BoostCon 0-1日目

BoostConで引っかけて引っかかった人をポーリングしただけ… 二日目
Dean Berris @deanberris

I just finished the BoostCon 2010 paper with @glynos -- presentation will be next up tonight with @sinefunc !

2010-05-06 16:01:06
João Abecasis @biochimia

In other news, Boost 1.43.0 is out, in time for #BoostCon 2010. Find me there next week and tell me how you mix #Qt and #Boost. #cpp

2010-05-07 08:19:34
Dean Berris @deanberris

Boarding soon, BoostCon 2010 here I come!

2010-05-08 11:32:32
Dean Berris @deanberris

I am finally at Aspen, Colorado chilling at the Mountain Chalet. After 4 take-offs and landings. Met some friendly and helpful locals too.

2010-05-09 12:24:00
Ray Fix @rayfix

Headed to Colorado for BoostCon. So far everything is on time.

2010-05-09 19:59:18
Akira Takahashi @cpp_akira


2010-05-10 00:12:04
Dean Berris @deanberris

Just checked into the beautiful Aspen Meadows Resort -- and it's crazy how big this place and the room I checked in is!

2010-05-10 03:04:46
梶本裕介 @uskz


2010-05-10 03:32:35
kazumi007 @kazumi007

@redboltz アメリカにいるんですか?

2010-05-10 05:19:16
redboltz @redboltz

@kazumi007 そうです。BoostConに出席するというリフレッシュ休暇。

2010-05-10 05:22:03
kazumi007 @kazumi007

@redboltz BoostConでリフレッシュ休暇かあ。なんか贅沢な感じですね。

2010-05-10 05:27:58
Ray Fix @rayfix

Made it to Aspen. 8,200 ft above sea-level. Great weather. Going to head over to the local market to get some supplies for the week.

2010-05-10 05:34:18
ɹǝqıl [-: uıʌǝu @nliber

On the way to BoostCon ORD to Moline to Denver to Aspen

2010-05-10 06:54:37
ɹǝqıl [-: uıʌǝu @nliber

I'm on the same puddle jumper from Moline to Denver. Why did I even get off the plane?

2010-05-10 08:05:38
ɹǝqıl [-: uıʌǝu @nliber

At gate 91 in Denver. Any other Boosters here? I'm in bright orange.

2010-05-10 11:05:56
Dean Berris @deanberris

Had a full day with lots of conversations with BoostCon 2010 attendees and speakers! Definitely worth the sacrifice of going here so far.

2010-05-10 12:42:19
redboltz @redboltz

日曜日のInformal Gatheringがおわった。 といっても、19時くらいまで、みんなで集まってビール飲んだりして話していたら、 シャトルが迎えにきたから、適当に乗って、飯食いに行く感じ。 飯はローストチキンを注文して大当たり。 支払いは割り勘。

2010-05-10 12:53:40
Dean Berris @deanberris

Day 1 of BoostCon 2010 about to get started!

2010-05-10 21:01:20
Dean Berris @deanberris

@terencepua Thanks, it happens on Thursday. Excited! :D

2010-05-10 21:17:36
redboltz @redboltz

午前のセッションが終わった。Demistfying C++ Exceptionはフルボッコにされていた。例外のGuaranteeにおいて、No,Basic,Strong,No-Throwに加え、Basicよりも弱いMinimalを加えようという話。

2010-05-11 04:33:17