XR日本/XRJapanのツイートより その68 22年9月前半

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Extinction Rebellion Scotland @ScotlandXr

This is not a normal situation or one we have seen before. 'This needs to be denounced globally with all the strength because this is, above all, what is at stake in the next elections in less than 50 days and the world needs to know.' Rodolph Salm End of 🧵

2022-09-03 06:50:17
Extinction Rebellion UK 🌍 @XRebellionUK

WE CAN'T AFFORD THIS ANYMORE. WHAT WILL YOU DO? Today over 50 Extinction Rebellion supporters held banners inside Parliament as part of a protest. Join us from 10th - 13th September in London. Starting 10am, Marble Arch, London: extinctionrebellion.uk/event/septembe… Change Is Now. pic.twitter.com/skiTJSF45r

2022-09-03 01:46:00
Women's Climate Strike @womenscs

Extinction Rebellion activists superglue themselves around Commons Speaker’s chair theguardian.com/environment/20…

2022-09-02 23:45:40
Extinction Rebellion UK 🌍 @XRebellionUK

WE CAN'T AFFORD THIS ANYMORE. Politicians are out of touch, telling us a new kettle will fix the #CostOfLivingCrises & to recycle to fix the #ClimateEmergency. That’s why Extinction Rebellion is inside Parliament right now, demanding we update politics & let the people decide. pic.twitter.com/aDo4yYxIz4

2022-09-02 20:53:37
Extinction Rebellion UK 🌍 @XRebellionUK

BREAKING: Extinction Rebellion has begun a protest inside Parliament. People are in the commons chamber right now demanding a Citizens’ Assembly to let the people decide. Press Release out now for more info: extinctionrebellion.uk/2022/09/02/we-… Follow here for updates. pic.twitter.com/FhHbnkVFvG

2022-09-02 20:40:14
Extinction Rebellion Families @XRFamilies

Festival of resistance! 10-12th September, Hyde Park, London Saturday 10th: Celebrating our collective creativity and power 10am: meet at Marble Arch 2pm: opening ceremony 6pm-8.30pm: music and creativity to bring us together pic.twitter.com/pPRkEu7ekA

2022-09-02 18:42:05
Extinction Rebellion UK 🌍 @XRebellionUK

New PM. New Protest. Time to grow the resistance. Keep warm this winter. Make trouble. Next weekend get the energy, the tools, and the momentum we need to build a movement that can overcome this shitshow. pic.twitter.com/h93faHvTSR

2022-09-02 16:51:21
アライ=ヒロユキ ARAI Hiroyuki @arai_hiroyuki

気候危機が現状のまま進行するなら、100年後に《ラオコーン像》を鑑賞する人間はほぼいなくなるだろう。美術界は、この種の直接行動(気候危機アクティヴィズム)を単に迷惑行為の扱いでなく、そろそろ切迫感を持って接してもいいのでは。 あと活動家は美術の修士保持者で行動に批評性も具わっている。 twitter.com/arai_hiroyuki/…

2022-09-01 18:49:20
アライ=ヒロユキ ARAI Hiroyuki @arai_hiroyuki

【環境活動家の「糊付け」抗議が世界に拡大中。今度はバチカン美術館の名彫刻が標的】 「Ultima Generazione」(last generation)の直接行動。現代美術では階級・ジェンダー・民族方面のアクティヴィズムの摂取(制度化)がそれなりに進んでいるが、気候危機は最も遠い印象。 artnewsjapan.com/news_criticism…

2022-09-01 18:44:28
アライ=ヒロユキ ARAI Hiroyuki @arai_hiroyuki

【環境活動家の「糊付け」抗議が世界に拡大中。今度はバチカン美術館の名彫刻が標的】 「Ultima Generazione」(last generation)の直接行動。現代美術では階級・ジェンダー・民族方面のアクティヴィズムの摂取(制度化)がそれなりに進んでいるが、気候危機は最も遠い印象。 artnewsjapan.com/news_criticism…

2022-09-01 18:44:28
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

エクスティンクション・レベリオン ”私たちが政府に仕事をさせ、政治家の企業主ではなく国民に奉仕させれば、このようなやりとりはなくなるかもしれません。”  こんな、ね→誰かに「このFallの計画は?」と聞かれて、それがこの「秋」のことであって、文明の崩壊への対策のことじゃないと気がついた。 twitter.com/ExtinctionR/st…

2022-09-02 05:23:57
Extinction Rebellion : XR Global @ExtinctionR

When we force our govts to do their job and serve the people instead of politicians' corporate masters, maybe this can stop being a reaction. pic.twitter.com/NmPEzpU3en

2022-09-01 02:49:04
Extinction Rebellion Global @ExtinctionR

When we force our govts to do their job and serve the people instead of politicians' corporate masters, maybe this can stop being a reaction. pic.twitter.com/NmPEzpU3en

2022-09-01 02:49:04
XR Writers Rebel @XrRebel

🚨 OUR NEXT EVENT 🚨 🔥IF NOT NOW, WHEN? 🔥 Sept 11th Hyde Park with @Writerer Ben Okri @Natasha_Walter @hannahlowepoet @nikeshshukla @TansyHoskins @griefgoat @RoopaFarooki @lucyjones @NedBeauman @LizJensenWriter Nick Laird @chris_power Tessa McWatt & more 👀 you there! pic.twitter.com/l8KwbTqGLz

2022-09-01 15:01:25
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

これらの危機とは、 熱波 洪水 食料不足 エネルギー料金高騰  9月10〜13日、ロンドンマーブル・アーチにて お待ちしています。 twitter.com/XrXrjapan/stat…

2022-08-30 08:25:02
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

XR英国 ”危機はここにあり、私たちは中にいる。それは私たちが想像していたよりもひどいものだ。政治はこの瞬間の緊急さに立ち上がることができない。このままではだめだ。 人々は団結して、これら危機に立ち向かわなければなりません。2週間後、私たちは街頭に立ちます。あなたはどうする?” twitter.com/XRebellionUK/s…

2022-08-30 08:21:09
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

XR英国 ”危機はここにあり、私たちは中にいる。それは私たちが想像していたよりもひどいものだ。政治はこの瞬間の緊急さに立ち上がることができない。このままではだめだ。 人々は団結して、これら危機に立ち向かわなければなりません。2週間後、私たちは街頭に立ちます。あなたはどうする?” twitter.com/XRebellionUK/s…

2022-08-30 08:21:09
Extinction Rebellion UK 🌍 @XRebellionUK

The crisis is here, we are in it, and it is worse than we imagined. Politics is incapable of rising to the urgency of this moment. We can’t afford to carry on like this. People must come together to face these crises. In 2 weeks we will take to the streets. What will you do? pic.twitter.com/Sfei7Te6qE

2022-08-29 15:41:00
Extinction Rebellion UK 🌍 @XRebellionUK

The crisis is here, we are in it, and it is worse than we imagined. Politics is incapable of rising to the urgency of this moment. We can’t afford to carry on like this. People must come together to face these crises. In 2 weeks we will take to the streets. What will you do? pic.twitter.com/Sfei7Te6qE

2022-08-29 15:41:00


Just Stop Oil

Just Stop Oil @JustStop_Oil

Occupy Westminster in October to demand that the UK Government immediately halt all new oil and gas licensing. twitter.com/UNDPClimate/st…

2022-09-12 03:30:10
UNDP Climate @UNDPClimate

If climate change keeps you up at night, and you don’t know how to make a difference, here is a list of actions that will be more impactful than you might expect. A long but essential thread. 🧵 1/17

2022-09-11 21:54:12
Just Stop Oil @JustStop_Oil

Just Stop Oil will continue in peaceful Resistance until the Govt agrees to end new oil and gas. Join thousands of others in Westminster on October 1st to protect our country, to protect those who can't eat or heat and those around the world who are suffering and dying right now. pic.twitter.com/XH1wTfNbf5

2022-09-11 22:30:11
Nathan Bennett @nathansbennett

🚨New polling! If Liz Truss promised to govern as a Conservative, Con voters are clear what that should mean - more renewable energy. 84% want Govt to use wind and solar farms to reduce energy bills 71.5% want investment increased or maintained. 🧵 mol.im/a/11187251

2022-09-07 16:02:29
Extinction Rebellion UK 🌍 @XRebellionUK

Liz Truss's new cabinet celebrate while the climate and cost of living crisis worsen. As seen by Dall-E Artificial Intelligence. pic.twitter.com/UtQHGcvgsu

2022-09-07 04:04:17
Oil Change International @PriceofOil

Truss, who spent ten years working at @Shell, could be the most ideologically anti-green and anti-climate Prime Minister the UK has ever had. She is set to restart fracking in the UK and issue a reported 130 new licenses for oil & gas in the North Sea. priceofoil.org/2022/09/06/bri…

2022-09-07 02:58:01
William C. Atkinson @Atkinsopht

"...it will continue getting hotter & hotter until we end the fossil fuel industry." Be afraid, very afraid: Does this exponential increase in CO2 at Mauna Loa [6% more in 2030 than now] look to you as though we're making progress in reducing fossil fuels? atkinsopht.wordpress.com/2020/01/01/the… twitter.com/ClimateHuman/s… pic.twitter.com/IL6G05S3LL

2022-09-06 21:12:39
Peter Kalmus @ClimateHuman

The heat is due to climate change, climate change is caused primarily by the fossil fuel industry, and it will continue getting hotter and hotter until we end the fossil fuel industry. This is life or death. #Heatwave2022

2022-09-06 13:46:21
Just Stop Oil @JustStop_Oil

The £130 billion Liz Truss is about to hand energy companies could build enough wind farms to power 10 million houses with free energy for 30 years. @trussliz @10DowningStreet #CivilResistance #A22Network #JustStopOil #EnoughIsEnough #ClimateChange #CostOfLivingCrisis pic.twitter.com/AuEyG5Yxxk

2022-09-06 18:35:19
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