【質問】 オーシャン島事件について教えてください.

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大守アロイ @OmoriAlloy

オーシャン島事件の被告(鈴木直臣海軍少佐)はB・C級戦犯として立件されており、海軍反省会でも議題の遡上に上がっているため、発生そのものは間違いない が、鈴木少佐に実行を命令したであろう犯人がまだ不明であるため、この手記から何か新事実が分かるかもしれない twitter.com/tokyonewsroom/…

2022-10-13 11:18:24
東京新聞編集局 @tokyonewsroom

太平洋戦争の敗戦直後、太平洋中西部に浮かぶサンゴの島・オーシャン島で日本兵が行った住民虐殺について、元日本兵が書き残していた手記を本紙が入手しました。 最後の指揮官命令は島民の虐殺だった…元日本兵が書き残した敗戦直後のオーシャン島で起きたこと tokyo-np.co.jp/article/207808

2022-10-13 08:04:22
海月 @kaige2

後半にハンセン病患者家族を船にのせて撃沈した話が→最後の指揮官命令は島民の虐殺だった…元日本兵が書き残した敗戦直後のオーシャン島で起きたこと:東京新聞 TOKYO Web tokyo-np.co.jp/article/207808

2022-10-13 14:46:48
酔っ払いおじさん @yopparaiojisan

んー…コレに出てくる関さんの配属していた所属や小隊長のお名前が何故か出てこないんだけど❓ とりあえずは原文を読んでみたくなってきたわね…📖 最後の指揮官命令は島民の虐殺だった…元日本兵が書き残した敗戦直後のオーシャン島で起きたこと:東京新聞 TOKYO Web tokyo-np.co.jp/article/207808

2022-10-13 10:24:34
Oden ou pot-au-feu @fushimitori

<引き金を引いた。 「手記」である以上伝聞体で通すべきところ、地の文で断定してしまったところが三流紙の雑さ。お涙頂戴。 最後の指揮官命令は島民の虐殺だった…元日本兵が書き残した敗戦直後のオーシャン島で起きたこと:東京新聞 TOKYO Web tokyo-np.co.jp/article/207808

2022-10-13 14:11:10
たなこ☃️🌈👑(大道具) @tana_co

「山本哲正」でTwitter内検索してみたら、あんまり信用ならない記者っぽいね。 最後の指揮官命令は島民の虐殺だった…元日本兵が書き残した敗戦直後のオーシャン島で起きたこと:東京新聞 TOKYO Web tokyo-np.co.jp/article/207808

2022-10-13 09:43:33
❤️ BMAotC 🐉🦉 @BMAotC

Alright @crudeborne it's been a while but here we go. Banaba Island. Contained a high amount of Phosphate. Discovered and annexed in 1900. That same year mining and shipping of phosphate from the island began. 🧵 1/ 4 pic.twitter.com/a0Jh3rKcQz

2022-12-09 07:29:36
❤️ BMAotC 🐉🦉 @BMAotC

By the early 1970s, annual production reached a high of 550,000 tons, but deposits were exhausted by the time of Kiribati’s independence in 1979 in 1919 and was occupied by Japanese forces from 1942 to 1945. The Japanese deported many of the local Micronesian inhabitants 🧵2/4

2022-12-09 07:30:11
❤️ BMAotC 🐉🦉 @BMAotC

..to the Gilbert and Caroline islands. (Including both Banabans and Gilbertese) And in August 1945, after Japan had already agreed to the terms of surrender, massacred all but one of the remaining 150 Gilbertese. 🧵3/4 pic.twitter.com/TdBbuukzQx

2022-12-09 07:31:34


tama nekono @tomcat2013

オーシャン島事件の概要 dl.ndl.go.jp/info:ndljp/pid… を開いて、ファイル名「ART0001726662.pdf」をクリックすると「オーシャン島事件の概要」をご覧になれます。

2022-10-13 08:47:44
Takeshi Kawamoto @etiashk

オーシャン島民の虐殺 日本占領下の第二次世界大戦を生き延びた人々の直接の証言 War Atrocities Banaba (Ocean Island) vocal.media/serve/war-atro… pic.twitter.com/ij1EbyT1Au

2022-10-13 15:03:38
mafia @tms313


2020-11-08 21:08:09
mafia @tms313


2020-11-08 22:24:34
mafia @tms313


2020-11-08 22:25:24
mafia @tms313


2022-10-13 20:59:16


Scott Hamilton RTM @SikotiHamiltonR

Author of 7 books, incl Stolen Island (BWB), Ghost South Road (Atuanui), & Crisis of Theory (MUP), & of over 100 published essays. Love reading others' work.


Scott Hamilton RTM @SikotiHamiltonR

1/6 Katerina Teaiwa's Project Banaba exhibition mourns the destruction of a Pacific island by phosphate mining & celebrates the resilience of its exiled people. We don't hear about it on Anzac Day, but NZ's military played a role in Banaba's tragedy. pic.twitter.com/Lt4SeMXvTy

2022-04-13 09:49:33
Scott Hamilton RTM @SikotiHamiltonR

2/6 In 1925 about 1,100 Chinese, Micronesians, & Polynesians were digging for phosphate on Banaba, which was known to whites as Ocean Island. Their wages were very low; British & NZ overseers made their days miserable. Some Chinese workers smuggled guns onto Banaba. pic.twitter.com/pN9TOXHYZT

2022-04-13 09:51:14
Scott Hamilton RTM @SikotiHamiltonR

3/6 It is hard to understand, from the records I've seen, exactly what happened on Banaba in December 1925, but the Chinese workers clearly took power away from the island's armed constabulary. There were reports of burning buildings & clashes between Pasifika & Chinese workers. pic.twitter.com/QCPHy0n5uW

2022-04-13 09:54:18
Scott Hamilton RTM @SikotiHamiltonR

4/6 Britain asked NZ for help, & the HMS Laburnum was sent to the island. The ship landed NZ forces, who killed at least one Chinese worker as they recaptured the island. A number of Chinese were deported from Banaba to Suva, where they were imprisoned. pic.twitter.com/YWK5bOlpev

2022-04-13 09:55:34
Scott Hamilton RTM @SikotiHamiltonR

5/6 NZ's intervention on Banaba recalls the armed party we sent to Fiji in 1920 to smash a huge uprising there by Indian sugar workers. In both cases 'order' was restored by NZ guns, & the exploitation of coloured labour & indigenous land resumed. pic.twitter.com/tmw3H4cjU2

2022-04-13 09:57:16
Scott Hamilton RTM @SikotiHamiltonR

6/6 By 1945 Banaba was so ravaged by phosphate mining that the British deported its entire population to the Fijian island of Rabi. Banaba's phosphate was sprayed on NZ farms, & helped make this country one of the wealthiest in the world in the 1950s & '60s. pic.twitter.com/9JnWOEsPmc

2022-04-13 09:58:59