
小倉 正(XR四国)⏳→@togura04@spore.social @togura04

まとめを更新しました。「XR日本/XRJapanのツイートより その73 22年11月後半」 togetter.com/li/1973949

2022-11-27 00:18:52
小倉 正(XR四国)⏳→@togura04@spore.social @togura04

まとめを更新しました。「気候災害/喪失と被害/適応策/食糧危機/難民移民の論点」 togetter.com/li/1784894

2022-11-05 06:40:16
小倉 正(XR四国)⏳→@togura04@spore.social @togura04

まとめを更新しました。「気候の危機、ティッピング・ポイント系事象について」 togetter.com/li/1711721

2022-11-04 12:13:14
小倉 正(XR四国)⏳→@togura04@spore.social @togura04

まとめを更新しました。「ピークオイルとロシア資源戦争2022年」 togetter.com/li/1904403

2022-10-04 10:32:55
小倉 正(XR四国)⏳→@togura04@spore.social @togura04

まとめを更新しました。「22年の台風14号15号/パキスタン洪水/ハリケーンイアン」 togetter.com/li/1946151

2022-10-03 10:54:33
小倉 正(XR四国)⏳→@togura04@spore.social @togura04

まとめを更新しました。「22年の世界気候アクション0923」 togetter.com/li/1949268

2022-09-25 23:51:45
小倉 正(XR四国)⏳→@togura04@spore.social @togura04

「エコサイド(環境破壊)を国際犯罪にStop ECOCIDEと化石燃料不拡散条約という企て その3」をトゥギャりました。 togetter.com/li/1867606

2022-07-17 19:24:43

目 次
 AFFN 反化石燃料の社会規範
適応策 Adaptation measures
 オックスファムの炭素不平等レポート Oxfam report
国連など会合(COP26) UN Summits
  喪失と被害 LossDamage
 投資撤退 Divestment
国内の動き In Japan
 岸田新首相に交代 Change of PM
 日本とオーストラリアの石炭コネクション Japanese Coal Connection
 CCS(炭素回収/貯留)CCS, CCUS、ブルー水素

XRの人びと People of XR

Extinction Rebellion UK 🌍 @XRebellionUK

🚨BREAKING: after taking action at multiple sites at least 19 rebels arrested🚨 Banks, insurance companies, think tanks, lobby groups, insurance funds - all profit from planetary destruction. We call on them to change their ways & #CutTheTies to #FossilFuels pic.twitter.com/kN5oiTG3ZR

2022-11-21 23:52:07
Extinction Rebellion UK 🌍 @XRebellionUK

🚨 BREAKING 🚨 #FossilFuel companies targeted across London XR & aligned groups take action at Hill & Knowlton, Institute of Economic Affairs, JP Morgan, BAE, INEOS, Schlumberger, IMO, Eversheds Sutherland,BP & BEIS Time to #CutTheTies to #FossilFuels pic.twitter.com/30PzzBzofa

2022-11-21 21:01:28
Extinction Rebellion Global @ExtinctionR

In April the UN said we are firmly on track towards an unlivable world. #COP27 will not alter that trajectory. If you want a livable world, join us on the streets demanding it. rebellion.global/get-involved/

2022-11-20 05:05:32
Extinction Rebellion Scotland @ScotlandXr

We've said it before and will say it again: #COP27 is an absolute cess pit of fossil fuel fiends! We are in REBELLION for our planet. twitter.com/KetanJ0/status…

2022-11-19 20:37:26
Ketan Joshi @KetanJ0

A short thread for you on some truly nasty shenanigans happening at #COP27 #Article6 Basically: fossil players are pushing to set the rulebook so offset deals can be secret, without any justification. The consequences could be very, very bad

2022-11-18 20:57:30
Animal Rising @AnimalRising

Marine biologist Emma Smart attempts to talk to Sir David Attenborough as he dines in luxury seafood restaurant, before being dragged out by police. Emma is not alone in her pleas for climate action - scientists across the globe are begging for urgent change. #PlantBasedFuture pic.twitter.com/2zkvC3oz1i

2022-11-19 06:00:09
小倉 正(XR四国)⏳→@togura04@spore.social @togura04

PODCAST: 通訳担当tensaimon 60. 崩壊への表(表壊??)graphing disaster youtu.be/uDlTmUjdGbQ @YouTubeより

2022-11-17 10:34:59
Extinction Rebellion Global @ExtinctionR

More and more people around the world are having to choose between defending life on Earth and obeying the law.

2022-11-12 20:54:25
Extinction Rebellion Global @ExtinctionR

This is the most dangerous time in human history. Either you are in resistance or you are complicit. twitter.com/scientistrebel…

2022-11-10 23:50:03
Scientist Rebellion @ScientistRebel1

LISTEN to @ScientistR_Ita ​​​​​​​scientists as they're carried away by police, while blocking a private airport terminal in Milan. Either you are in resistance or you are complicit. MakeThemPay.info #BanPrivateJets #MakePollutersPay #TaxFrequentFlyers vid: @Agisilaos_K pic.twitter.com/U0CPlHBdGr

2022-11-10 23:37:17
Extinction Rebellion Global @ExtinctionR

Will this concentrate the minds of attendees at #COP27 like it should? Doubtful. This is why we need a billion climate activists. twitter.com/ScottDuncanWX/…

2022-11-06 20:12:38
Scott Duncan @ScottDuncanWX

The extreme warmth in October really is quite shocking when you zoom out. 🔴 = warmer than average 🔵 = cooler than average pic.twitter.com/invcoqc4TH

2022-11-06 18:59:27
XR Cambridge @xr_cambridge

Heard yesterday: "Well if we're going extinct at least we had a good run." Lol, no, we would literally have had one of the worst runs of any mammal that has ever existed on earth

2022-11-06 18:23:11
Extinction Rebellion Global @ExtinctionR

"What do we do now?" We have two choices: 1. Take back our power via #CitizensAssemblies 2. Meekly accept the undeserved death sentence. twitter.com/PlanB_earth/st…

2022-11-05 08:18:21
Plan B Earth @PlanB_earth

1.5˚C has gone. And with it the credibility of the COP process, our duplicitous Governments and the false assumptions they proceed from. What do we do now? pic.twitter.com/0i9cGDDLU7

2022-11-04 21:36:33
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