【質問】 カディロフツィって何?

https://togetter.com/li/1855949 よりスピンオフ.  Q&A簡易作成のための試験運用中.  客観性を担保するためのノウハウを,この試験運用を通じて集積していきます. 続きを読む
What the media hides. @narrative_hole

This Ukrainian propaganda fake has been debunked. On its official Telegram, the news company NTV denied filing the report and said it was blatant Ukrainian disinformation. Olga Zenkova is not a frontline reporter. Her reportage in Surgut, 23rd of January ntv.ru/video/2178049/ twitter.com/visegrad24/sta… pic.twitter.com/AYlCjho9iV

2023-01-31 20:46:08
Visegrád 24 @visegrad24

Major scandal in Russia. The TV presenter Olga Zenkova from NTV was sent to occupied Melitopol to record a propaganda piece. While visiting a restaurant, Kadyrov’s nephew Hasan Ibrahimov and men from his unit walked up to her, beat up her camera man and then raped her. pic.twitter.com/csNvw1kaEi

2023-01-31 06:13:09
Code Chaos 🇬🇧 🇺🇦 @smarties_here

@EvaTrmx86qc7r In Melitopol, the Kadirov gang raped NTV journalist Olga Zenkova, who came to "cover the course of the SVO". It happened in the restaurant of the "Vorontsovsky" hotel. In the Russian Federation, it was forbidden to mention this topic in the news so as not to "discredit the army. pic.twitter.com/BP5WsBKRIE

2023-01-31 04:50:08
Euro Citizen - Ciudadano Europeo. @UkraineNews11

La cadena de televisón rusa NVD denuncia oficialmente que una de sus reporteras fue asaltada sexualmente en la ciudad ocupada de Melitopol, por parte de un grupo de soldados chechenos del ejercito ruso. El nombre de la periodista rusa es Olga Zenkova pic.twitter.com/yK7HUCNT1F

2023-01-31 07:59:23
川和 koi iok !🇺🇦境外爱❤️习❤️🇨🇳势力 @koiiok17

之前不是爆出来俄罗斯NTV电台的记者Olga Zenkova去梅利托波尔拍摄宣传片,然而却被卡德罗夫手下给强奸了吗。 现在传出了疑似俄罗斯高层的指示,“为了维护军队形象,此事件不予公布”。 在国家和个人问题前,我劝你们恨国党要爱国😤不就是被强奸了吗?要顾全大局☝️ twitter.com/AnonOpsSE/stat… pic.twitter.com/JGHLTqSNQT

2023-01-31 20:30:35
Anonymous Operations @AnonOpsSE

Major scandal in Russia. The TV presenter Olga Zenkova from NTV was sent to occupied Melitopol to record a propaganda piece. While visiting a restaurant, Kadyrov’s nephew Hasan Ibrahimov and men from his unit walked up to her, beat up her camera man and then raped her. pic.twitter.com/Ef4RK0zAkK

2023-01-31 12:23:50
Who the ____ am I? @VovaDolbaeb

In case you anyone thought that the assault on the female Russian propogandist, Olga Zenkova, was fake or staged Here is a formal complaint letter about the incident that the Russian network NTV wrote to the Major General in charge of the Russian military's press relations pic.twitter.com/Gg9nTliYQz

2023-02-02 09:29:08
Reporte Ya @ReporteYa

#2Feb #Guerra #Rusia #Ucrania La cadena de televisión rusa NVD denunció oficialmente que su reportera Olga Zenkova fue asaltada sexualmente en la ciudad ocupada de Melitopol, por parte de un grupo de soldados chechenos. pic.twitter.com/vYksyShluV

2023-02-03 06:05:03
TJATTE Hedlund @TjatteHedlund

9GAGGER (Pro-)Russian media channel NTV has reported that one of their female reporters, Olga Zenkova (pictured below), got gang-raped by (fellow Russian) Kadyrovites in Melitopol and her crew got beaten by them as well. 9gag.com/gag/adPgqrV

2023-02-05 17:55:35
かみぱぱ @kamipapa_ro

カディロフ、26歳の甥をチェチェンの副首相に任命 うわぁ…(うわぁ… pic.twitter.com/w1i8fkCXOv

2023-02-02 22:47:14