反日をする英語を話す人No.0 AskAubry @ask_aubryが自分の告白サービスの客集めの為に(政治的意図はゼロ)、慰安婦の悲劇を演出しその際に起こった議論を選び”まとめ”ました。参加者のプロファイリングは解説文に


AskAubry @ask_aubry attracts good people with disguised hate story,

depicting the tragedy of comfort women in order to attract customers for her confession service.
Randomly selected discussions that occurred at that time.
AskAubry hides Japanese tweets (one of the tweeter functions), so people who support AskAubry may not be able to see Japanese counterarguments.(2023/3/11)
If you have any question that your tweet is being used here without permission,Please refer to the Twitter Policy for matters regarding the use of Tweets.
And See blog post here

AskAubry 🦝 @ask_aubry

We will never forget about the force "comfort women" by the Japanese Military. I remember the stories from my grandma about hiding from Japanese soldiers during their "recruitment". pic.twitter.com/D316vB5hCH

2023-03-10 04:51:55

the first She hide inconvenient tweets

She was the first to hide the two@tweets below, so other people couldn't see these.

Mack Ramseyer , not the Prof. at Harvard Univ. @LAktwndOzCaWxNd

@ask_aubry It's just how u feel after your watching a movie. a different movie, u be moved by a different thing Famous comfort women movie Greece under German and Italian occupation during WW2 It will deliver 12comfort women to several units near the Albanian border. Ride in an old truck.. pic.twitter.com/I9NAT63NMe

2023-03-10 14:39:37
Mack Ramseyer , not the Prof. at Harvard Univ. @LAktwndOzCaWxNd

@ask_aubry Choose your favorite from the grandmother's 20 testimonies, although varied by time and place. pic.twitter.com/uQQw6AdTxJ

2023-03-10 16:37:16
Mack Ramseyer , not the Prof. at Harvard Univ. @LAktwndOzCaWxNd

``King's ears are donkey ears'' Confession agency service inspired by Aesop's fairy tale is a unique business I think it is illegal to gather people to stage the tragedy of the comfort women. The tragedy is a manipulated FAKE. you are you are spreading hate. pic.twitter.com/W66izdmC9e

2023-03-11 23:24:05

promotes her business, soliciting opinions

In Japan, it was a crime to "like" someone who incites hate.

ConfessToAubry @ConfessToAubry

@imnotaweebbro @JustCindyX @Kpox27RIPLilBro Thanks for following! If you have a confession of your own, you can submit it on the website: Confessions.cc/confess

2023-01-04 14:23:55
Samantha Burns but SUPER gay 🌈 @CheeseCakeChik

@ask_aubry It’s disappointing yet unsurprising given the reluctance of Japan’s government to actually own up and acknowledge the extent of atrocities committed before and during WWII. Even to this day, they will acknowledge as little as they can.

2023-03-10 23:02:15
Fandom In-Joke @JaydenHouchen

@ask_aubry I had anxiety induced nausea most of the night after reading about Nanking alone. War is hell, and the ways in which it’s hell aren’t as limited as some want to believe

2023-03-10 04:57:48
Henri Hart - Querying 'Corner House' @HenriHartWrites

@ask_aubry One of the worst things I've ever read of in war is the sexual slavery of women and children. I have OCD and the intrusive thoughts live in my head permanently. The idea that soldiers felt this was just their due, like rations. Like equipment. Sickening.

2023-03-10 05:16:21
Paul Wilson @Blacklib1978

@ask_aubry I always thought that comfort women from that time were CHI not Korean … not that it really matters …

2023-03-10 06:07:13
Katherine Wertheim @KathWertheim

@ask_aubry Quick question: Do the Japanese admit or deny this? Because I’ve discovered that Polish people heavily deny any complicity in the Holocaust. I’m wondering how many countries deny complicity.

2023-03-10 06:10:20
The Wanderer @wanderingpaths1

@ask_aubry Maya Angelou wrote these words. ‘A girl child ain’t safe in a family of men.’ Extend that to the world.

2023-03-10 07:03:54
Duncan the Golden Retriever @duncangoldenpup

@ask_aubry I never understand why people think Japan was just an innocent little country fighting against foreign oppressors, when they committed such unspeakable atrocities. Now that I think about it, it’s kinda like how weirdos here think the same thing about the confederacy.

2023-03-10 07:26:24
Kanan Jarrus (ok no, not really a Jedi) @Kanan_Jarrus_

@ask_aubry This type of post may well attract attention from Japanese nationalists who will deny any wrongdoing of any kind during World War II. Esp if certain Chinese cities or war-crimey Japanese military units consisting of prime numbers come up. Yes I’m being deliberately vague.

2023-03-10 07:31:59
Kimberly McKeever @KimberlyMcKeeve

@ask_aubry Surviving Korean "comfort women" have been spending their days outside of the Japanese embassy in Korea. Every day, all day.

2023-03-10 10:42:52
南京の渋多勘八(プロテスティア) @CpgUwAUTee4DPoa

@GrIdolArchivist I think you can still experience it, too, if you go to Korea or Bangkok, for example. And we think you don't have to be a Japanese soldier to enjoy it.

2023-03-10 14:08:20
Mandy @mandy_harker

@ask_aubry I remember how sick I felt when I read about "comfort women". The Japanese military did a lot of repulsive things in WWII but the sanctioned sexual abuse was the worst.

2023-03-10 16:03:55
kakitubata @kakitubata14

@CpgUwAUTee4DPoa @GrIdolArchivist It's a common misconception, but I think they confuse wartime sex crimes with fixed-term contracts that require the consent of the individual.

2023-03-10 17:23:34
LION @Nausicaa4_

@ask_aubry One truth prevailed. The truth is that "Comfort women were Wartime sex workers with contracts, not sex slaves". Facts and painstaking scholarly work helped Prof Ramseyer overcome ignorance and hate to overturn a popular fiction on the comfort women debate. japan-forward.com/harvard-profes…

2023-03-10 20:13:31

Who are denialists

While hiding inconvenient tweets, take a good look at denialists don't admit the existence of comfort women.

AskAubry 🦝 @ask_aubry

If you want to see how the denialist propaganda works, check out the replies under the comments. It's eye opening.

2023-03-10 22:15:45