Musica VivaによるピアニストStephen Houghのインタビュー(のTwitterハイライト)

オーストラリアの音楽団体Musica Vivaが開催しているツアーシリーズでイギリスのピアニストStephen Hough (文中ではSH)が現在演奏しています。ということで今回もAsk the Artistツイッターインタビューハイライトをまとめました。(インタビュワー:Carl Vine (CV))トピックは演奏環境、若い人の音楽教育など。

オーストラリアの音楽団体Music VivaによるピアニストStephen Houghのインタビューのハイライトです。
Stephen HoughのMusica Vivaでのオーストラリアツアー(現在やってます!)の詳細はこちら

Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

Very excited! Tomorrow at 1pm, we're hosting #asktheartist with @houghhough at our offices. We'll tweet highlights and record a podcast!

2011-10-06 11:29:56
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

If you have any questions you'd like us to ask @houghough tomorrow, tweet them through to us! #asktheartist

2011-10-06 11:33:38
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

We're all gathering in our board room and Mr Hough has just arrived as well! Q&A to start soon. #asktheartist

2011-10-07 11:03:10
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

Stephen has stopped to ask what we all do here at Musica Viva! (Always nice to be appreciated.) #asktheartist

2011-10-07 11:05:00

Stephen Houghとオーストラリアのコネクション・・・からアメリカ、イギリスの話も。

Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

SH just asked CV about the trip to Perth (where CV hails from). CV said that it's like traveling from Siberia to London ... #asktheartist

2011-10-07 11:06:33
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

This has just led to an interesting side discussion about various halls and venues around the world. #asktheartist

2011-10-07 11:08:53
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

(Stephen is quite a fan of the Perth Concert Hall.) #asktheartist

2011-10-07 11:09:38
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

CV: The question on everyone's lips is: how Australian are you? #asktheartist

2011-10-07 11:10:28
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

SH: My grandfather lived here for many years. Then my grandparents separated and my grandmother took my father to England. #asktheartist

2011-10-07 11:11:12
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

SH: For many years, my grandmother told my father that his father was dead. He only found out much later. #asktheartist

2011-10-07 11:11:31
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

SH: So I'm the only link to that slice of Australian history that we have. #asktheartist

2011-10-07 11:11:45
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

SH: But there are obituaries and other news stories about my father's history in Mayfield, NSW. #asktheartist

2011-10-07 11:12:12
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

SH: So that connection and I've always enjoyed coming here led to getting an Australian passport. #asktheartist

2011-10-07 11:12:58
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

SH: Yes, I just bought a home in New York. But I feel English and my partner is in London. #asktheartist

2011-10-07 11:14:39
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

SH is telling us about the offstage piano part for Corigliano's 1st Symphony. #asktheartist

2011-10-07 11:15:47
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

SH: At the time, I was there more than England. (SH is now based in England.) #asktheartist

2011-10-07 11:16:46
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

CV: The other thing on everyone's minds is quince tarts (mentioned on @houghhough's Twitter. #asktheartist

2011-10-07 11:18:24
Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

SH is talking about how nice it is to sit down and have a meal after a concert (not having eaten since lunch!) #asktheartist

2011-10-07 11:19:58

Stephen Houghのブログの話へ。

Musica Viva Australia @MusicaVivaAU

CV: You've been a massive blogger, working for the Telegraph. How did that start? #asktheartist

2011-10-07 11:20:22