
小倉 正(XR四国)⏳→@togura04@spore.social @togura04

まとめを更新しました。「XR日本/XRJapanのツイートより その58 22年4月前半」 togetter.com/li/1867050

2022-04-09 08:22:23
小倉 正(XR四国)⏳→@togura04@spore.social @togura04

まとめを更新しました。「科学者レベリオンの蜂起4月4日〜9日」 togetter.com/li/1870314

2022-05-04 15:24:48
小倉 正(XR四国)⏳→@togura04@spore.social @togura04

まとめを更新しました。「22年春のレベリオンウィーク4月9日〜17日」 togetter.com/li/1870732

2022-04-14 04:01:58
小倉 正(XR四国)⏳→@togura04@spore.social @togura04

まとめを更新しました。「IPCC第六次、ワーキンググループ3報告書の公表」 togetter.com/li/1867073

2022-04-06 11:46:33
小倉 正(XR四国)⏳→@togura04@spore.social @togura04

まとめを更新しました。「IPCC第六次、ワーキンググループ2報告書の公表」 togetter.com/li/1852471

2022-04-02 09:49:57

目 次
XRの人びと People of XR
 Emma Smartの拘束

リンク the Guardian Climate scientists are desperate: we’re crying, begging and getting arrested | Peter Kalmus On Wednesday, I was arrested for locking myself onto an entrance to the JP Morgan Chase building in downtown LA. I can’t stand by – and nor should you 9358

「"気候活動家は危険な過激派として描かれることがあるが、本当に危険な過激派は化石燃料の生産を増やしている国である。" - 国連事務総長 アントニオ・グテーレス

Peter Kalmus @ClimateHuman

This is literally the process of irreversibly destroying Earth's livability, despite scientists' clear warnings. euronews.com/green/2022/04/…

2022-04-13 09:05:33
リンク euronews All the new oil and gas projects approved since IPCC report Despite the latest UN climate report calling for an end to fossil fuels, new projects to feed the global demand for gas and oil have been approved. 713
Roger Hallam @RogerHallamCS21

2./..And when it does the world will change for ever. Gradualism both in the human and physical systems is finished. @w_knorr

2022-04-06 17:42:21
Roger Hallam @RogerHallamCS21

1. Complexity theory predicts that as you get more into continual high disruption in a system (Sri Lanka, Ukraine) then the likelihood of a massive disruption becomes experientially greater. An ecological 9/11 is now inevitable. twitter.com/w_knorr/status…

2022-04-06 17:42:20
Wolfgang Knorr @w_knorr

"The south Asian nation is facing severe shortages of food, fuel and other essentials." With energy, climate and political crises ramping up, we are going to hear more and more of those stories. Sometimes far away, sometimes near home: theguardian.com/world/2022/apr…

2022-04-04 02:48:00
António Guterres @antonioguterres

Climate activists are sometimes depicted as dangerous radicals. But the truly dangerous radicals are the countries that are increasing the production of fossil fuels. Investing in new fossil fuels infrastructure is moral and economic madness.

2022-04-05 19:46:00
Assaad Razzouk @AssaadRazzouk

Summary of 2,913 pages IPCC climate report: 1 We ALREADY have everything we need to tackle climate change 2 We have everything we need to tackle climate change 3 We have everything we need to tackle climate change 4 We have everything we need to tackle climate change The end

2022-04-05 16:33:52
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

エクスティンクション・レベリオン ”2)2つ目は、@AntonioGuterres 国連事務総長が世界の主要な科学者を代表してこのように言ったとしても、事態は変わらないということです。 しかし、直接行動なら変えることができる。” twitter.com/ExtinctionR/st…

2022-04-05 05:30:59
Extinction Rebellion : XR Global @ExtinctionR

2) The second thing you need to know is that even when @AntonioGuterres says this on behalf of the world's leading scientists, it won't change things. But direct action can.

2022-04-05 03:35:40
Extinction Rebellion Global @ExtinctionR

2) The second thing you need to know is that even when @AntonioGuterres says this on behalf of the world's leading scientists, it won't change things. But direct action can.

2022-04-05 03:35:40
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

エクスティンクション・レベリオン ”1) まず知っておくべきことは、政府や企業は危険な過激派であり、私たちを皆殺しにするということです。” twitter.com/ExtinctionR/st…

2022-04-05 05:29:50
Extinction Rebellion : XR Global @ExtinctionR

1) The first thing you need to know is that governments and corporations are dangerous radicals who will get us all killed. pic.twitter.com/46VHmkESzf

2022-04-05 03:35:39
Extinction Rebellion Global @ExtinctionR

1) The first thing you need to know is that governments and corporations are dangerous radicals who will get us all killed. pic.twitter.com/46VHmkESzf

2022-04-05 03:35:39
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

アントニオ・グテーレス国連事務総長 ”IPCC_CHの最新報告書は、気候変動に関する約束破りの羅列である。 一部の政府・企業のリーダーは、あることを言いながら、別のことをしている。 彼らは嘘をついている。 今こそ、地球を燃やすのをやめる時だ。 ipcc.ch/report/ar6/wg3/ ” twitter.com/antonioguterre…

2022-04-05 05:16:45
António Guterres @antonioguterres

The latest @IPCC_CH report is a litany of broken climate promises. Some government & business leaders are saying one thing, but doing another. They are lying. It is time to stop burning our planet. ipcc.ch/report/ar6/wg3/

2022-04-05 00:17:15
António Guterres @antonioguterres

The latest @IPCC_CH report is a litany of broken climate promises. Some government & business leaders are saying one thing, but doing another. They are lying. It is time to stop burning our planet. ipcc.ch/report/ar6/wg3/

2022-04-05 00:17:15

XRの人びと People of XR

Extinction Rebellion Global @ExtinctionR

When we tell people what a zero-carbon-by-2025 world might look like, they sometimes say “that sounds impractical”. More impractical than this? pic.twitter.com/nO2slwkS2e

2022-05-02 09:05:02
Clare Farrell @ClareTotty

The fastest way to get Extinction Rebellion to shut up is to listen to them independent.co.uk/independentpre…

2022-04-20 14:54:23
Dr Charlie Gardner @CharlieJGardner

In a normal world MPs should have been briefed on climate change years ago It shouldn't take a 37 day hunger strike for it to happen. But now it will! Wonderful news, thank you @Angus_Climate twitter.com/Angus_Climate/…

2022-04-20 17:14:43
Ed Hawkins @ed_hawkins

This is @Angus_Climate. He was on hunger strike outside Parliament for 37 days with one simple request: that the Cabinet & Parliament be given a briefing on climate change by @uksciencechief. That request has now been granted. The briefing will also be recorded & made public. twitter.com/angus_climate/…

2022-04-20 16:57:26
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