Utada Hikaru Insta-Live "Ask Hikaru Paisen " 2021.5.2. GMT 12:00

ロンドン在住の音楽家宇多田ヒカルが2021年5月2日(日)21時頃(日本時間)から生配信する約1年ぶりのインスタライブ「ヒカルパイセンに聞け!」に寄せられた質問ツイートのうち英字ハッシュタグ「#AskHikaruPaisen 」に寄せられた分を集めました。日本語ツイートも含んでいます。
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PKMN Trainer Jeremy @jeremytyson

It’s been a year since the pandemic swept the world. Has this event changed you as a person or have you remained the same? @utadahikaru @hikkistaff #ヒカルパイセンに聞け #AskHikaruPaisen

2021-04-27 04:47:05
PKMN Trainer Jeremy @jeremytyson

When the pandemic is over (or properly managed) and life has normalcy again, what’s the first thing you’d like to do? @utadahikaru @hikkistaff #ヒカルパイセンに聞け #AskHikaruPaisen

2021-04-27 04:47:06
PKMN Trainer Jeremy @jeremytyson

Mr. Teruzane has been quite absent from Twitter when he used to be on here frequently? How is he doing? @utadahikaru @hikkistaff #ヒカルパイセンに聞け #AskHikaruPaisen

2021-04-27 04:47:06
PKMN Trainer Jeremy @jeremytyson

Utada Hikaru leaving her London flat after only answering 2 English questions #AskHikaruPaisen pic.twitter.com/nW2kpuS2Xb

2021-04-27 04:51:06
YaBoiMarkyMark @TuxedoMarky

So excited! Cannot wait to ask about a pink Blood! And also one last kiss, where she’s heading musically ❤️❤️❤️ #AskHikaruPaisen twitter.com/UTADABLOG/stat…

2021-04-27 11:02:22
YaBoiMarkyMark @TuxedoMarky

I wish more mainstream artists and you tubers would react more to my queen Hikaru Utada 😭😭😭😭. #AskHikaruPaisen So, just wondering, what was the inspiration behind the story of “One Last Kiss”?

2021-04-27 11:24:08
Dawn @dawn55533

Hey Queen. I just wanted to ask if @utadahikaru would possibly reveal the english words she sings in the background of “Michi”. It is my favorite song! @hikkistaff #ヒカルパイセンに聞け #AskHikaruPaisen

2021-04-28 22:28:44
outertop @hirooutertop

「ヒカルパイセンに聞け!」で今からソワソワ。。。 GWで一番楽しみかも。 #AskHikaruPaisen

2021-04-29 02:44:03
peri @applecinnamonm

去年は事前に質問を募集していたわりには生配信中に来た質問に答えていて少しさびしい気持ちになった記憶が(気のせいか)。。今年はどんな感じになるかな~わくわく #askhikarupaisen

2021-04-29 06:24:52
🍑Momo🍑 @momocatluv

Queen give us another snippet of PINK BLOOD pleasee #AskHikaruPaisen

2021-04-29 12:17:48
bunny🐰 @fayeeka22

My one and only question when will “pink blood” release??🥺🥺 #ヒカルパイセンに聞け #AskHikaruPaisen

2021-04-29 19:27:16
宇多田ヒカル @utadahikaru

Have you heard? Hikaru Paisen is appearing on IG Live May 2nd, Sunday, 9pm Japan time (GMT +9). Tweet any questions for her with #askhikarupaisen Here’s the IG account, just in case 🤓 instagram.com/kuma_power?igs…

2021-04-29 19:47:04
よっしー。 @LawLlKSf2V5GkXz

ひかるパイセンのナイトルーティンおしえてくだせぇ! #askhikarupaisen

2021-04-29 19:48:08
시시 @keb0927_

What's your spiritual animal? I'm guessing 🐻 #askhikarupaisen

2021-04-29 19:49:20
秋雷 @aug__ust

インスタの投稿での “拾うたシリーズ” に映り込むヒカルパイセンのシューズが毎度お洒落で素敵だなと思ってるのですが特にお気に入りのシューズはあるのですか?👟 #ヒカルパイセンに聞け #askhikarupaisen

2021-04-29 19:51:09
시시 @keb0927_

Any album or musician that you are really into lately? #askhikarupaisen

2021-04-29 19:53:18
시시 @keb0927_

If you could only recommend 3 books, which 3 would you recommend? #askhikarupaisen

2021-04-29 19:53:57
あすか @00eeq

#askhikarupaisen ヒカル先輩が歌詞を書くときに一番大切にしていることはなんですか?

2021-04-29 20:12:12
chee @chee_hikki

パイセンが身に付けているカギのネックレスは、NYのCatbirdってお店のものですか?(同じの欲しくて探してます) Is it from the shop named Catbird NYC, the necklace you often wear, in the last year IG live and also in One Last Kiss MV? #ヒカルパイセンに聞け  #askhikarupaisen

2021-04-29 20:17:30
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