【名探偵コナン黒鉄の魚影】アニメ監督 立川譲氏個人アカ(usagi_rakuda)に寄せられた攻撃の一部(2)(記録用)

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Cappuccion(: @Bluemoo478201

@usagi_rakuda 艹原来你就是那个二逼导演,你简直是粪坑里狗都不吃的屎能导出这么烂的剧情,这电影堪比你屁沟里的屎加上你嘴里吃的鼻嘎一样恶心,听说你还喜欢三那就让你老婆多找几个垃圾桶里的男人跟你共享吧😊😊😊

2023-04-16 14:43:16
jinxing @jinxing31824814

@Seavus_Uzi @usagi_rakuda 没人逼你这狗看,不喜欢滚回你的狗窝去

2023-04-16 21:44:39
ff cheng @ffcheng569232

@I2nwTSbnic43987 @usagi_rakuda 🤔🤔🤔我是消费者凭什么不能骂,不会是因为你胆子小不敢说吧😄

2023-04-16 21:55:17
Delicate17 @A7zDs

@usagi_rakuda 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

2023-04-17 06:30:32
Shera @Shera_ilove

@jinxing31824814 @nVB3ZR4Nr6a1GWX @usagi_rakuda 尊重是互相的,是他先不尊重读者在先,从之前平次摸红叶胸部就开始了,青山刚昌想不出好东西画了就只会打擦边球

2023-04-17 09:32:45
Shera @Shera_ilove

@usagi_rakuda @conan_movie Ran is the only one who doesn't know what’s happening, that is so unfair 🥲All people surrounded lie to her to ‘protect’ her. I’m sure every woman will go mad if we know there is a beautiful woman who know the secret of our boyfriends that we don’t in such a long time.

2023-04-17 09:43:20
Shera @Shera_ilove

@usagi_rakuda @conan_movie Not to mention the women even has romantic fantasies about my boyfriend.

2023-04-17 09:46:30
Shera @Shera_ilove

@usagi_rakuda @conan_movie and kissed my boyfriend when both me and my boyfriend don’t know. (don't tell me that's an artificial respiration. An aritificial respiration doesn’t need to be ‘returned’)

2023-04-17 09:50:40

@usagi_rakuda 人工呼吸このプロットは新一と小蘭を傷つけました! ! !そしてあなたは泥棒です!あなたはコピーです! pic.twitter.com/bXkXZjFQXv

2023-04-17 11:28:28
Fang QC @Fang_QC

@liukk6495921001 @conan_movie @conan_movie @usagi_rakuda come and look what you have done to all the fans that really love Conan. So heartbroken.

2023-04-17 13:25:51
under the tree @TTKYANdz

@usagi_rakuda あのシーンでは哀ちゃんがあんな何回も軽率に(?)人工呼吸した上。そうメロドラマのような音楽であの演出は悪趣味って…🤮🤮

2023-04-17 17:41:23
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