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2022-05-01 17:48:17
リンク timespacevisualiser.blogspot.com Fifth Doctor story index PETER DAVISON (1981-1984) Here are the links to individual episode reviews for each story of the Fifth Doctor's era (Seasons 19, 20 and 21):...
リンク Tardis Fifth Doctor Youthful in mind, manner and appearance, the Fifth Doctor expressed an interest in all things Victorian and Edwardian: cricket, tea, fair play, good manners, and a keen interest in science and exploration. He was also a sensitive and profusely humane inca 1
リンク www.doctorwho.tv Fifth Doctor | Explore | Doctor Who Clever, considered and kind, the Fifth Doctor's world was one of fascination and science. He relished the recursion of Castrovalva,
リンク YouTube Doctor Who Trailers Playlist holding ALL of GF97's fan made Trailers for Doctor Who! 6
リンク Wikipedia List of Doctor Who episodes (1963–1989) Doctor Who is a British science fiction television programme produced by the BBC. As of 17 April 2022, 870 episodes of Doctor Who have aired, concluding the thirteenth series. This includes one television movie and multiple specials, and encompasses 29 13

📺 シーズン19(’82年01月04日〜’82年03月30日)

リンク Tardis Season 19 Season 19 of Doctor Who ran between 4 January 1982 and 30 March 1982. It starred Peter Davison as the Fifth Doctor, Matthew Waterhouse as Adric, Sarah Sutton as Nyssa and Janet Fielding as Tegan Jovanka. The season opened with Castrovalva and concluded wi 8
リンク BBC BBC One - Doctor Who, Season 19 A new Doctor but the same old Master... and the return of the Cybermen! 6
リンク Tardis Season 19 stories

 ✅ シーズン19-117「キャストロバルバ」編(全4話)

リンク Tardis Castrovalva (TV story) Castrovalva was the first serial of season 19 of Doctor Who. It was the first full television serial to feature Peter Davison as the Fifth Doctor. Beginning with this story, Doctor Who was moved from its traditional Saturday evening slot on BBC1 to air tw
リンク BBC BBC One - Doctor Who, Season 19, Castrovalva The newly regenerated Doctor tries to avoid destruction within Event One.
リンク www.doctorwho.tv Castrovalva | Doctor Who The Doctor defeats the Master's plans to hold the Universe to ransom, but at a high personal cost. After plummeting from the Pharos Project telescope,


リンク Wikipedia Castrovalva (Doctor Who) Castrovalva is the first serial of the 19th season of the British science fiction television series Doctor Who, which was first broadcast in four twice-weekly parts on BBC1 from 4 to 12 January 1982. It was the first full serial to feature Peter Davison 36

 1️⃣9️⃣ 19-117 エピソード1:(1982年01月04日)

リンク BBC BBC One - Doctor Who, Season 19, Castrovalva, Part 1 The Doctor tries to recuperate within the Zero Room.
リンク timespacevisualiser.blogspot.com Castrovalva Part One The one where the new Doctor becomes unravelled from his past (and his scarf)... It was unheard of for Doctor Who to do a cold open at the t...

 1️⃣9️⃣ 19-117 エピソード2:(1982年01月05日)

リンク BBC BBC One - Doctor Who, Season 19, Castrovalva, Part 2 The Zero Room is gone and the Doctor's regeneration is unstable.
リンク timespacevisualiser.blogspot.com Castrovalva Part Two The one where 25% of the TARDIS is thrown away... Nyssa, the girl who seems to know everything and likes you to know it, has to learn all ab...

 1️⃣9️⃣ 19-117 エピソード3:(1982年01月11日)

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