Utada Hikaru Insta-Live "Ask Hikaru Paisen " 2021.5.2. GMT 12:00

ロンドン在住の音楽家宇多田ヒカルが2021年5月2日(日)21時頃(日本時間)から生配信する約1年ぶりのインスタライブ「ヒカルパイセンに聞け!」に寄せられた質問ツイートのうち英字ハッシュタグ「#AskHikaruPaisen 」に寄せられた分を集めました。日本語ツイートも含んでいます。
ぴあ 音楽編集部 @OngakuPia

宇多田ヒカル、インスタグラム生配信『ヒカルパイセンに聞け!』1年ぶりに復活 lp.p.pia.jp/shared/cnt-s/c… #宇多田ヒカル #ヒカルパイセンに聞け #AskHikaruPaisen

2021-04-26 23:15:03
宇多田ヒカルSTAFF @hikki_staff

"Ask Hikaru Paisen!" Is Back! Check It Out, 9PM-ish, On Instagram Live -- Sunday, May 2! utadahikaru.jp/en/news/detail… #HikaruUtada #AskHikaruPaisen kb pic.twitter.com/EayzMN2b5N

2021-04-26 23:20:45

News: Hikaru Utada will be doing another Instagram live Q&A on May 2 at approx 5AM PST/8AM EST. Use hashtags #ヒカルパイセンに聞け #AskHikaruPaisen to submit questions #HikaruUtada #宇多田ヒカル twitter.com/hikki_staff/st…

2021-04-26 23:31:19
宇多田ヒカルSTAFF @hikki_staff

約1年ぶりのインスタグラム生番組「ヒカルパイセンに聞け!」 2021年5月2日(日)21時頃より配信決定! パイセンのインスタフォローお忘れなくっす🙋‍♂️ ☛ instagram.com/kuma_power?igs… #宇多田ヒカル #ヒカルパイセンに聞け! kb pic.twitter.com/I9jQ8pl9pr

2021-04-26 23:15:43
Алексе́й @asthmatickid

What is your fave track on 宇多田ヒカルの歌? What do you think about Ayumi Hamasaki and when she performs Movin on without you? Any memorable moments when recording under the name Cubic U? #ヒカルパイセンに聞け #AskHikaruPaisen @utadahikaru @hikki_staff #hikaruutada

2021-04-27 03:33:05
hisui ◌ (찡구왕 기다리는 중) @jadeizm

#ヒカルパイセンに聞け #AskHikaruPaisen hikki♥ what's your latest favorite read? or is there a book that inspired you recently while working on your music? also, remember the kuma chang book club you mentioned before? can we still join? twitter.com/utadahikaru/st…

2021-04-27 03:41:30
宇多田ヒカル @utadahikaru

Anyone wanna join Kuma’s Book Club? Kuma and I are the only members currently... instagram.com/p/BwiOW6bpr3F/…

2019-04-22 07:42:55
PKMN Trainer Jeremy @jeremytyson

It’s been 12 years since This Is The One and 15 years since Exodus. What are your thoughts on these albums after all these years? @utadahikaru @hikkistaff #ヒカルパイセンに聞け #AskHikaruPaisen

2021-04-27 04:46:59
PKMN Trainer Jeremy @jeremytyson

In your original Ask Hikaru session from a few years ago you mentioned you never really listen to your own music. Has that changed or are you still missing out on Queen Utada Hikaru’s music? 😉 @utadahikaru @hikkistaff #ヒカルパイセンに聞け #AskHikaruPaisen

2021-04-27 04:46:59
PKMN Trainer Jeremy @jeremytyson

What was it about the story of “To Your Eternity” that made you agree to create a song for the show? @utadahikaru @hikkistaff #ヒカルパイセンに聞け #AskHikaruPaisen

2021-04-27 04:47:01
PKMN Trainer Jeremy @jeremytyson

Can you give us a hint about the atmosphere or direction you’re taking for the new album? @utadahikaru @hikkistaff #ヒカルパイセンに聞け #AskHikaruPaisen

2021-04-27 04:47:02
PKMN Trainer Jeremy @jeremytyson

Have you told your son about your musical career or have you just kept your normal role as “mom” so far? @utadahikaru @hikkistaff #ヒカルパイセンに聞け #AskHikaruPaisen

2021-04-27 04:47:02
PKMN Trainer Jeremy @jeremytyson

Having co-producers on your JP music is something pretty new. How do you choose who gets to work with you? Is it chemistry, talent, etc? @utadahikaru @hikkistaff #ヒカルパイセンに聞け #AskHikaruPaisen

2021-04-27 04:47:03
PKMN Trainer Jeremy @jeremytyson

Do you have a different process for writing songs that are being used for themes (like Pink Blood and One Last Kiss) compared to other album tracks? @utadahikaru @hikkistaff #ヒカルパイセンに聞け #AskHikaruPaisen

2021-04-27 04:47:04
PKMN Trainer Jeremy @jeremytyson

What is it like living in London where you’re not as known on a national scale like in Japan? Does it give you much more freedom? @utadahikaru @hikkistaff #ヒカルパイセンに聞け #AskHikaruPaisen

2021-04-27 04:47:04
PKMN Trainer Jeremy @jeremytyson

Will you ever share more demos of your older songs like you did for the First Love 15th anniversary edition? Those demos were GOLD? @utadahikaru @hikkistaff #ヒカルパイセンに聞け #AskHikaruPaisen

2021-04-27 04:47:05
PKMN Trainer Jeremy @jeremytyson

What song(s) have changed the most from their original demo compared to when they were officially released? @utadahikaru @hikkistaff #ヒカルパイセンに聞け #AskHikaruPaisen

2021-04-27 04:47:05
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