。情報統制できてなくてバレバレやん。🙂 twitter.com/yajipoi0810/st…

2022-03-30 19:39:51
ヤジポイの会【判決は6/22】 @yajipoi0810

「デモはテロ」(by石破茂)を思い出す。ヤジすらも許さない政府の本音か。 「反戦デモやテロが、武力攻撃に至らない手段で自らの主張を相手に強要する「グレーゾーン」事態に当たるとしていた」 新たな戦いに「反戦デモ」を例示 陸自、不適切と指摘受け修正 | 共同通信 nordot.app/88183137841566…

2022-03-30 19:08:37
布施祐仁/ Yujin Fuse @yujinfuse

敵国と結託した国内勢力が反戦デモで世論戦を仕掛けてくるというイメージなんだろうな。ネトウヨが喜んで飛び付きそう。中国政府が香港の民主化運動をアメリカが背後にいると言って弾圧したように。 新たな戦いに「反戦デモ」を例示 陸自、不適切と指摘受け修正 - 共同通信 nordot.app/88183137841566…

2022-03-30 19:36:20
350 Europe @350Europe

🚨 Win alert!🚨 The House of Lords has defended the right to protest after consistent campings from groups around the country and thousands of you speaking up. Now let's carry on using our right to protest to LOUDLY fight for justice 📢✊ twitter.com/friends_earth/…

2022-03-23 02:34:30
Friends of the Earth @friends_earth

WE WON💥 The government has been defeated in the House of Lords AGAIN as Peers reject attempts to restrict noisy protests! #PolicingBill

2022-03-23 02:11:20
Liberty @libertyhq

🚨The House of Lords has just removed Gov's plan to criminalise noisy protests from the #PolicingBill AGAIN This means MPs now have the chance to get rid of it for good next week We’re so close to defeating this undemocratic plan Email your MP today action.libertyhumanrights.org.uk/page/92606/act… twitter.com/libertyhq/stat…

2022-03-23 01:53:03
Liberty @libertyhq

🚨The #PolicingBill is back TODAY🚨 Protest isn't a gift from the State - it's OUR RIGHT But Gov wants to criminalise noisy protests Noise is at the heart of protest The House of Lords must stand up for protest rights and bin this dangerous and unworkable proposal pic.twitter.com/uA1KD3PZLd

2022-03-22 18:15:00



LookOutForEachOther @LookUpByHarryG

IPCC are saying we need to stop oil now & our Govt aren’t doing it...aren’t listening to scientists. My generation is in the firing line & this is the last option we have...he and 100s of others are planning to “grind infrastructure to a halt” next month gbnews.uk/news/insulate-…

2022-03-27 22:39:40
Rachael Venables @rachaelvenables

Breaking: Labour MP @johnmcdonnellMP offers his support for Insulate Britain’s right to ‘Direct Action.’ He hopes they don’t get jail time. “If there hadn’t been protests we wouldn’t be taking climate change seriously.” pic.twitter.com/Jj8mIoC5Pg

2021-11-17 18:42:53

バーニング・ピンク党 Burning Pink Party

 エコサイドを国際犯罪にキャンペーン Stop ECOCIDE Campaign

Inside Climate News @insideclimate

Ecuador’s Constitutional Court issued another landmark rights of nature ruling, this time recognizing that wild animal’s have the rights to exist and to be free from disproportionate cruelty, fear and distress. bit.ly/38eDJvn

2022-03-29 23:20:00
Stop Ecocide International @EcocideLaw

Once again, youth strikers are inviting people to take the streets to demand climate justice. For the last day of the mobilisation to #StopEcocideEverywhere, we want to express our solidarity with #FridaysforFuture and amplify their call to action: #PeopleNotProfit. pic.twitter.com/GKmtFsTxis

2022-03-26 03:38:46
Stop Ecocide International @EcocideLaw

BREAKING! Amidst the week of mobilisation to #StopEcocideEverywhere, Icelandic parliamentarians from various political parties submitted a resolution, calling for support for an international crime of ecocide as well as national #ecocide legislation. Info: stopecocide.earth/new-breaking-n… pic.twitter.com/2NSAqU7266

2022-03-24 19:56:40
StopEcocidioIT @StopEcocidioIT

👉ROMA: Sit-in 15H, presso Piazza dei Santi Apostoli, seguito da un evento condotto da @VoltEuropa nel 65° anniversario del Trattato di #Roma. A cura di Stop Ecocidio Italia. 📣Porta i tuoi cartelli e striscioni! #stopecocidio pic.twitter.com/wd0saaLEqe

2022-03-24 02:01:15
Stop Ecocide International @EcocideLaw

This week an unprecedented mobilisation for the recognition of the ecocide is taking place throughout #Europe, as campaigners, citizens & elected representatives are calling on the European Union to #StopEcocideEverywhere. Join the mobilisation! stopecocide.earth/ecocide-week-2… pic.twitter.com/tGomqWn220

2022-03-23 03:27:08
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