
しましまのRecSys2022の参加・聴講記録 http://recsys.acm.org/recsys22/
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khushboo @khushsi

Michael Ekstrand presenting 'Matching Consumer Fairness Objectives & Strategies' for RecSys #Recsys2022 pic.twitter.com/R5j4HpOFvs

2022-09-24 07:40:38
Mete Sertkan @m_sertkan

@ThomasEKolb is currently presenting our work „The Role of Bias in News Recommendation in the Perception of the COVID-19 Pandemic“ with @j_neidhardt and @irinanalis at the @FAccTRec. Check our paper for more details: arxiv.org/abs/2209.07608 #recsys2022 #CDLabRecSys

2022-09-24 07:56:49
Sole Pera @DrCh0le

At @FAccTRec , @mdekstrand shares some of the conversations we have had about the often overlooked "non-traditional" populations (or contexts) when it comes to recommender systems #RecSys2022 @PIReTship pic.twitter.com/ORBSxJPx8j

2022-09-24 08:06:38
Christine Bauer @christine_bauer

Karlijn Dinnissen is currently presenting at #FAccTRec2022: a stakeholder-centered view on fairness in music recommender systems: doi.org/10.48550/arXiv… @FAccTRec #RecSys2022 #RS_c @uu_beta pic.twitter.com/QIf69e7FaJ

2022-09-24 08:06:48
khushboo @khushsi

News recommender system - Thomas from TU Wein #Recsys2022 pic.twitter.com/ANK5Qa5WxG

2022-09-24 08:08:13
Sole Pera @DrCh0le

And what a great way to wrap #RecSys2022! Thanks @mdekstrand for presenting our work at @FAccTRec & making sure Sven makes it to @ACMRecSys even if I am #RecSysingFromAfar 🤗 arxiv.org/abs/2209.02662 pic.twitter.com/PdICqOJw4H

2022-09-24 08:12:37
Fair Recommendation @FAccTRec

Curious to learn about filter bubbles? Join us to listen to @lienmichiels present "What Are Filter Bubbles Really? A Review of the Conceptual and Empirical Work" by Lien Michiels, Jens Leysen, Annelien Smets, and Bart Goethals! #facctrec2022 #faact #recsys2022 pic.twitter.com/AGWoaoDS1m

2022-09-24 08:27:51
Himan Abdollahpouri @himan_abd

#RecSys2022 is over. While it is true that some stuff could have been a bit better but I’m really grateful for meeting many people some of whom I’ve known for the past 2-3 years but never met them in person before. Hopefully see you all in Singapore in #recsys2023. pic.twitter.com/aBc0S6rFqA

2022-09-24 08:48:10
Fair Recommendation @FAccTRec

Our next presentation is by Rebecca Salganik on "Analyzing the Effect of Sampling in GNNs on Individual Fairness" by Rebecca Salganik, Fernando Diaz, and Golnoosh Farnadi. #facctrec2022 #recsys2022 #facct arxiv.org/abs/2209.03904 pic.twitter.com/muvOKb2oA5

2022-09-24 08:48:42
amifa raj @RajAmifa

Rebecca Salganik is presenting the analysis of the effect of sampling in GNNs on individual fairness @FAccTRec. Find the paper here: arxiv.org/abs/2209.03904 @ACMRecSys #RecSys2022 pic.twitter.com/SOt2EvcP8t

2022-09-24 08:54:21
Annelien Smets @anneliensmets

Let’s say we came to #RecSys2022 with a mission: defining some of the fuzzy terms 🫧 Great to see @lienmichiels bringing this work on filter bubbels to the @ACMRecSys community! The full paper can be found here dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/35… twitter.com/facctrec/statu…

2022-09-24 08:57:44
Arun @encodedgeek

#RecSys2022 #recsys @ACMRecSys Does Platform A favor users more than Platform B? is Platform B more targeted than Platform A? Consider Causal Inferences and conditional probabilities! Day 2 CONSEQUENCES + REVEAL Workshop pic.twitter.com/jlGujrP7tO

2022-09-24 09:07:17
Arun @encodedgeek

#recsys #recsys2022 @ACMRecSys One of the last talks of Day 2 Consequences Workshop and probably at #RecSys2022 too! pic.twitter.com/pSb9yrO545

2022-09-24 09:13:02
Fair Recommendation @FAccTRec

Next in line is the interesting paper "Towards Responsible Medical Diagnostics Recommendation Systems" by Daniel Schlör and Andreas Hotho: arxiv.org/abs/2209.03760 #facctrec2022 #recsys2022 #faact pic.twitter.com/izmwQtC9B2

2022-09-24 09:14:17
Fair Recommendation @FAccTRec

Join us in listening to a "Discussion about attacks and defenses for fair and robust recommendation system design" by Mirae Kim and Simon Woo: tinyurl.com/mr4b38u8 #facctrec2022 #facct #recsys2022 pic.twitter.com/WHLtqAluH7

2022-09-24 09:34:16
Fair Recommendation @FAccTRec

The last presentation of the afternoon is by Jessie Smith @_jessiejsmith_ on "RecSys Fairness Metrics: Many to Use But Which One To Choose?" co-authored with Lex Beattie from Spotify #facct2022 #recsys2022 #facct arxiv.org/abs/2209.04011 pic.twitter.com/Fx6AWi0Ega

2022-09-24 09:40:21
Michael Ekstrand @mdekstrand

Thanks all for a great #recsys2022! Have a safe flight home.

2022-09-24 10:45:26
Pablo Castells @pcastells

What a wonderful week at #recsys2022 this was! Thanks and kudos to the General Chairs, and all the organizing team. Great program, awesome workshops and tutorials. Looking forward to #recsys2023 in Singapore!

2022-09-24 12:31:34

CONSEQUENCES and #RecSys2022 is over. We want to thank all of our speakers and our audience, you made our workshop an amazing experience! 😄😎 pic.twitter.com/2YQXf2gpUd

2022-09-24 13:38:51
amifa raj @RajAmifa

Done with #RecSys2022. It was such an amazing and special week for me. I had so much fun but also learned a lot. Hope to see you again! pic.twitter.com/zH5E1mA1te

2022-09-24 15:32:45
しましま @shima__shima

Heading to Japan from Seattle Many thanks for the great organization of #recsys2022

2022-09-24 20:24:32
Nassim @NassimSo

I really enjoyed attending #RecSys2022 this past week and enjoyed co-organizing the @FAccTRec workshop with @shima__shima @RajAmifa @rburke2233 @__lucab @mdekstrand (while keeping up with Iran's stressful news)! Hoping for the best & see you next year in Singapore!✌🏼#recsys2023 pic.twitter.com/wXFnog1AoJ

2022-09-24 21:43:28
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