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Suzuka Nakamura / 中村 涼夏 @suzukasusan

Part1の文字化。#Stockholm50 気候危機と私_社会「が変わる」でなくて、社会「を変える」に触れたくて|中村涼夏、を文字化する。 @suzukasusan #note note.com/suzusuzunote/n…

2022-06-06 02:04:15
Leonardo DiCaprio @LeoDiCaprio

There is #OnlyOneEarth. Protecting it is everyone’s responsibility. We have the solutions, knowledge & technology to limit climate change & avoid ecological collapse but we need to act immediately as a collective. @UNEP #WorldEnvironmentDay worldenvironmentday.global/did-you-know/f… pic.twitter.com/VcG0dReump

2022-06-05 23:00:30
UN Environment Programme (UNEP) Europe 🌱 @UNEP_Europe

Sweden marks #WorldEnvironmentDay with the announcement by Climate and Environment Minister @strandhall to ban new fossil fuel extraction permits in the country. A step that brings us closer to a healthier #OnlyOneEarth pic.twitter.com/jm1iV4u1cK

2022-06-05 21:41:04
Inger Andersen @andersen_inger

If I had a magic wand 🪄 to change the world I would use it to: ✅Shorten time from science to action ✅ Invest in nature which gives us everything ✅ End fossil fuel financing in a way that is fair to all Enjoyed speaking to @Nick_Nuttall & @KehkashanBasu @WeDontHaveTime pic.twitter.com/9k5MO1VFXz

2022-06-05 21:32:08
Vanessa Nakate @vanessa_vash

Yes, finally, @UNEP has recommended phasing out fossil fuels. But the final #Stockholm+50 report must align with the @IPCC_CH, @IEA & UN SG @antonioguterres and call — in no uncertain terms — for no new coal, oil, or gas. Use our words for stronger outcomes. #PeopleNotProfit pic.twitter.com/I1G9Y0RzXc

2022-06-05 20:22:46
郡山昌也 Masaya Koriyama @masaya_koriyama

環境問題で初の政府間会議「国連人間環境会議」から50年を記念し同地で開かれた国際会議「ストックホルム+50」が3日、発展途上国への資金支援拡大の必要性などを確認し閉幕。ストランドヘル環境気候相は「一国では環境の危機に対応できない。成功の鍵は多国間システムにある」 chunichi.co.jp/amp/article/48…

2022-06-05 20:06:14
Global Greens @globalgreens

This World Environment Day we want to acknowledge our incredible Global Greens members who are working to protect our planet 💚🌎🌻 #WorldEnvironmentDay #OnlyOnePlanet youtube.com/watch?v=fZUITI…

2022-06-05 11:38:37
Bob Brown Foundation @BobBrownFndn

WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY Tasmania’s takayna / Tarkine is threatened and you can be part of the movement to protect one of this last wild places on Earth. If you’re willing and available to be part of a fight of your lifetime, join us. #WorldEnvironmentDay pic.twitter.com/a0x1oONZ5L

2022-06-05 11:27:17
Kaoru Nemoto @KaoruNemoto

「涼しいストックホルムの中で、会議場はすごい熱気に溢れていました! 半世紀前の会議にも参加した80代後半のNGO代表の訴えや、若者の環境活動家のプロテストの声が会場中に響く NGOは具体的かつ早急なアクションをリーダーに求めています。未来への強い危機感と可能性を現場で感じました」関口さん pic.twitter.com/busAf8Z4gC

2022-06-05 09:35:54
Kaoru Nemoto @KaoruNemoto

きょうは #世界環境デー。72年6月5日からストックホルムで開催された「国連環境会議」を記念してこの日に制定 この会合から50年の節目を記念する #Stockholm50 会議に、NGOサポートチームの一員として関わった国連グローバル・コミュニケーション局の関口さんからのメッセージが届きました pic.twitter.com/CU12QLZ34t

2022-06-05 09:33:54
António Guterres @antonioguterres

We have no more time for empty promises. I call on all investors to align their entire lending portfolio with the #ParisAgreement at the latest by 2024, ending all high-emissions finance. Every country, city, citizen, financial institution and company has a role to play.

2022-06-05 03:14:00
Tzeporah Berman @Tzeporah

Some good new and much more work to be done. “We have no more time for targets without action, vague net zero promises and accounting tricks while governments continue to approve more oil, gas and coal projects.” #FossilFuelTreaty #stockholmplus50 fossilfueltreaty.org/stockholm50

2022-06-04 07:48:54
小倉 正(XR四国)⏳→@togura04@spore.social @togura04

化石燃料不拡散条約イニシアティブ ”今週の #ストックホルム50 で、化石燃料の段階的廃止の勧告がデビューしたのは素晴らしいことでしたが、仕事はこれで終わりではありません。 私たちのチーム会議での反省と次のステップについては、@Tzeporah @harjeet11 @FarzanaJhumu Gadir Lavadenz @gcdcj を” twitter.com/fossiltreaty/s…

2022-06-06 11:27:02
Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative @fossiltreaty

It was great to see a fossil fuel phase out recommendation make a debut at #Stockholm50 this week but the work isnt over. Read more on our team's reflections from the conference + next steps ft @Tzeporah @harjeet11 @FarzanaJhumu Gadir Lavadenz @gcdcj: fossilfueltreaty.org/stockholm50

2022-06-04 07:22:16
Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative @fossiltreaty

It was great to see a fossil fuel phase out recommendation make a debut at #Stockholm50 this week but the work isnt over. Read more on our team's reflections from the conference + next steps ft @Tzeporah @harjeet11 @FarzanaJhumu Gadir Lavadenz @gcdcj: fossilfueltreaty.org/stockholm50

2022-06-04 07:22:16
Stockholm+50 @StockholmPlus50

As #Stockholm50 comes to a close, @andersen_inger shares a final message: "We must carry our energy forward, not in words but in deeds. It is in our hands, let’s get it done." pic.twitter.com/UlTG5wSfGy

2022-06-04 04:08:43
Kat.Maier @maier_kat

In solidarity with the 1000s of people on the streets as the #Stockholm50 conference wraps up. The 50 stands for the 50th anniversary of this conference - 50 years of empty promises - 50 years wasted. Time for real solutions. #NoMoreEmptyPromises #PeopleNotProfit #ClimateStrike pic.twitter.com/cP7jBzT3t4

2022-06-04 02:03:18
EIA Climate Campaign @EIAClimateUK_EU

To conclude #Stockholm50, follow the @fossiltreaty press conference now and hear the key outcomes of the UN Conference and next steps for a fossil fuel free future⬇️ media.un.org/en/asset/k1p/k… @tzeporah @mpklang @EzikeSimon @350Pacific @mitzijonelle @harjeet11

2022-06-04 01:22:09
Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative @fossiltreaty

Dozens of @rightlivelihood Laureates demand urgent action from government for a health planet including negotiation of #FossilFuelTreaty Read more: rightlivelihood.org/news/save-the-…

2022-06-03 23:27:19
Stop Ecocide International @EcocideLaw

@SREnvironment And so is an international crime of #ecocide. Without this binding legal framework, “business as usual” will continue to harm ecosystems, people and future generations, and it will threaten peace and security. #StopEcocide #Stockholm50 #OnlyOneEarth pic.twitter.com/PasS4XZPKv

2022-06-03 22:47:23
Stop Ecocide International @EcocideLaw

Finnish MP @MaiKivela wants #Finland to support an initiative to criminalise the destruction of natural resources internationally #StopEcocide. She has tabled an initiative on the issue which has been signed by six MPs from the Left Alliance, the Greens & the SDP. #luonnontuhonta twitter.com/MaiKivela/stat… pic.twitter.com/qlLgHSXnr1

2022-06-03 22:11:32
Mai Kivelä @MaiKivela

Luonnontuhonta pitää tehdä laittomaksi, vaatii vasemmistoliiton Mai Kivelä – ”Tarvitaan lisää keinoja estää tuhoa, jota erityisesti suuryhtiö- ja valtiovetoisesti toteutetaan” kansanuutiset.fi/artikkeli/4741… #ecocide #luonnontuhonta

2022-06-03 21:33:29
Stockholm+50 @StockholmPlus50

Indigenous #climate activists and #youth leaders at #Stockholm50, calling on world leaders to adopt a #FossilFuelTreaty. As @vanessa_vash said yesterday: "We cannot eat coal. We cannot drink oil. We cannot breathe gas.” pic.twitter.com/zcpQbEnMMC

2022-06-03 21:48:45
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