ヤマザキコレ先生のTVアニメ『魔法使いの嫁 SEASON2』(まほよめ)実況ツイートまとめ

原作者のヤマザキコレ先生によるTVアニメ『魔法使いの嫁 Season2』実況ツイートのまとめです。 (随時更新予定) 途中から見始めた方やリピート視聴などのお供に。 ▼原作『魔法使いの嫁』公式サイト http://magus-bride.jp/ ▼TVアニメ『魔法使いの嫁 SEASON2』公式サイト http://mahoyome.jp/
前へ 1 ・・ 8 9
アニメ「魔法使いの嫁」公式 @mahoyomeproject

#Untoldfacts ✎ The author doesn't know much about cars at all, so I asked Mr. Shinpuku, the editor, ""What kind of car is Simon likely to drive...?"" by Kore Yamazaki pic.twitter.com/43XP0jSh3G

2023-05-11 23:10:00
アニメ「魔法使いの嫁」公式 @mahoyomeproject

#Untold facts ✎ About the driver's license in the UK, you can get a provisional license without going to a school, and you can practice on the road if you bring a person with a driver's license with you. In the manga, there is Simon's line based on this. by Kore Yamazaki pic.twitter.com/naw8bGyPDb

2023-05-11 23:11:00
アニメ「魔法使いの嫁」公式 @mahoyomeproject

#Untoldfacts ✎ During this period, Joseph becomes uncertain about his original purpose. He is constantly remembering and forgetting, so at this time he is thinking, ""I want to make a good Chimera."" He doesn't even remember how he started making chimeras. by Kore Yamazaki pic.twitter.com/1qcRBjwlqL

2023-05-11 23:17:00

▼#07 Slow and sure.Ⅰ

アニメ「魔法使いの嫁」公式 @mahoyomeproject

/ 「#魔法使いの嫁 SEASON2」 第❼話『Slow and sure.Ⅰ』予告映像公開📢 \ 【放送/配信情報】 📺TOKYO MX 📅5/18(木)22:00~ 他 📺Prime Video、Lemino 📅5/18(木)23:00~ 👇高画質版はこちらから youtu.be/u_KXLe5dfKQ #まほよめ pic.twitter.com/wqYJwKF9O7

2023-05-15 00:00:01
前へ 1 ・・ 8 9