
Workers working 60+ hours a week in one job

I always thought that Japan was way up there 翻訳はこちらのツリーに _(:3 」∠ )_ https://twitter.com/Count_Down_000/status/1605225174781288450
Conrad Hackett @conradhackett

Workers working 60+ hours a week in one job 🇹🇷 Turkey 23% 🇰🇷 S Korea 23% 🇮🇩 Indonesia 14% 🇮🇳 India 14% 🇬🇷 Greece 11% 🇯🇵 Japan 9% 🇨🇳 China 6% 🇬🇧 UK 5% 🇫🇷 France 5% 🇧🇷 Brazil 4% 🇷🇺 Russia 4% 🇪🇸 Spain 4% 🇺🇸 US 4% 🇩🇪 Germany 3% 🇸🇪 Sweden 2% pic.twitter.com/aTQkG1jBwG

2022-12-11 15:57:33
金建'Kin'輝 @DrKinKam

Interesting data on working hours per week in different countries. Contrary to popular myths, China is not number 1. twitter.com/conradhackett/…

2022-12-13 18:40:30
C. @cglynats

We are always first. We do not leave the first place to anyone..😎☝ twitter.com/conradhackett/…

2022-12-12 04:16:35
CJ @musti_blfd

@conradhackett Turkey and Greece are working? haha. they retire at 45 years of age

2022-12-12 01:25:22
Enes Okullu @EnesOkullu

@conradhackett This could be named as inefficiency index.(Except: Entrepreneurs, rocket science employees et cetera)

2022-12-11 16:14:51
𝖆𝖍𝖒𝖊𝖙𓅃 @ahmet_0050

@conradhackett In Turkey workers generally don't receive overtime payment. Work 60 hours but get paid 40 hours. That's why Turks mostly work in hard conditions but with little efficiency.

2022-12-11 22:21:10
äç @berekiz

@conradhackett In addition, no matter how hard you work, you always earn a low salary in Turkey. 60% of the population receives the minimum wage, which is 1/4 of the poverty line. On top of that, we have an inflation that exceeds 180%. Let there be more(!)

2022-12-11 23:06:35
Esin Buğlem🪄✨ @esintaskale

@conradhackett As a Turk, although we work hard, we do not get paid for it. and if you object to it they say you are lazy. no, there is something wrong with the system. Europe and America do not see our schools as equal, but we know and work more than them. we are used to it

2022-12-12 03:18:06
vincent @readeridentity

Now the "died from overworking" cliche of korean isekais makes sense. I am from Turkey btw and I can sympathize. twitter.com/conradhackett/…

2022-12-13 02:43:52
ray☀️🍄🍂 @raiyofsunshinee

Wow Indonesia is top 3 for something at least, thays depressing twitter.com/conradhackett/…

2022-12-12 02:35:23
Hawker of Rhovanion 🍉 @quantipian

Indonesia has one of the most hardworking population in the world. Imagine if we have capable and high integrity governance as well. twitter.com/conradhackett/…

2022-12-12 20:45:17
Niko Efstathiou @NikoEfst

Who'd have thought those "lazy Greeks" are actually overworked (and underpaid). twitter.com/conradhackett/…

2022-12-12 22:04:49
Stephen Harte @sjharte

@GreekAnalyst In my experience of working in Greece for a couple of years, presenteeism was rife….being seen to be in the office long hours mattered much more than what you did.

2022-12-12 04:47:43
The Greek Analyst @GreekAnalyst

@sjharte Yes, that is a very astute observation and very true across the board, primarily in the private sector.

2022-12-12 04:48:39
Affan @affrizalgani

I always thought that Japan was way up there I was wrong twitter.com/conradhackett/…

2022-12-13 07:57:59
Iceman® @IceeMaN76

@conradhackett Usa is not true :) there are millions of immigrants who works more than 15-16 hours per day 😉, that’s why that chart does not indicates the real one

2022-12-12 01:41:19
Mert @golcu_mert

And most of remote worker employees feel 60+ hours in one week working. Remote jobs has advantages but comes with mentally downs twitter.com/conradhackett/…

2022-12-11 20:06:28
mom's eyes on you @momseyesonyou

@conradhackett And these are documented workers. Add millions of undocumented workers and Syrian "guests" working without any socioeconomic rights. Poor Turks, grown up with EU entegration tales are now facing "sweatshop or no job" "choice" 😞

2022-12-11 22:07:11
Do Better. @BelDan90s

@conradhackett This isn't something to be proud about. Working your life away to make the boss or the shareholders of the company where you work rich is disgusting. If it's for your own company or if you feel enjoyment and fulfillment out of working so much then sure, good. But most ppl don't.

2022-12-12 07:04:51