
ツイッター シェイクスピア ロミオとジュリエット 演劇 英文学

IM NOT a "Heartless little girl"!!!!

2010-05-05 20:58:29

@romeo_mo Dont Lieeee! Is this Jess? Why wind me up like this!

2010-05-05 21:05:14

@julietcap16 !?!The 1st time@the 'shack'.We lay on the bed and I discovered that the back of your knees are really tickleish!! Its me babyxx

2010-05-05 21:10:26

@julietcap16 Im safe.I'm looked after.I can't say just incase bt you KNOW where i am.Gorgeous Girl,Im going away for abit.Can you get to me?

2010-05-05 21:19:51

@romeo_mo :( i miss youuuu! I could get to you... but id need my sisters help...

2010-05-05 21:35:07

@julietcap16 i think the person looking after me really would be eager to help as well! I have to see you..maybe you could come with me!!xxx

2010-05-05 21:39:29

@romeo_mo Come with you where!? Travelling?

2010-05-05 22:04:09

Got phone. Finally. Persuaded Dad he didn't need " this Twitter Shitter nonsense in his life". Sometimes wonder if I do...

2010-05-05 22:37:34

Please ignore all tweets from this account and unfollow. Thank you. Please respect the Capulet family's privacy at this time.

2010-05-05 23:19:43

@Jess_nurse Would you help me with something??

2010-05-05 23:25:38

hun, theres a plan to get me away tonight. You shold come with me.We talked about travelling,maybe all this disaster gives us an excuse!! xx

2010-05-05 23:30:48

surely this is a brilliant plab for me and Jules to finally leave all this behind! right?

2010-05-05 23:32:21

@julietcap16 Help with what? (I've put up the default message on Tybs' page).

2010-05-05 23:34:55

@Jess_nurse i need to see him Jessie.... And... :( i miss tybs...

2010-05-05 23:45:19

@julietcap16 I can't put you at risk. You saw the carnage when I left here last night. Its not safe. But he IS safe. That I can promise you.

2010-05-05 23:52:12

@julietcap16 I'm sure he's well & well looked after. Patience.

2010-05-06 00:08:12
Laurence Friar @LaurenceFriar

@romeo_mo Be cautious & be patient, for the world is far & wide.

2010-05-06 00:10:26
Juliet @julietcap16

@Jess_nurse I don't care about the risk! I NEED to see him!

2010-05-06 00:12:21
Jess Capulet @Jess_nurse

@julietcap16 You "NEED" to calm down. Do you want to be sick again? And what about Dad? We promised we'd camp down today & avoid the Press.

2010-05-06 00:16:13
Juliet @julietcap16

@Jess_nurse I don't CARE about the press... about Dad's stupid expectations and i dont even care about getting sick! He will look after me!

2010-05-06 00:25:20
Laurence Friar @LaurenceFriar

@Jess_nurse we need to be extremely careful http://bit.ly/vLudA as per talk last night. Shall we all meet? Tonight?

2010-05-06 00:27:20
Jess Capulet @Jess_nurse

@julietcap16 Ladybird, you might think he's your superman but NObody has the power to make this go away. KNOW that. And know what he did.

2010-05-06 00:28:20
Jess Capulet @Jess_nurse

@LaurenceFriar They've been to your flat?! Shit. Why not give him to them? We'd secure her safety that way...& his too...in the long term...

2010-05-06 00:35:44
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