Adam Lambert Twitter Party (August 2, 2010 JST)

August 2, 2010 07:52 to 09:06 JST (UTC+9) (Click "残りを読む(34)" button at the end of the tweets to read more.) Adam Lambert Twitter Parties Main Page:
💋💋Don @hawaiianmazez

bwhahahahahaahaha wow RT LoveRatliff: @adamlambert IS TOMMY STRAIGHT?!!?! YES OR NO?!?!?

2010-08-02 08:19:52
Rachel @TheFabsHaus

@adamlambert just wondering.. do you shave your legs?

2010-08-02 08:16:01
Laura Moser @Bluelens1

@adamlambert what does Dusty drink? Margaritas or beer?

2010-08-02 08:14:13
ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert

@LAMBERTLUST hahah. That's entirely up to your imaginations! Fantasy is so much hotter than reality most of the time.

2010-08-02 08:15:35
ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert

@alrahrahahahah I am so excited to visit both Italy and France. :) Glam Nation is coming!!! Would also love to (cont)

2010-08-02 08:14:47
Joanna @ssnakebites

@adamlambert If you went to a foreign country today which would that be?

2010-08-02 08:08:16
Briar Blackheart 🖤 @BriarBlackheart

@adamlambert incase twitlonger hates me - what is your actual eye color? looks different in all my photos. need it for my tattoo :D

2010-08-02 08:08:15
Yves KAZ 2Y5 @vampyvet

@adamlambert Is there a single moment U can think of that is ur biggest regret? Did it change everything? AND would U change it if U could?

2010-08-02 08:06:05
Diana Brodskiy @DinkaKartinka

@adamlambert why aren't you coming to LA?? Your biggest fans are here!! I would do anything to get you to LA!! lol

2010-08-02 08:06:05
ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert

@deb_forman I am currently addicted to two pop tunes I just downloaded: Mike Posner's "Please Don't Go" and Katy Perry's "Teenage Dream"

2010-08-02 08:08:41
Debbie Forman @deb_forman

. @adamlambert what do you have on replay on your ipod right now?

2010-08-02 08:05:25
ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert

@pearliaj I'm 6'1". Upon meeting me, one of the most common comments is "omg you're so much taller than you look on TV"

2010-08-02 08:07:07
ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert

@lovelyfreak in a park in the bushes. Many years ago... W a killer hangover. That was a wake up call!

2010-08-02 08:03:25
ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert

@simmalamb it wasn't mine! Ha! Borrowed from costume house.

2010-08-02 08:02:29