オーストラリア総選挙でのグリーンスライド & G7気候・エネルギー・環境大臣会合の結果

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Blockade Australia @BlockadeAus

Blockade Australia will be disrupting Sydney CBD all week. Join the telegram channel to get involved t.me/BlockadeAustra… #ClimateCollapse #ResistClimateInaction #BlockadeAustralia

2022-06-27 08:12:50
Blockade Australia @BlockadeAus

Mali,22, is locked onto a car blocking the Harbour tunnel in North Sydney. pic.twitter.com/OLvmnDL7Hk

2022-06-27 08:12:47
Blockade Australia @BlockadeAus

The week of action to #ResistClimateDestruction is almost upon us. If you haven't downloaded Telegram and joined the #BlockadeAustralia: Resist Climate Inaction channel then now is the time to do it. pic.twitter.com/qwtPlJtXy8

2022-06-25 15:00:24
Carbon Brief @CarbonBrief

Q&A: What does the new Australian Labor government mean for climate change? | @Josh_Gabbatiss @aruna_sekhar w/comment from @BillHareClimate @dylanjmcconnell @Kate__Crowley @RichieMerzian Read here: bit.ly/3tvMskf pic.twitter.com/hTNwYwjLVI

2022-06-14 18:58:03
Anthony Albanese @AlboMP

Heading to Indonesia for the Annual Leaders’ Meeting with President @jokowi. I look forward to productive discussions about our shared priorities on climate and energy, investment, and regional security. I am travelling with colleagues and a delegation of business leaders. pic.twitter.com/D0ityB2WAn

2022-06-05 16:32:20
📊📈Socialista📉🗳 @cysgluala

🇦🇺オーストラリア総選挙 全議席確定 🌹労働党✅ 77議席(+9) 💰保守連合 58議席(-19) 🌳緑の党 4議席(+3) ⚪️無所属 10議席(+7) ⚫️諸派 2議席 過半数は76議席 労働党が単独過半数を獲得し、9年ぶりの政権交代となった。 #auspol #AusVotes2022

2022-06-02 17:44:17
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

比例代表制なら、得票数から見てもグリーンとインディペンデントが労働党と連立政権を組むべきところですが、小選挙区での勝利が労働党を押し上げる方に働いて、労働党の単独過半数になった、ということのようです。 pic.twitter.com/2Ra3Aw7aSl

2022-06-01 19:45:24
Rebecca Huntley @RebeccaHuntley2

The election brought a new, localised climate action campaign that began in the gloom of 2019 abc.net.au/news/2022-06-0… via @ABCaustralia

2022-06-01 06:48:34
📊📈Socialista📉🗳 @cysgluala

西オーストラリア州の州都パース。 パースにある11選挙区中、労働党は前回から4議席増やして9議席を獲得した。ここが単独過半数の決定打となった。 twitter.com/JustElexMaps/s…

2022-05-30 20:54:27
Just Maps @JustElexMaps

Nowhere was the ALP's 2022 victory more dramatic than in Perth. At left are the results of the 2019 election; at right are preliminary results from @PollBludger for 2022. The seat of Pearce has never been held by Labor. #auspol #AustraliaVotes #auspoll2022 pic.twitter.com/FsBiDjZCbF

2022-05-22 03:02:47
📊📈Socialista📉🗳 @cysgluala

選挙当日は労働党の少数与党になるのではないかと言われていたが、開票が進み単独過半数を達成。アルバニージー新首相は今後、西オーストラリア州(労働党が4議席増)に足を向けて寝られないだろう。 twitter.com/cysgluala/stat…

2022-05-30 20:46:19
📊📈S o c i a l i s t a 📉🗳 @cysgluala

‼️速報‼️ 🇦🇺オーストラリア総選挙、労働党が過半数の議席を獲得することが確実に (開票速報) 🌹労働党✅ 当確 76 リード 1 💰保守連合 当確 57 リード 1 🌳緑の党 当確 4 リード 0 ⚪️無所属 当確 12 リード 0 過半数は76議席、未確定2議席 #auspol #AusVotes2022 pic.twitter.com/7pXOo4Uu3O

2022-05-30 20:42:58
Jess Panegyres @Jess_Panegyres

Incredible. Australia’s biggest domestic climate polluter, AGL, has been forced to abandon a demerger that would’ve seen it selling coal-fired power until 2040. Huge win for civil society incl ⁦@GreenpeaceAP⁩ & of course ⁦@mcannonbrookes⁩ ☀️ afr.com/companies/ener…

2022-05-30 08:39:52
Anthony Albanese @AlboMP

Thank you to Papua New Guinea PM Marape for the warm congratulations. PNG is an enduring partner and friend to Australia. I look forward to strengthening our relationship as we work together to deepen economic ties, support Covid recovery and tackle climate change. 🇦🇺🇵🇬 pic.twitter.com/BcHOQuby1E

2022-05-30 14:41:37
David Ritter @David_Ritter

AGL’s bungled demerger should act as a lesson for any company that, in this critical decade, continues to refuse to act on climate. #auspol #ausbiz $AGL theguardian.com/business/2022/…

2022-05-30 07:26:53
Undark Magazine @undarkmag

People who are affected by malaria, “they’re not Europeans, they’re not Australians, they are poor African children,” said Ashley Birkett, director of @MalariaVaccine, a non-profit global health organization. undark.org/2022/05/25/it-…

2022-05-26 03:27:01
Anthony Albanese @AlboMP

Great to speak to Italian PM Draghi earlier today. We discussed the strong bond between our two countries and working together on climate change and supporting Ukraine. 🇮🇹 pic.twitter.com/nE69dklQe5

2022-05-25 17:25:40
Pacific Islands Climate Action Network (PICAN) @CANPacificIs

Pacific Islanders and environmental groups welcome Australian Labor win. The Pacific Islands Climate Action Network is also keeping an eye on Australia's new government and wants greater ambition in its approach on climate. - ABC Radio Australia abc.net.au/radio-australi…

2022-05-25 16:48:50
Philip jackway @Daemonised

@AlboMP Prime minister I think you better get that rc into the murdoch media quick smart... pic.twitter.com/m7g43yawaS

2022-05-25 14:01:29
Anthony Albanese @AlboMP

Tomorrow I will be back home working with my colleagues and officials to finalise my ministry.   I look forward to the work of implementing the agenda that Australians voted for on Saturday, and reminding people of everything that good government can deliver for them. pic.twitter.com/kEexk1L5Qq

2022-05-25 14:00:17
Anthony Albanese @AlboMP

I took this opportunity to inform our partners of my Government’s determination to play a positive role in the global effort to combat climate change. Our stronger commitment on climate was warmly welcomed. pic.twitter.com/XEIS1y9sI8

2022-05-25 13:57:27
AFPBB News @afpbbcom

中国、豪首相就任に祝意 外交関係の緊張緩和へ afpbb.com/articles/-/340…

2022-05-25 11:30:04
小坪 遊 Yu Kotsubo(めったに米を持ち歩かない人) @SciKotz

「保守連合が失った議席の約5分の2は、気候変動対策への意識が高い無所属の候補者らに回った。保守連合の自由党の牙城とされる裕福な都市近郊でこうした候補が勝ったことは、労働党に強いメッセージを送るはずだ」豪州総選挙の総括コラム。 #気候危機 reut.rs/38GO2Jc

2022-05-25 08:37:07
Eric Holthaus @EricHolthaus

This weekend, Australians rejected their two-party system to demand bold climate action. "We have shown that, collectively, we will vote outside the major two-party system for issues, like climate change, that are important to us.” @SafariPenguin currentlyhq.com/global/austral…

2022-05-25 07:33:00
Anthony Albanese @AlboMP

Delighted to meet my host 🇯🇵 PM Kishida @JPN_PMO at the Quad Summit in Tokyo. Japan and Australia’s special, deep and enduring friendship stands upon our shared commitment to democracy and a free, open, inclusive and resilient region. pic.twitter.com/u0fw9pCr3P

2022-05-24 18:34:53
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