XR日本/XRJapanのツイートより その68 22年9月前半

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XR Cambridge @xr_cambridge

Liz Truss used to work for Shell, if anyone is wondering why her big energy plan is a massive expansion of North Sea oil & gas. The media has kept that quiet haven't they? Big oil capture of political systems continuing nicely. pic.twitter.com/4kAKZmSuuV

2022-09-06 04:02:09
Extinction Rebellion UK 🌍 @XRebellionUK

@BorisJohnson There's still a climate emergency. You failed, and all your talk of going green with no action, has led people to believe this energy crisis is to do with green policies. When the truth is renewable energy and insulation would be helping us right now, but you bungled both.

2022-09-05 21:22:38
Extinction Rebellion UK 🌍 @XRebellionUK

It's time to end politics love affair with planet polluting industries. Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak want new fossil fuels & the media are failing to expose their ties to big oil or the impact that will have in a #ClimateEmergency. AI Art by Extinction Rebellion x DALL-E pic.twitter.com/N6QdUWjFJu

2022-09-04 20:23:20
Insulate Britain @InsulateLove

This October, THOUSANDS of supporters of the #JustStopOil Coalition will consistently block Westminster. WHY? Because our dependence on oil and gas has caused the worst cost of living crisis in 40 years & is causing the #ClimateCrisis. pic.twitter.com/cs98zScGBN

2022-08-23 17:36:51




Peter Kalmus @ClimateHuman

This planet is more important than my career, your career, or anyone's career. I wish there were at least a few politicians willing to risk their careers to stop irreversible global heating and keep Earth habitable.

2022-09-13 05:20:31
Defender of other species @veroforplanet

@ScientistRebel1 @Boltgam66263598 I accept that people do not take us seriously, but I also get that I care dearly about living organisms to keep fighting until the end. .@XRchicago

2022-09-06 01:18:43
Scientist Rebellion @ScientistRebel1

@MalinRivers, fellow scientists from @GTA_GTSG, we invite you to come and chat with us. We have a lot to discuss! Join our English-language induction meeting every Monday at 1700 UTC. Link for this week only (new link next week): us06web.zoom.us/meeting/regist…

2022-09-05 21:33:09
Scientist Rebellion @ScientistRebel1

Another warning from scientists about the #ClimateEmergency. How many more do we need to give before we accept that we are not being taken seriously? When will we understand that we need other ways to effect change? It's time to act. #levelwithus twitter.com/GTA_GTSG/statu…

2022-09-05 21:33:08
GlobalTreeAssessment @GTA_GTSG

Just released - Scientists' warning to humanity on tree extinctions - in @plantspplplanet Read the press release here – bgci.org/news-events/sc… And the full paper here – nph.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.10… @NewPhyt pic.twitter.com/9yuBuDK7ic

2022-09-02 21:14:54
Roger Hallam @RogerHallamCS21

1.The brutal reality is not that scientists are telling us we face social collapse but that if 50-100 of them engaged in #civildisobedience day after day to the point of prison in a western democracy, they would likely force decarbonisation legislation. twitter.com/KevinClimate/s…

2022-09-05 20:15:18
Kevin Anderson @KevinClimate

In climateuncensored.com/whats-in-a-nam… @dancalverley & I outline our shared concerns about what we see as a well meant but ultimately fraudulent mitigation agenda & how this view to led us setting up climateuncensored.com @Clim8Uncensored -the genesis of which is at climateuncensored.com/welcome-to-cli…

2022-08-24 22:33:33
Jason Hickel @jasonhickel

This new paper in Nature Climate Change calls on scientists to participate in civil disobedience to promote climate action. A powerful and important read: nature.com/articles/s4155…

2022-08-30 16:44:17


原田 裕史 🥚 🧷 @harada_hirofumi

たかだかそのくらいで逮捕すんなよ。 イギリスで王室反対を表明した人たち逮捕 言論の自由を懸念する声も - BBCニュース bbc.com/japanese/62885…

2022-09-13 18:19:46
Ams @amelia_halls

For legal reasons, THIS IS A JOKE

2022-09-13 02:48:37
Ams @amelia_halls

Let’s all stand outside Parliament with #NotMyKing signs, they can’t arrest us all

2022-09-13 02:48:21
WeeMan @AntrimLens

@OneNightStanzas @paulpowlesland @GoGoGoings Horrendous that peaceful protest and the words "Not My King" is an arrestable offence. Btw I'm partially deaf so I couldn't hear any audio. Thank you so much for your kindness in writing this out. 👍

2022-09-13 01:20:40
Dr Claire Askew @OneNightStanzas

@paulpowlesland @GoGoGoings C [clearly ruffled]: "Are you going to listen, or are you going to talk over me? Is that what you plan to do, just talk over me continuously?" P: "No, go ahead." C: "Thank you. Now, I gave you some advice." [video ends]

2022-09-13 01:10:32
Dr Claire Askew @OneNightStanzas

@paulpowlesland @GoGoGoings C: "Because you said you were gonna write stuff on it that may offend people around the King." P: "I said I was going to write 'not my King' on a sign, you ask for my details. Who's that going to offend?" C: "It may offend someone, I don't know." P: "Who's going to be offended?"

2022-09-13 01:09:07
Dr Claire Askew @OneNightStanzas

@paulpowlesland @GoGoGoings C: "OK, well now we've made that clear, I wanted to make sure you didn't have bail conditions not to be here, so just to confirm you haven't given me your details..." P: "Why do you need my details? I was holding up a blank sign, why do you need my details?" >

2022-09-13 01:07:01
Dr Claire Askew @OneNightStanzas

@paulpowlesland @GoGoGoings AUDIO TRANSCRIPT: Paul: "Why would you ask for my details?" Cop: "I just want to check you can be here." P: "I'm in my city." C: "You've already told me you've been arrested once." P: "No, I haven't." C: "You said that earlier." P: "No, I said other people have been arrested." >

2022-09-13 01:05:28
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