XR日本/XRJapanのツイートより その74 22年12月前半

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Bill McKibben @billmckibben

Just mildly dystopian... "Elon Musk’s medical device company Neuralink is...under federal investigation related to accusations that pressure from the tech mogul to produce results led to barbaric and botched surgeries on monkeys, sheep and pigs." washingtonpost.com/technology/202…

2022-12-07 10:15:04
気候変動の向こう側 🇵🇸🇺🇦🏳️‍🌈 @Beyond_Climate

《デジタルヘイト対策センターによると、黒人差別用語の1日当たりの使用数は2022年平均の3倍に増え、同性愛の男性を中傷する用語の使用は58%増、トランスジェンダーの人を中傷する用語は62%増となった。》 ツイッターの憎悪表現、イーロン・マスク氏の買収後に激増 米調査 cnn.co.jp/tech/35196960.…

2022-12-05 18:08:00
Alexandria Villaseñor @AlexandriaV2005

I'm just a girl, who keeps trying to change her display name to reflect that she's *not* at COP27 anymore, who keeps getting the message "Account update failed: Deny". 🤦‍♀️

2022-12-05 15:01:46
島田虎之介『ロボ・サピエンス前史』絶賛発売中! @Shimatorax

Twitter、10年間追放していた著名ネオナチ・白人至上主義活動家のアカウントを復活。反ユダヤ発言でカニエ凍結の直後 techno-edge.net/article/2022/1…

2022-12-04 19:43:06
Eric Holthaus @EricHolthaus

Since El*n took over, Twitter has become a haven for climate misinformation. More climate denial has been posted over the past six months than in any other previous period since Twitter was founded. thetimes.co.uk/article/climat…

2022-12-04 08:42:57
アメリカ政治 @America_seiji


2022-12-03 14:29:42
アメリカ政治 @America_seiji

マスクが広告主に広告を増やすように電話で恫喝したり、「熱核兵器級の批判を行う」とツイートしたことについて、ある広告代理店幹部は「企業に無理矢理広告を打たせるなんて無理です」と話しました。 twitter.com/elonmusk/statu…

2022-12-03 14:39:25
Elon Musk @elonmusk

@mrddmia Thank you. A thermonuclear name & shame is exactly what will happen if this continues.

2022-11-05 08:37:53
安田浩一 @yasudakoichi

本日です。[11月30日(水) 20:00] #NoHateTV Vol.198 - SNSとヘイトスピーチ youtube.com/watch?v=SjHIMk… イーロン・マスクがトランプやQアノンのアカウントを復活。マスクの言う表現の自由は本当に「自由」なのか、またSNSは過去に自由であったことはあったのか。ネットの四半世紀を振り返ります。

2022-11-30 09:15:28

XRの人びと People of XR

100 Climate Messages @climatemessages


2022-12-14 03:23:33
Animal Rising @AnimalRising

Get involved with a restaurant sit-in near you! Find out more on our weekly Zoom calls: every Tuesday at 7pm! Register now! us06web.zoom.us/meeting/regist… #PlantBasedFuture #EndAnimalExploitation

2022-12-10 04:08:59
Animal Rising @AnimalRising

Last nights sit-in at Da Terra, London‼️ Luxury restaurants represent destruction, exploitation and inequality. We are asking for a #PlantBasedFoodSystem because this is THE solution to biodiversity loss, ocean dead zones, rising temperatures, and deforestation… and much more pic.twitter.com/8x34tOrZ51

2022-12-10 04:08:58
XR Wandsworth ⏳ @XRWandsworth

🎄🎉🎄Green Santa and the elves will be joined by the Red Rebels and drummers. Do come along to sing XR carols, hand out leaflets, protest around the area with the Red Rebels. A family-friendly event. It will be fun! 🎉🎄🎉 pic.twitter.com/YCtXy0sPtM

2022-12-09 20:06:33
Extinction Rebellion Hammersmith & Fulham ⌛️ @XR_Hamm_Fulham

Many people happy to take & read our leaflets telling #BillWinters to stop investing in oil, #coal & gas this morning outside Standard Chartered. Be on the right side of history @StanChart not #climatecriminals pic.twitter.com/FDPjjCHOVq

2022-12-09 00:44:50
Christian Climate Action @CClimateAction

Good news - you can join in with this holy mischief by voting for the Christian Climate Action tree to win the Sheffield Cathedral tree competition this year. Just go to the link below, and select 'Christian Climate Action' from the drop down options 👇 sheffieldcathedral.org/christmas-tree… twitter.com/CClimateAction… pic.twitter.com/CM3NTAHucT

2022-12-02 04:54:48
Christian Climate Action @CClimateAction

Well done to @CCASheffield who decorated a Christmas tree in Sheffield Cathedral today 🎄 They decorated the tree as a mock thank you gift from @Shell to the @churchofengland, highlighting the CofE's continued investment in fossil fuels The Cathedral has since removed the tree! twitter.com/CcaSheffield/s…

2022-11-29 04:55:01
Paid to Pollute @PaidToPollute

Without immediate action, 7m households are facing fuel poverty this winter. After the price guarantee ends in April, this number is set to jump to 8.6m. We can't go on like this. Join the Day of Action on Fuel Poverty on 3rd Dec #WarmThisWinter ⬇️ warmthiswinter.org.uk/day-of-action

2022-12-01 18:43:03
Don't Pay Bristol @dontpaybristol

The #Bristol event on Saturday w/@FuelPovAction @XRBristol & us is part of - A National Day of Action Against Fuel Poverty. Meet 12 noon at MegaBus drop-off point, Bond St BS1 3LZ #WarmUp #FreezeProfitsNotPeople #NobodyColdThisWinter twitter.com/EndFuelPoverty… pic.twitter.com/BHaU5dvpDv

2022-12-01 18:36:24
End Fuel Poverty Coalition @EndFuelPoverty

📢 Day of Action on Fuel Poverty on 3rd December 📢 Millions are facing impossible choices this winter. It doesn't have to be this way. We need the government to act. There are around 40 events taking place around the UK on Saturday. Find out more: bit.ly/3GW4Ryh pic.twitter.com/lzBDIAGQtE

2022-11-30 21:15:12
Sandy Winterbottom @MoogStuff

This is a public performance action designed to highlight the very real danger of insect extinction. There is a place for everyone at XR whether you are a writer, scientist, artist or performer. It’s all about getting the message out there and it often involves humour. 💚🌍

2022-12-01 03:40:26
Sandy Winterbottom @MoogStuff

The lovely people of @XrStirling do not glue themselves to motorways or deface art - they do this instead: ‘Cops disperse middle-aged ladies dressed as butterflies.’ And ‘Women skipping about and dying dramatically.’ I love these amazing people! 🦋🐝🌍 The best headlines ever! pic.twitter.com/Tbxn9P2MFO

2022-12-01 03:26:41
Extinction Rebellion Ireland @ExtinctRebelsIE

Any journalist AND politician! wanting to improve in your understanding about the #ClimateCrisis please get in touch with @think_or_swim John Gibbons #ClimateEmergency #ClimateActionNow twitter.com/think_or_swim/…

2022-11-29 21:15:53
John Gibbons @think_or_swim

Honestly believe @GretaThunberg's new book is most important yet on #climate. I'd like to put a copy in the hands of key #media folk in Ireland. They REALLY need to read this, asap. Can you help me ID who to send them to? (ok, I bought quite a few!) pic.twitter.com/qgnfShTJU5

2022-11-29 19:51:42
Extinction Rebellion Waverley and Borders @xrwaverley

Here comes everyone. We need 100,000 of us on the streets in April. Come to our meeting tomorrow, Wednesday 30th November. Together we can make this happen and real change can follow. xrgodalming.org/2022/11/29/her…

2022-11-29 17:41:39
Sophie Gabrielle @CodeRedEarth

“10 % of any population is cruel, no matter what, and 10 % is merciful, no matter what, & the remaining 80 % can be moved in either direction” Susan Sontag The merciful are on the streets right now. By supporting them we too are merciful. We need the 80% #ClimateEmergency pic.twitter.com/CJFXu0PDwD

2022-11-29 15:51:26

Insulate Britain

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