NYタイムズさん、ウクライナ戦でロシアがウソついた証拠を配信→アメリカ人A「フェーイーク! フェーイーク!」アメリカ人B「じつはこれは軍需産業を儲けさせるための陰謀でェ!」アメリカ人C「おれメディアとか信じてないから」

The New York Times @nytimes

Breaking News: Satellite images refute Russia’s claim that the killing of civilians in Bucha, a suburb of Ukraine's capital, occurred after its soldiers had left town, a New York Times analysis found. nyti.ms/3DEfL8c

2022-04-05 04:18:32
Doug Badman @DougBadman

@nytimes Unfortunately we live in an epoch, when many people won't believe in any hard data. Because we can see dinosaurs in movie, so it is easy to cheat pictures... No moral, no basic logic, just an opinion is enough for these.

2022-04-05 04:22:48



Jérémy @Jeremync63

@DougBadman @nytimes This is sickening to observe.. no amount of data will change their position, therefore how can we evolve as a society if our perspectives are so opposed?

2022-04-05 05:33:42




Doug Badman @DougBadman

@Jeremync63 @nytimes 🤷 In short term we are doomed In long term I trust in education. But we need to buy us some time for it I don't know how🤷

2022-04-05 05:39:26


Steve @Steve45389171

@DougBadman @nytimes I don’t believe in escalation. Other powers arming either side in a conflict. When you see all your comrades being burned alive in tanks and other vehicles by Javelin missiles provided by US defense contractors,you might lose your mind.

2022-04-05 11:03:53



oksana @RmNjSrrEq9ep7BJ

@vojtajarema @DougBadman @nytimes there is an information war, people are set against each other, fakes without clear evidence and investigations

2022-04-05 15:13:14



Vojta Jarema @vojtajarema

@DougBadman @nytimes The thing is that its always these ppl who are begging for evidence and even if they got it, rock solid, they dont believe it. And then they read an article on Sputnik with 50 gramatical mistakes in one sentence and base their every opinion around it

2022-04-05 13:34:16



リンク Wikipedia スプートニク (通信社) スプートニク(SPUTNIK、ロシア語: Спутник)は、ロシアの通信社。2014年11月10日に設立され、RIAノーボスチとロシアの声に代わってロシア国外での展開を担っている。ロシア政府系メディアであるロシアの今日の傘下にある。編集長はA.S.アニーシモフ。 日本語版は、2015年3月20日に開設された。 本局はモスクワにあり、支局をワシントン、北京、パリ、ベルリン、カイロ、ロンドン、エディンバラなどに持つ。 ロシア語での24時間ラジオ放送以外に、外国読者向けに30カ国語のニュースサイトを有してい 7 users 10